I greet you in the name of JESUS CHRIST, the name Angels had given him before he had been conceived, which in Greek means the “Lord Saves” and as the prophecy of long ago “The Virgin will be with child and give birth to a son, and they will call him “Immanuel”, which means ”God with us”.Matt1v23

To understand the above, you need to trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. 

The reason for this section, is to teach you why the name "JESUS CHRIST" is the name above all names & there is no other name through which we can enter into the Most Holy of Holy places where GOD is.!

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy “ONE” is understanding, the Word tells us : “The Lord brought me forth (this refers to CHRIST),as the first of his works, before His deeds of old; I was appointed from eternity, from the beginning, before the world began.

What is the meaning of all this? 

Firstly: we need to understand the full meaning of the name "JESUS CHRIST"  ie: What does "JESUS" represent and what does "CHRIST" represent.
Secondly: Why the order of His Name is changed around at times ie: "JESUS CHRIST" or "CHRIST JESUS" - see my post of Nov2016 for futher understanding

Jesus represents the “carnal man” born into sin, however had no sin! and needed to fulfill the entire laws of Moses & the prophets as a “carnal man”, in order for the prophecies to be fulfilled!

This also had to take place in order for the “OLD Covenant and laws of Moses & the prophets” to be replaced with the “NEW Covenant” Through "CHRIST JESUS".

As "JESUS" represented the “carnal man”, in the same way "CHRIST" represents “Deity”.

This is why the full name “JESUS CHRIST” represents “JESUS is LORD who SAVES” and "CHRIST" represents “GOD WITH US”. 

The carnal man JESUS died on the cross for our sins and was resurrected as “CHRIST” for our SALVATION and to redeem us from the “CURSE” of the “LAW” (Which is the Law of the Moses & the prophets), for everyone who follows the “LAW” is under a “CURSE”Gal 3vs10to14.

Why is there a curse? The reason for the curse is that the former regulation is set aside because it was weak and useless19(for the law made nothing perfect), and a better hope is introduced, by which we draw near to God.Heb7v18,19 (That is through Christ Jesus)

The reason for the above, is that JESUS as carnal man had fulfilled the entire law (Old Laws of Moses & the prophets). 

By fulfilling the entire law, JESUS who is the CHRIST had brought us the NEW law, which is the “LAW of CHRIST” Gal 6v2, thus we are now, all under “CHRIST'S LAW”1Cor9vs21, which is the “ROYAL” law found in the scriptures...! James2v8.

In fact the ministry JESUS has received is as superior to theirs as the covenant of which he is mediator is superior to the old one, since the new covenant is established on better promises. Heb 8v6.

If we then return to follow the “OLD” laws which was based on works, we DO NOT accept GOD’s salvation plan for mankind through JESUS CHRIST, who has brought us the free gift of SALVATION through GRACE. This then results in the “CURSE” spoken about in Gal 3vs10to14.

CHRIST Deity, has risen from the dead and is sitting at the right hand of God, through him all was made. 

He is the WORD of God, who was there in the beginning. For in the beginning was the WORD and the WORD was with GOD and the WORD is GOD. John1vs1

Once you understand the above, you will see why the Name “JESUS CHRIST” represents, SALVATION for all mankind, and is above all names known to mankind. 

Nobody can go to GOD our Father, unless they go through the Son who is “JESUS CHRIST”.

For only “CHRIST JESUS” has entered the most Holy of Holy places, not through the blood of animals but with His own blood shed on the cross, which was the final sacrifice once and for all mankind.!

This is why the WORD of GOD, “THE BIBLE” tells us Acts 2v36: ..GOD has made this JESUS, whom you crucified, both “LORD and CHRIST”. 
Furthermore, everyone who believes that JESUS is the CHRIST, is born of GOD. 1John5v1.

The reason I am teaching you this is that we are being deceived by fine sounding arguments of different names, which people claim to be “JESUS CHRIST”.

Interestingly these names only refer to a “Jesus”, which by a long-shot, only represents the “carnal man” and not the promise of salvation to mankind. 

The name “Jesus” Without the “CHRIST”, neglects to acknowledge the “DEITY” of CHRIST. ! 

Now, Just like “ABRAM” and “ABRAHAM” = Once the promise of GOD has been fulfilled a “name change” occurred!

Islam claim they are descendants of Ismail the son of “ABRAHAM”, this is a “Half-truth” and not true!, Ismail was born from when “ABRAM” tried in the “flesh/carnal nature” to bring GOD’s promise into being. 
This Ismail was born from the servant girl Hagar and GOD made it very clear to “ABRAM” this was not the covenant child He (GOD) has promised.

Thus God did not accept the son of “ABRAM”, however when Sarai, ABRAM’s wife conceived the child Isaac,( which was God’s promised plan), God said to both of them, from now on Sarai will be called SARAH and ABRAM will be called ABRAHAM, which represents GOD’s promise for mankind & “ABRAHAM” to be called father of all nations.

Here the wisdom & understanding of God through the Spirit of God comes in, the man of understanding will understand fully what the above means, the man who tries to work things out in his carnal mindset and logic, will not understand this.!

You need to understand the name “JESUS CHRIST” cannot be separated from each other, as this represents the fullness of GOD’s Salvation plan for all mankind. In the same way the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are ONE!

Understand this, when you hear of names like "YEHOSHUA", YESHUA, JOSHUA, JESHUA ,etc,do not be deceived, these names DO NOT represent the DEITY of "CHRIST JESUS", but only represents a carnal man believed to be “JESUS”, however because it does not acknowledge the DEITY of CHRIST!. any such names believed to represent Jesus, does not in any way represent "JESUS CHRIST" our SAVIOR!

When you research these names and find their origins, you will find they actually represent Joshua son of NUN & some other, however the first places the name of “YESHUA” appeared or was inscribed, was on Jewish magical incantation bowls.! 
So, in actual fact these names represent the "god's" the early Jews magicians had Worshipped and IDOLISED! 

Understand this, NONE of these "fine sounding" names represent   "JESUS CHRIST" SON of GOD! Do not be deceived!!

This is why the Word of God warn us about being destroyed from lack of knowledge!
It is important to note that GOD in His Unlimited Wisdom, has provided for His Word to be translated into each and every mother tongue, in order that all mankind are able to read and understand His Word in their own language, which they are able to understand/comprehend fully.!

The reason for this, we then cannot be deceived by fine sounding arguments in a Language we cannot understand, or know nothing about!.

For when we do not understand the full meaning of the text and rely on “Hear Say” about the meanings of these foreign languages or words, we can easily be deceived, and will not even know we are being deceived unless we research it for ourselves in a language we fully understand/comprehend.

Always remember, no matter how much people explain to you, with regards to a foreign language and or meanings of certain words, the real  “TRUTH” however is written in the language you understand and comprehend, when in doubt, research yourself!, DO NOT take everything anybody says at “Face Value”!.

To “Guard your Heart” means to allow the “Spirit of GOD” to guide you and not to listen to cleverly invented stories/words of man!. 

To find the “TRUTH”, begins by questioning your own belief system ie: Where does it come from, is it a religious point of view, is it something you read or heard, or is it directly from the Word of GOD?, 

The first signs for your to recognize the TRUTH from a LIE, ie: if you need to justify your views and feel the need to protect your views, these are signs not associated with the SPIRIT of GOD and should be an indicator for you to question your own belief system, not that of others.

For where the SPIRIT of GOD is, there the fruit of the spirit is, there is no conflict and is only in agreement with the TRUTH! This is why CHRIST said the TRUTH will set you free!

The only “TRUTH” is found in GOD’s Word the BIBLE,(Specifically translated into your own language!) for the Word of God is living and active, sharper than any double -edged sword, it penetrates even dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. Heb 4v1.
In closing of this chapter, 
19 This is how we know that we belong to the truth and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence: 20 If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything. 21 Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God22 and receive from him anything we ask, because we keep his commands and do what pleases him. 23 And this is his command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as he commanded us. 24 The one who keeps God’s commands lives in him, and he in them. And this is how we know that he lives in us: We know it by the Spirit he gave us.1John3vs21,24

….PART 3, to follow…….


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