"All Scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in Righteousness. So that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." Once understood, you will open your heart and mind to the "Message" contained in the Scripture and not be deceived by "fine Sounding religious arguments, about translations, religious dogma and manmade rules & regulations. To fully comprehend the Holy Spirit inspired Word of God, a believer needs to look intently into the "message" and not just read the words. You need to read for yourself that which is written & rely on the Holy Spirit of God to  Guide you. 

Below you will find daily messages, to fully understand what I have said above , don't just read the messages, take the time, open you Bible and read for yourself that which is written. What message do you get?What has the Lord taught you today? The Word of  God is living and no matter the date & time a message has been recorded, it is new everyday!! The enitre Scripture when read is Living Word and applicable to our everyday lives.

Day598 of lockdown Romans5vs1to11…. "PEACE & JOY"....  Do not be deceived by your carnal nature, which is based on emotions & senses!! Standing firm in faith we are justified through faith!!,we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ through whom we have gained access by faith into this Grace in which we now stand. PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO WHAT FOLLOWS!;

1.And we rejoice in hope of the Glory of God;

2.Not only so,but we also rejoice in our suffering,BECAUSE we know that suffering produces perseverence; perseverence produces character and character hope!! How powerful is this??!!!! HOPE does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His Love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us!! Do you see what happens when you have faith??....You will have peace, you will have joy & you know God is in control and you put all your Hope in Him & the promises in His Word!! If you fear the future or you fear your circumstances, you are powerless!!!, However, we have been reconciled to God through our Lord Jesus Christ & can rejoice in God for we are unaffected by the fearmongering  of men, for our hope is in God!!........


Day599 of lockdown;Jude1vs17to25… "A Call to Persevere!The Word of God warns us about "scoffers who will follow their own ungodly evil desires."Men who divide you and follow mere natural instincts and so not have the Spirit". The deceitfulness of the world will always "entice" people to follow their ungodlyways!! The world will relate "blessings" to money or financial gain;the world will threaten your liberty;they will invent creative ways to install fear in your heart;they will control by "fearmongering" & divide people! HOWEVER, only those who follow their own ungodly desires & mere natural instincts, will be deceived by these "scoffers" & they themselves will also become "scoffers",grumbles and fault finders & boast about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage!(vs16).Be very careful, for the Word of God warns "the blackest darkness is reserved for them!! Those who live by the Spirit, cannot be deceived!!!!,they have faith in the Jesus Christ, who has freed us from our sins by his blood! He has set us free from our infirmities & through His Blood we are healed!! Nothing the world has to offer is more powerful than the Blood of Jesus Christ!!!...DO NOT be deceived!!!!...


Day600 of lockdown;Ezekiel3vs16to27…       " The seriousness of the WARNING in God's Word"!!!!!!!This message is a clear WARNING to believers or people claiming to be children of God!!The Word of God is very clear, we are appointed as watchmen to warn people against the evil which is in the world! When we see things taking place, which deceitfully go against God's Word, we need to sound the "trumpet" we need to warn people of the dangers & share with them the Truth in God's Word!!! We see in the World today people, are threatened with their liberty, people are following the fearmongering of the world,they are being deceived and enticed to follow the solutions of the world, to such an extent they themselves turn against their loved ones,family & friends, in their quest to run after the luxuries of the world! They are blinded by empty promises and controlled by lockdowns  following the ways of Balam!!The Word of God teaches us "Through the Blood of Jesus Christ we are healed & set free from our infirmities" Yet the world is teaching, our "God given immunity" is not sufficient!!, they threaten & entice people to take their solution (jab) & reject God's Word & Promises!! The WARNING is clear to the children of God; If you follow these ways, and "promote" these ways,your are going to be held accountable for the blood of those who die because you as a watchman have not warned them about the immanent dangers!,You refuse to see the truth and don't take the time and effort to research for yourself how people ate dying in the world, you listen to the lies & deception, run after the empty promises of the world,you love & fear the things of the world more than you love & have reverent fear of the Lord!!There are millions of watchmen warning against the things taking place in the world today, yet people don't listen!! The message is clear, those who do not listen will be held accountable before God!!, for their own blood & the blood of those who have died because they did not speak up against the dangers of following the wicked fearmongering of the worldly authorities!!...The "right thing to do", is to warn people,warn parents about this being done to their children!!; to be a watchman & to sound the trumpet!! If people don't listen, you have been vindicated & will not be held accountable for their blood!! For you followed the WARNING from God, which is written in His Word!!!......


Day602 of lockdown;Luke9vs23to27…Let's not be deceived by fine sounding arguments of the world!!People are deceived by the notion of being "selfless" & "doing the right thing" in order to "protect" themselves & others!! How "foolish" are those who believe this?? Let's for a moment put this into perspective!;

1.When you drive in a car, you actually put on the safety belt to protect those people who are at home?!

2.You live a healthy life, go to gym and do all these things because you want to protect others around you?!

3.You take medication, whether legal or illegal, to protect those around you, in order for them to be able to travel and go to sporting events & have freedom of movement??!

4.You blame others for your fears,because they are to "blame" for the restrictions on your life, seeing that you have followed the deception of the world?!

Do you see how the "deceitful" & "foolish" these arguments are? There is no "selfless" acts here!! All the above is a clear example of "Selfishness", people do not want to deny themselves the 'freedom of movement", they are not prepared to follow the Word of God & Trust in the Blood of Christ through which we are healed & which sets us free from our infirmities!! The Word of God is very clear about this!!;"If anyone would come after Me,he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me!!.For whoever wants to save his life will lose it,but whoever loses His life for me will save it!!" Understanding the above words & the words to follow; "What good is it for a man to gain the world,yet lose or forfeit his very self??..Why did Jesus say these words?Why did He warn His disciples?;This was to warn his disciples not to follow the deception of the world, it was for them to remain faithful to Christ, knowing they would be persecuted!! Jesus was warning them not to hold on to their earthly possessions, because these things will be used to deceive them and in the process lose themselves & their rights, which God has given them through Christ Jesus!!.It will be taken away by the world & then the world will decide what they will do, when they will do it!! Be very aware of the deception, for those who run after the deception of the world, think they are going to be safe in their own lives & they will contribute to the safety of the lives of others, etc!; The Word of God warns, these are the people who are not willing to deny themselves the promises of the freedom of the world & once they have gained this "perceived" freedom of the world, they in actual fact have denied Christ!!.....If you think this is taken out of context, think again!! & see how people are losing & forfeiting their lives in Austria & Australia because they have decided to follow the fearmongering of the world, not realizing they are now going to be controlled by the very thing they feared!!!…..


Day603 of lockdown; Luke 7vs1to10.."The faith of the Centurion".We have heard about this, however not everyone understands what took place!.The Centurion was a very powerful man (in human terms & position), however when it came to Spiritual matter he knew his "borrowed" power of his position meant nothing!!! He understood exactly where his "powers" end!!!Instead of bring arrogant & demanding respect because of his "position", he humbled himself before the Authority of God found in Jesus Christ, & insisted that Jesus not come into his house,because he felt unworthy! "LORD don't trouble yourself,for I do not deserve to have you come under my roof". The secret to the "spiritual understanding" of the Centurion is revealed by the words  the Centurion spoke next; " I myself am a man "UNDER" authority with soldiers under me.I tell this one "Go", and ge goes;and that one 'come' & he comes.I say to my servant ,'Do this' and he does it". The Centurion knew exactly the "power of authority" UNDER which he served.!! This understanding of "authority" made him realise that the Authority of Jesus Christ is the Highest Authority directly from God & now his " authority" as Centurion means nothing & he needs to humble himself & submit to the Highest Authority found in Christ Jesus!. Today, understand in your own strength you are helpless & useless!!& whichever position you have in society is worthless & cannot stand in the presence of God's authority!!! Understand that the believers in Christ Jesus are UNDER the Authority of God which is found in Christ Jesus & God will command His Angel's concerning those who remain faithful & are UNDER His Authority!!! No matter the fearmongering of the world, no matter their evil intent, the children of God stand UNDER God's Authority and no powers of the world or in the Spiritual realms are able to harm those UNDER God's Authority!! Spiritual laws are "non negotiable" and those who even attempt to arrogantly enforce their authority & "borrowed power", will only find themselves facing the full Wrath of God!!! Today, let all Children of God & the believers who stand UNDER God's Authority take your stand and rebuke the evil fearmongering of the worldly powers!!!!!........ 


Day604 of lockdown; Exodus23vs20to33 …..Yesterday,we spoke about the Centurion & the understanding of a man UNDER authority…….Let us today elaborate what this means to the believing child of God; When we are UNDER the Authority of God, He Promises the following;

1.I am sending an Angel ahead of you to guard you along the way….

2.I will be an enemy to your enemies and oppose those who oppose you….

3.Worship the Lord your God & His Blessings will be on your food & water…..

4.I will take away your sickness…..

5.I will give you a full lifespan…..

6.I will send terror ahead of you and throw into confusion every nation you encounter…..

7.I will make your enemies turn their backs and run….

8.I will send hornets ahead of you to drive out your enemies…..

9.Little by little I will drive them out before you….

The message is clear; Do not "mess" with a believing child of God!! No matter the "power & authority" organizations think they have or UNDER which they stand,and they  think they have the power & authority of the world to control people through fearmongering!! Understand this; Little by little God will drive you out, as you think you are gaining momentum, God protects those UNDER His Authority.!! Let's understand this, the person to fear is not the "governments or organizations" of the world; It is the believer,the child of God who is UNDER God's Authority!!!...Today, Walk UNDER the Authority of God and be witness to His Promises!!!..


Day605 of lockdown;Proverbs24vs10to12… There is an evil in the world today,which has blinded mankind; We are living in times of trouble, where the Truth is made our to be a "lie", or" fake news" or even "conspiracy",whereas the "evil" & "fearmongering" is made our to be the truth and the right thing to do!! Those who's remain faithful & trust in God, are unaffected by the lies, for they know where their Strength comes from!Those who are led astray by fearmongering are staggering toward their own demise!Here's the thing, there will come a day when all will be revealed & on that day,those who did not have faith to trust in God and acknowledge their strength come from Him, cannot say "But we knew nothing about this" for God knows the your heart & will reveal the Truth behind the decision people make!, the running after the things of the world, the fear of not being able to travel,the fear of not being able to shop or go to sporting events,the fear of losing your job,the fear of your liberty being taken away!.....Now, do you understand today's message??? "If you falter in times of trouble how small is your strength". You may "justify" it as much as you want & it could sound very "convincing & justifiable" in the eyes of men,you may fool yourself & men, with fine sounding arguments!,however you cannot fool God!!! For the Word of God states "Does not He who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it???......

Day606 of lockdown;Mark6vs7to12…. When Jesus sent out the 12 Apostles with the message of salvation, He instructed them to "take nothing for the journey".... Interestingly they did not question the instruction,they fully followed Jesus' instruction in faith,knowing the Father will supply all their needs!! Pay special attention to the words which follow;"And if any place( meaning the people) will not welcome you or listen to you,shake the dust off your feet when you leave, as a testimony against them."!... Many people are in the "habit" to "Bible slap" others,they get involved in "useless" arguments about religion,interpretations & belief systems,etc. The instructions  is clear, spread the word of salvation, preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the forgiveness of sins through repentance. They focussed on driving out demons & anointing the sick with oil!! The instruction was to remain focused on the message of repentance & to ignore those who refuse to listen to the message !! Why was this so important?Why was this instruction given? For Jesus knew the message of salvation would be accepted by some and be rejected by others! He also knew the stubbornness of mankind & those who do not listen, will not listen!, No matter the amount of Truth is shared, people will still not listen!.However, the twelve needed not to be burdened with the rejection, for the Word says;"Shake the dust off your feet when you leave,as a testimony against them!" What a dreadful thing for those who do not listen, for their arrogant refusal to listen to the message of Truth, will in the end be a testimony against themselves!!!........


Day607 of lockdown;Luke18vs1to8…."When the Son of man comes,will He find faith on earth?" How many people "practice what they preach?" People are so consumed by their carnal nature & circumstances,they do not realise how "unfaithful" they are! They will say things like;" I have prayed & prayed,nothing has changed!!."People have the "mindset" that when they pray things need to happen immediately!, not understanding that the immediate things that are to change,are their attitude,their mindset  & their belief system!,they need to remain faithful & Praise God always!!!You cannot pray & then "give up" because it does not "happen" the way you expected it to happen!! No, you need to be persistent in prayer with Thanksgiving & contentment  in your heart!! You need to keep faith & know the Lord has heard you and He will see that you get justice & quickly.!! THE QUICKER YOU REALISE THIS,THE QUICKER GOD WILL ANSWER!! Never "Nullify" your prayer requests by being impatient, for this is a sign that you do not have faith & this is why Jesus asked the question; "..When the Son of Man comes,will he find faith on earth?".........


Day608 of lockdown;1Corinthians18 onwards…. "Christ the Wisdom and Power of God"; Let's understand this!!; The wisdom of the world is all limited to the ability of the human mindset/wisdom!! People in authority, governments,political parties,the rich & famous,organizations,science,etc. All of the above have a " perceived sense of authority" however do not realise they are limited to the "carnal man"!! Thier power & authority ends,at the Cross of Christ & it's power !!! All the "authority" they think they have,is nullified through the Blood of Christ!! They think it foolishness of a Child of God,a believer who has faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, those who believe through the Blood of Christ we are healed & set free from our infirmities!! What they do not realize, any wisdom of man is "reactive" they will "react" to things they see and try and provide a solution, not realizing, by the time they have "come up" with a solution, another "wave" another "variant" & another "challenge'' appears!!! How foolish to even think their human wisdom can predict the future or what is to come,unless they have planned it themselves & through fearmongering make people believe they are wise!! Let's understand vs 19; God says " I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate!!". We see this throughout the world,as fearmongering is spread through the media & plans are set in place to deceive people, things are not working out as planned!! The more the wisdom of the world is spread the more the Glory of God is revealed!!! These "authorities" do not understand that faith is "pro active",a child of God is under God's Authority & they have no authority over the believing children of God!!Everything they plan,all the wisdom of the world stops at the Cross of Christ & those who have faith in the Blood if Christ!! That's it!!!,that settles it!!!, Now just like Paul, we ask "Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar?Where is the Philosopher of this age? GOD has made foolish the wisdom of the world & no scientist,no government,or authority can present any solution to the pandemic in the world!!! Only through the Blood of Christ are we set free!!!!, "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God!!!" Do not be deceived by fine sounding arguments & fearmongering!!!.........


Day609 of lockdown;Psalm91….Let's put this into perspective!!!  Who are the ones to be feared? Who are the people with the highest authority on earth & in the spiritual realms???.. It is those who say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God,in whom I trust!".  Please read this again,until you understand it!!!! Whoever thinks they have power & authority,who through deception spread fearmongering!!! Let them understand what Psalm91 says,let them understand the WARNING & DANGERS awaiting them!!!!, when they attempt to harm a child of God who dwells in the shelter of the Most High!!! Everything the Word of God states; He will protect the believer from!, will come upon those who ignore the WARNINGS in this Psalm!!!!Understand this;Nothing in the world can harm the children of God, for we stand under the Authority & Protection of God.We need not fear the World or anything of the world, however the World need to fear the believers the Children of God,for His children rest in the shadow of the Almighty!!! Because of promisrs in God's Word, we walk in faith & rebuke the devil & he will flee from us!!.....


Day610 of lockdown;Ephesians 6vs10to12..; "The Armor of God"..Part 1… People do not realise the Word of God "commands" the believers & the children of God: "To be strong in the Lord and His Mighty Power"! This is not a request,this is a "Command"!! It states clearly "so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes… Then the Word of God explains what is meant by this; " For our struggle is not against flesh & blood, but against the rulers,against the authorities, against the powers of this "dark world" and against the "Spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly" realms.!!!! Do not be deceived, do not be blind,for the Word of God is specific & clear!!! The Word of God teaches us to "Identify" the devil's schemes, for he is the father of all lies,he has been a liar since the beginning and there is no Truth found in him!! Considering the Words written in God's Word,let us take a moment & analyze that which is taking place in the world today!;

1.It was said that the  lockdown will only be for a few weeks……

2.It was said people will not be restricted…..

3.It was said if people would adhere to the restriction the economy will be opened & life will return to normal….

4.It was said if people take the v a c they it will protect them & they will be able to travel ; their movements will not be restricted….

5.Everything is geared around fearmongering & empty promises, all lies, all is deceptuin from the pits of hell!.

6.M R n A  n a n o technology is disguised as a  v a c c I n e, the biggest lie & deception ever!!!

7. The evil intent of the rulers, the authorities and the powers of this dark world, is disguised as "The right thing to do", "The only way to protect yourself & your family"...

8.The fearmongering & threats of taking away your God given freedom,is used to restrict your movement….

9.All truth which exposes the above,is made our to be " fake news", "Conspiracy", & "Not Scientifically proven", however all the science is there all the truth is there,however is hidden from mainstream media!!

Do you see the deception?, do you see how the lies & fearmongering of the devil's schemes are made out to be the truth & how the "Real Truth" is made out to be lies.!  This is the reason God's Word warns against the devil's schemes,this is why The Word of God "Commands" us to be strong in the Lord & His Mighty Power!! FOR the minute we put on the "Armor" of God,we are under His Authority & we are protected against these evil schemes, overtaking the world!! Our eyes are opened & we take a stand against the devil's schemes!!! If you allow yourself to be influenced by the fearmongering & the deception!!.You are in direct conflict to God's Commands  written in His Word!!, you're blinded by the fine sounding arguments & supporting the devil's schemes!! DO NOT BE DECEIVED!!, for you  know what the Lord says will happen to those who do not follow His commands & run after the things of the world!! This is not something I have "made up", this is written in the Word of God & those who are strong in the Lords & His mighty Power will recognize the Truth from the lies.!!!!Do not be deceived by fine sounding arguments stand firm in faith & know you are under God's Authority!!!!........


Day611 of lockdown; Ephesians6vs13to19..Part 2...The believers Authority through the Armor of God!. The time has come for the children of God to stand firm in faith, to accept their responsibility of being clothed with the Armor of God!! The reason the world install fear in mankind,through fearmongering, is because the believers are not doing what the Word of God has commanded them to do!!!You either walk in the  reverent fear of God,or you walk in the fear of man & submit to the lies & deceit,which through fearmongering is spread throughout the world!!! The day of evil is here, If you do not have faith in God & trust in Him, you will not be able to stand!! For the Word of God commands us to stand firm in faith,with the belt of truth around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness,& with your feet of readiness that comes from the Gospel of peace!! TAKE UP THE SHIELD of FAITH,with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one!!Take up the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God!!Do you see what Authority you have as a believing child of God?!, With the Armor of God, you walk fearlessly throughout life,for when you have followed the command of God to clothe yourself with His Armor, you are identified by the rulers,the authorities & the powers of this dark world & the spiritual forces of evil in the Heavenly realms!They will recognize the Armor of God & will know they will be defeated,they will be rebuked in the name of Jesus Christ,for they have no power over the believers who are under the Authority of God's Armor!!!.....Do not be deceived,through the fearmongering of the world!!God our Creator & Father has given us this Authority,why the do people in fear, bow down to the useless fearmongering & deceit of the world!!!......I ask you today,who do you follow??,who do you bow down to?? The children of God walk fearlessly through these trying times,however those who reject God's commands bow down to fearmongering & believe the deception of the world!!....


Day612 of lockdown;Amos5vs1to17… This message is specific to those who through fearmongering & deceit, enrich themselves & their organizations. Listen carefully what the Word of God says; " For I know how many are your offenses and how great your sins.You oppress the righteous and take bribes and deprive the poor of justice in the courts." DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT IS WRITTEN HERE??? Your evil intentions are seen by God,you have been taking bribes to live the "good life"  you have built yourself "stone mansions" through bribery & corruption!, You oppress the people because of the bribes you have taken & you deprive people justice in courts by having them sign forms to" indemnify " you & the ones you have received the bribes from!! WHO do you think you are?The Word of God is clear, "Hate evil,love good maintain justice in courts" Understand this: " If you keep on trampling on people & keep on forcing them to follow your evil intent. Everything you have built for yourself, God says "you will not  live in them"!! Don't think you have the power and authority, for you have nothing everything you plan will come upon yourself!!!

Day613 of lockdown;Revelation14vs6to13… People of the world have a problem accepting the Truth in God's word.They fear the powers & authorities of the world,more than they fear God!! Temporary pleasures & freedoms are of greater value to them, than the WARNINGS & Promises in God's Word!!! Please understand this the watchmen God have appointed, are "sounding" the trumpets & warning people,however, people are so consumed by the deceit & fearmongering of the World,that they do not realise the very things the Word of God has warned us about are taking place in the World.!!When God says something, it is not a suggestion, it is not something you can "negotiate" about! It is a COMMAND!!!You either listen,& repent in the name of Jesus Christ who is the Righteousness of God, or you will face God's Fury!!! Don't think your fine sounding stories & personal opinions matter!! You may  "do,say & believe"what you want,you may also believe the lies & deceit of the world.You may see all the warnings from the watchmen as  "conspiracy", or "fake" news or whatever your "carnal mind" makes you believe!! Just understand this; if you reject the truth & warnings in God's word, be ready to face God's Fury!!! The Word of God is very clear;  "This calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints who obey God's commandments and remain faithful to Jesus" - If you cannot have faith & trust the Word of God, which confirms through the blood if Jesus we are healed & set free of our infirmities & you run after the fearmongering & solutions of the world, you have rejected God's commands,you have entered into an "agreement" with the world to follow their fears,to follow their "god" to do what they want and to go  where they want you to go or not go !!This is not something to be proud of,this is not something to boast about!!!, for the day will come when you will face God's fury because of your submission to the god of this world who has with deception & fearmongering promised you social freedom & liberty, however has robbed you of your future Glory with God!!!. It is not to late,you may still repent & turn from the deceitful fearmongering, howeverI if you continue to follow & believe the lies & deceit, which is installed through fearmongering, you are consciously rejecting God's commands & will face God's Fury!!!This is what is written whether you believe it or not,doesn't matter!! God has WARNED US, however has given us "free will", however are you ready for the consequences of that which you have chosen?????!........


Day614 of lockdown;John14vs1to3….. "Do not let your hearts be troubled.Trust in God,trust also in Me." ….Why are these Words of Jesus so difficult to undestand???When you run after the deception of the world & are troubled by the fearmongering of the world, you are not Trusting God!! When Christ returns,will he find faith on earth?.......


Day615 of lockdown;Matthew3vs13to17… "A Voice from Heaven"....Part1... Today, realise the "profoundness" of these Words!!!"The moment you realise what took place when Jesus Christ was baptized by John the Baptist, something happened which confirmed God's Salvation plan for mankind & made it possible for sinful man to be reconciled to God!This was the moment God Confirmed in an "audible" voice His Righteousness & His Authority for mankind, through which we will be reconciled to Him!!.We need to understand when God said "This is My Son,Whom I Love; With Him I am Well pleased"; Not only was this "Audible" message for mankind,this was a Spiritual "Command" in the "Spiritual" realms to all the "Spiritual" beings!! When you understand this,you will understand why the Word of God says the "Truth will set you free"!! Let's put this into "perspective", when God Says something, immediately the entire Universe Submit to His Commands! There are many ways through which God "communicates" with mankind ie; In the past through Prophets,through Spiritual Leaders,through Miracles,Sign & Wonders in the Skies, through Creation,through Historical & future events, of which have all been recorded in the Torah & the Gospel of Jesus Christ. THESE BOOKS ARE  contained in the MOST powerful book the BIBLE! When we read the BIBLE, (The Torah which forms part of the Old Testament/Old Covenant & The Gospel of Jesus Christ,which is the New Testament/New Covenant = BIBLE!) Let's Understand, this is called the "Written" Word of God!! The Message contained in the BIBLE is very clear & precise! Religious organizations have over the years translated from the original Hebrew/Latin/Aramic&Greek into every language known to mankind! People  have the perception the BIBLE has errors & has been "corrupted" by translation,this is the biggest deception of all times!!! When you study the BIBLE & allow the Holy Spirit of God to guide you through that which you are reading, you will realise the "Divine Message" contained in the BIBLE, you realise no matter the translation, no matter the version, no matter the perceived errors, the Message has never changed!! Do not be deceived by fine sounding arguments!!! The "words" translated by man "could" have errors however the "MESSAGE" stays the same!! No Man,No Nation,No Government &  No Religion or belief system, are able to change the "MESSAGE" contained in God' Word!! If you believe such things,you need to understand your "belief" system is full of "flaws", for this type of belief system exposes your own "folly", "indirectly" you are saying; "that man is more powerful than God,& that man has the ability to nullify God's written word & because of this you cannot accept the BIBLE as the Written Word of God!!" DO you see how people expose your own "folly"? It only identifies the "god" they believe in does not have the "ability" to protect "his" written word",the "god"they believe in does not have a "divine salvation plan", the "god" they believe in,is not the "Creator of Heaven & Earth".!! Their own belief system, has become their "god" of which is limited to their own carnal mindset.! Their own folly which sounds fine in human terms, cannot fathom the greatness of God's Message to mankind contained in the BIBLE.!! Undestanding this about the BIBLE, will bring the Revelation to what the Message of God is to mankind a Profound message which will be discussed in part 2 which is to follow…….


Day617 of lockdown; Isaiah54vs13to17…. "THE HERITAGE OF THE SERVANTS OF THE LORD"... Today,let the whole world u understand the Words of this Prophecy!!! When God's Word "WARNS" about something, the Believers will have Peace & will be Protected by God as He has Promised! However, there will be calamity & chaos for those who attempt to "attack" the servants of the Lord!!! The Word is clear,the Spiritual Command from God has been given & this is what will happen to the "Tyranny Organizations,the governments of this world who think they are " all mighty & powerful"! Who try and install fear through fearmongering & implementing laws against their citizens!! The Word of God states very clearly; He will protect His servants & the following has been commanded by God concerning His Servants!!

1)Tyranny will be far from you,

2)You will have nothing to fear,

3)Terror will be far removed,

4)If anyone attacks you,they will surrender to you,

5)No weapon forged against you will prevail,

6)You will refute every tongue that accuses you!

UNDERSTAND THIS!!; WHOever tries to attack the servant of the Lord, will be destroyed by the destroyer God will send!! To the Tyranny organizations & government,don't think you are protected by you "position of power" & your "lofty places" of "safety", God can and will protect His servants, whether you believe this or not,the servants of God have nothing to fear!!!....


Day618 of lockdown;Isaiah33vs1to24… "The fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure"..  Let's understand what is meant by this!: vs1 explains it beautifully; "Woe to you,O destroyer,you who have not been destroyed!Woe to you,O traitor you who have not been betrayed!When you stop destroying,you will be destroyed;when you stop betraying you will be betrayed.! " Understand this; In the World there are things happening which are destroying nations,there are traitors in power,betraying the people.!! Through fearmongering they "think" they are achieving their evil plans, however, they do not realise the person who fears the Lord cannot be "threatened" cannot he controlled! They cannot fathom these words;" a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge ;the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure"! ..& because of their arrogance the "Woe's" written about in vs1 will come upon them!!...


Day619 of lockdown;2Chronicles20vs1to3  ….When God says "Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the Battle is not yours but God's"!!!...We need to understand this is the most "dangerous" place for any enemy who stands against the children of God to be!!!!Let's see how the people of Judah arrive at the point,where God intervened & said these Words!.

1.All the people came together to seek help from the Lord.

2.As one nation they humbled themselves before God & put their faith in the Lord,

3.Take note of what they did next…; They did not "fear" the enemy, they did not fear the fearmongering of the enemy vs 9: "if calamity comes upon us whether the sword of judgement or plague or famine,we will stand in your presence….(They remained faithful)

4.& we will cry out to you in our distress,and you will hear us and save us!!(...they reminded God of His Promises!)

DO YOU SEE WHAT TOOK PLACE??? When a nation or a people humble themselves before God,He hears their cries & immediately gives them Peace & this Guarantee; "The battle is not yours,but God's".Let's see how they reacted to these Words;

1.They stood up & praised the Lord ,the God of Israel,with a very loud voice,

2.They appointed men to sing to the Lord and praise him for the splendor of His Holiness as they went ahead of the army,

3.All the time they sang "Give thanks to the Lord,for his love endures forever!!

NOW,look at what happened next!!!!; As they "began" to sing and praise - The Lord set Ambushes for their enemies!!!! TODAY, Let all the children of God Praise & Worship God,for He is the One who is Faithful & Listens to the Prayers of His Children. Let all the believers praise the Lord with a very load voice & face the Worldly authorities, & their fearmongering,with Praise & Worship to the Lord, knowing the Lord is with us & we need not fear, for the battle is His!!!!....Lord we thank you,we Praise Your Holy Name,for You are a Living God who is faithful & True to the Promises in Your Word.We stand in reverent fear of your Commands & do not fear any man or any authority in the World!!!.We thank you in the Name above all Names Christ Jesus for the victory You bring!!!.....


Day620 of lockdown;Revelation19vs11to21… What happens when a believer follows the commands of God?.....When they follow the testimony of Jesus,they acknowledge the Spirit of prophecy, which teaches them to fear God only & to worship God in the Spirit! The believer understands when they put on the "Armor of God" as written in (Ephesians6vs11to20),they are protected by the Word of God,the one who is called Faithful & True, out of His mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down nations!! This Word of God is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!!...The believer does nor need to "march in the street",the believer does not need to follow the ways of the world to get attention,they need not worry about "numbers" in crowds to be noticed! No!, all the believer needs to do is to put on the "Armor of God" for then the Word of God says we become members of the "Army" of God & where the Word of God (Christ) who is Faithful & True rules with an iron scepter,which is the fury of the wrath of God, on those who attempt to "attack" the children of God,those who have been clothed with the "Armour" of God!!! Understand this,a believer in the Word of God,is the most dangerous person a "demon or evil" can come across,for they are protected by the Army of God!!!....


Day621 off lockdown;Romans1vs16to21…… "The righteous will live by faith"! Do not be deceived,do not be "entangled" into the fearmongering of the world!! The Word of God is specific & very clearly states: "For in the Gospel a righteousness from God is revealed!" This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ & those who believe in Him & remain faithful!! If you do not believe in Jesus Christ being the Righteousness from God, you are "classified" as godless,wicked & those who suppress the Truth by their wickedness!! This is not something to boast about,this is not something to ignore; " For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - His eternal power and Divine nature- have been clearly seen,being understood from what has been made,so that men are without excuse!! What are the "invisible" qualities of God?Let's discuss the most obvious the One which is overlooked, it is the "Spirit of Life" God has given every person on earth, who is alive today! Now,if you abuse this Spirit of Life ,God has given you and you use it to install fear in others and submit to the evil of the world and engage in the fearmongering of the world,you are at risk!!!,For the Wrath of God is being revealed! If you do not have faith in God & the blood of Jesus Christ,which clearly states "through the blood of Christ we are healed & set free from our infirmities'', the invisible quality of God is found in our "God given immunity", if you do not see & understand this!, you are at risk,! for The Wrath of God is being revealed!! Do not ignore the Word of God, for it states very clearly, "So that men are without excuse"!! We,have heard the Truth,we have been warned & there is no excuse for those who do not have faith in God's Invisible Qualities found in the righteousness from God,through Jesus Christ our Lord!!!.......


Day622 of lockdown; 2Chronicles35vs20to25    …. "STOP opposing GOD!" Don't think that which is taking place in the world "today",is unique & has not happened before!! There are Historical "Biblical" events written about,which deals with the "nature & arrogance" of authorities & people in power.!!The "physical" events might differ,however the "Spiritual" message stays the same; "STOP opposing GOD!" We see an example of this in today's message! There was a King "Neca" who went up to fight at "Carchemish", then there was another king  Josiah  who did many good things for Judah, however decided to get " involved" in a battle which was not his!When Neco the king of Egypt heard of Josiah marching up against him, he immediately sent message to king Josiah,asking him what quarrel is there between you & me,O king of Judah?He made it very clear to king Josiah that he is not at war with Judah!!, & that God told him "to hurry; so STOP opposing God, who is with me,or he will destroy you!! However, king Josiah would not listen & but disguised himself to engage in a battle which was not his and followed his own arrogant nature!! Well the rest is "History" & his arrogance destroyed him!!....Let's understand the "Spiritual" message,which has "physical" consequences, & relate it to what is taking place in the world & specific in our country.We have an authority "The South African Constitution" which is going into battle against worldly powers & governments, those who are trying to override the "Constitution". Then, here comes along  "big business" getting involved in a "battle" which has nothing to do with them!! They are being warned; "That which they are attempting to do is against the "Constitution", however they are not listening or "turning back",they have "disguised" there "arrogant nature" as a "policy" & are trying to "enforce" it on their staff & later it will become policy for their customers!!!. The "Spiritual" warning has gone out, "STOP with your "arrogance" & turn away from enforcing these policies!! Should you not, understand this,God is with those who are in support of the constitution! The message is clear  "STOP opposing GOD", for there will be physical consequences to your businesses, should you get involved IN this battle of the "Constitution & Government", which is not yours!!.......


Day623 of lockdown; Ephesians3vs14to21...  To everyone reading this message,we pray for Revelation from the Holy Spirit of God, to understand the Love of Christ,which surpasses all knowledg, that you may be filled to the measure of all fullness of God.!.Pay special attention to the promises which follow; "Now to Him who is able to do immeasurable more than "all we ask or imagine", according to His Power that is at work within us,to Him be Glory.." God is at work right now!!& can do more than we "ask or imagine" according to His power!! Don't rely on your own strength! Remain faithful,bring Glory to God & with Thanksgiving in your heart praise and worship God through everything!! Once you learn the secret of praising God through everything, you will experience His Power & His Fullness in your life!!...


Day624 of lockdown;1Peter3vs8to22… Let's take a moment and understand these words "Whoever would love life and see good days must keep His tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech". There is an evil in the world today, which everybody is speaking about & extreme threats and fearmongering through deceitful speech,threatening the freedom of people, which has an impact on everyone in the world!! The mere fact that people are being "separated" and "classified" as "pro" & "anti", with "liberties" & "penalties" being "discussed" & "implemented", confirms this is not from God our Creator, but an evil from the pits of hell!! The Word of God is very clear in this, it states "live in harmony with one another,be sympathetic,love as brothers,be compassionate and humble.Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult,but with blessing,because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing." When people are divided as "pro" & "anti", they become entangled in the evil of the world & engage in deceitful speech against each other.This is not Biblical this is not from God our Creator!! We need to understand every person is Loved by God our Creator & whether they are "pro" or "anti" we need to respect each others choices!!,we need to live in harmony with one another! If you cannot "fathom" this, if you "insult" another because of their personal choices, You are the one with an evil tongue & the one who's lips are filled with deceitful speech!! Instead of spreading the Truth in God's Word, which states the following :"Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good?But even if you should suffer for what is right,you are Blessed. DO NOT FEAR WHAT THEY FEAR,DO NOT BE FRIGHTENED!! But in your heart set apart Christ as Lord!!!" Stand firm in faith and understand the Word of God says "By His(Jesus Christ) wounds we are healed & set free from our infirmities!! DO NOT ARGUE!DO NOT JUSTIFY!,we are commanded "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope that you have.! Our hope is in God & the Blood of Jesus Christ for the Word of God says: "For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears attentive to their prayers",however there is also a clear WARNING to those who cannot keep their tongues from evil & engage in deceitful speech; "But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil".........


Day625 of lockdown;Ephesians6vs9to12….

The Word of God is the Ultimate Authority! Whether you believe this or not! We are seeing the authorities of the word & organisations trying to enslave people,they engage in fearmongering & threaten them!! Do not treat the WARNINGS in God's Word with contempt!! THE WORD OF GOD IS CLEAR!!: "Do not threaten them since you know that HE who is both their Master and YOURS is in Heaven, and there is no favoritism with Him". Don't think it is a coincident for the Words following in vs 10; "Finally,be strong in the Lord and His mighty Power,put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes"!! Children of God, need to be strong in the Lord and His mighty Power!! This is a WARNING to those who try & "master" themselves over the children of God! When a child of God says;"through the Blood of Christ they are healed and set free from their infirmities,or that God is with them,etc.The rulers & authorities & powers of this dark world & all the spiritual forces of evil in the Heavenly realms need to understand the following: "A child of God might seem "weak" in the flesh, however they are Strong in the Lord & His Mighty Power!! All these forces will only find themselves fighting against God!!!.When a believer has clothed themselves with "Armor of God", they become Soldiers in God's Army, of which they are protected by God's Mighty Power!!.....


Day626 of lockdown;JOB 11vs10to20…. Understanding these Words:"If you devote your heart to Him & stretch out your hands to Him,if you put away the sin that is in your hand and allow no evil to dwell in your tent" Then the following will happen;

1.You will lift up your face without shame,

2.You will stand firm and without fear,

3.You will surely forget your trouble,

4.Life will be brighter than noonday,

5.Darkness will become like morning,

6.You will be secure,because there is hope,

7.You will look about you and take rest in safety,

8.You will lie down,with no one to make you afraid & many will court your favor.

JUST LOOK AT THE PROMISES IN GOD's WORD!! This is what is Promised to those who believe & remain faithful to the Lord.!! However, if you do not believe,if you do not have faith in the blood of Christ Jesus who is Lord;there is a STERN WARNING :" But the eyes of the wicked will fail,and escape will elude them; their hope will become a dying gasp"! I ask you today? Who do you trust,who do you put your hope in? IF YOU DON'T TRUST IN GOD & choose to run after the wicked fearmongering of man,the Word is very clear "the wicked will fail! & their hope will become a dying gasp!!!"..............


Day627 of lockdown;2Chronicles32va9to23 …If these Words do not encourage a believing child of God,nothing will!!!, A Praying child of God,who has faith in God, puts all his/her faith in God,for they know God hears them & Acts on their behalf!!Let's put this into perspective in today's message:

When there are tyrannical authorities or organizations, who have people pushing their evil agenda's through fearmongering & threats, because of their perceived "power" & "authority" they have over others; Let this be a WARNING to them!!! "YOUR "authority" ends, the minute you encounter a praying believer & child of God!! Your fearmongering & threats do not terrify them & your tyrannical rules & regulations, will "backfire" and come upon yourselves as an organization & even worse on you as an individual!!! Pay special attention to vs 21 "..and the Lord sent an Angel,who annihilated all the fighting men and the leaders and officers in the camp of the Assyrian king"!! PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!

GOD sent "an Angel" meaning 1xAngel, directly into the "highly fortified camp" with the instruction to "Annihilate" all fighting men,All leaders & All officers!! Do you see the significance of this Scripture???? An Angel of the Lord can enter into the presence of the "enemy" no matter where they hide,no matter their fortified "camps" & no matter how many soldiers or leaders or officers there are!!, the Angel of God, will follow through  on the Command given by God!! This is a STERN WARNING to those in "power" your "so called " power & authority" will be nullified the minute you cross paths with a praying child of God!!.We thank you Lord for keeping to.the Promises in Your Word & reminding us of YOUR POWER & AUTHORITY, recorded in historical events !!...


Day628 of lockdown;JOB 3vs20to26…..We all know the story about JOB & what took place in his life! However,do we understand what really took place?? If we look intently into the message of JOB, we find the answer to why God granted "authority" to satan,to "attack"Job.!(Job1vs12).If we read Job1vs9, it states very clearly God had His Angel's encamped around JOB, his house & his household & everything JOB had.! & Satan was well aware of this, thus dis not go close to JOB,in the fear of what will happen to him when he encounters the Gaurdian Angel's of God, who are "hedged" around JOB & everything he has.!! We need to understand the PROFOUND message here!!

1.Satan has no authority over a believer,

2.When God "Hedges" in his children nothing & nobody can come near them!!

3.No matter the circumstances, no matter the threats,no matter position of "authority" any person or organisations have, the Spiritual Authority of God stands and is non- negotiable!!

However, there is only "one" thing, which JOB did to "open the door" ,for attacks from satan!! This "ONE" thing was so powerful in JOB's life, it actually ruined his life!! Let's pay special attention to today's scripture vs25:  "What I feared has come upon me;what I dreaded has happened to me!" Dear children of God, understand that satan has no authority over you, he has been a liar from the beginning & through deceit & deceitful circumstances will come at you with all kinds of "symptoms" & "fear mongering", however has no authority to attack you!! God has given each person "free will" and according to this "free will" a person lives their lives.! Understand, the only way satan is given authority to attack you is; if you, out of your own "free will" open the door for him to enter.!!When you "FEAR" you are "authorising" satan to enter into your life & that which you "fear" will come upon you & that which you "dread" will happen to you!! Do not be deceived,do not allow the "symptoms" to "nullify" your faith!! Do not open the door of "fear" & give authority to satan, as he will enter & ruin your life.!!! Remain faithful to God and understand He has His Angel's encamped around you (Psalm91) & no authority or power of the world can harm you!! DO NOT FEAR!!.......


Day629 of lockdown;Psalm 141…..Let's take a moment to reflect on how David - "A shepherd boy,  became a Giant slayer and a Mighty King, who is spoken  about to this day!! The secret is recorded in the book of Psalm's; "But my eyes are fixed on you Lord, O Sovereign Lord;in You I take my refuge".... Just this one sentence explains where King David received his strength & why he was such a powerful individual!! David remained faithful to God,he held on to the Promises of God & did not bow down to anybody but God!! When his people were threatened & faced a Philistine  Giant, David as a Shepherd boy, took one look at the Giant & in faith rebuked him & told him exactly what his God(David's God) will do to him(Goliath).David Warned Goliath & told him God will deliver him into David's hand, the rest is history!! David was successful IN his life not because of his own strength,but because of God's Blessing & Awsome Power working through him. All David needed to do was remain faithful & trust God in everything!! David, was not moved by threats,David was not concerned about fear mongering, David was not concerned about circumstances, for he knew God was with him!! In actual fact David proclaimed in faith  "Let the wicked fall into their own nets, while I pass by in safety"!!... I ask you today, where are the "David type" believers??? Why are Christians without "backbone", why do Christian's fear the world & the fear mongering of the world!! Surely we serve the same God?, the God David had trusted in & who fought David's battles!! Do not be deceived,remain faithful & trust God and serve & praise Him only in the mighty name, which is above all Names Jesus Christ & see the Victory God Will Bring in your Life!!!.....


Day630 of lockdown; James2vs14to26.. "Faith and Deeds"- When people say they "believe"or have "faith"or "trust" in God, do they really know what they are talking about? Do they really understand what it means to have faith? All to often "religious" people will claim to believe in God & follow religious "rituals" & think in their carnal mindset this proves they believe in God! These religious "rituals" mean nothing! People think that saying; "they all believe in the same God",that it makes them a "true" believer.The Word of God is very clear; "You believe  that there is one God.Good! Even the demons believe that - and shudder!!" None of the things "religious" people do mean anything, unless it is followed by works!! Understand this, the "works" spoken about are the things done in faith!! Ie: You cannot say you have faith, yet you "exalt" your circumstances; you cannot say you have faith,yet you fear man & the fear mongering of man; you cannot say you have faith,yet you do not believe in the blood of Jesus Christ which sets you free from your infirmities & through which we are healed; you cannot say you have faith,yet you cling to worthless idols such as money,earthly possessions and are  not willing to share with others;you cannot say you have faith, yet fear everything happening in the world & are unsure about the future,etc. We need to understand the following; "Show me your faith without deeds,and I will show you my faith by what I do"! FAITH is to believe in that which does not exist "as if" you have already taken possession of it!! It has nothing to do with what you do for yourself & how you feel,or the emotions, circumstances you are facing or dealing with!!, NO,it has to do with what is in your heart! Are you selfless,forgiving,humble,loving,grateful, and praising & thanking God in everything or are you fearful,worried & run after the fear mongering of man?Do not be deceived, faith without deeds means nothing & is worthless!!!!,no matter what your "carnal" mindset makes you believe or the carnal  justification you "create" in your mind,your faith means nothing,if you cannot apply your faith in your daily lives, no matter your  circumstances or carnal emotions!!......

Day631 of lockdown;Psalm18 ….. Understanding these words; "To the faithful You show Yourself Faithful,to the blameless you show Yourself Blameless,to the pure You show Yourself Pure & You Save the humble…." Do not be deceived by fine sounding arguments,those who do not remain faithful to God, those who question the Authority of God or those who rely on their carnal instinct & belief system.They are the ones who through their "own"  belief system are crooked & are haughty!! The very reason they question God is because of their own haughtiness!! The Word of God confirms this, & warns us that God will "bring low" those who are crooked & haughty!!! However to those who remain faithful, the Word of God is flawless, He is a Shield for all who take refuge in Him!! Do not be deceived by emotions,or threats of man for God's way is perfect & it is God who arms the believer with strength and makes their way perfect!!........


Day632 of lockdown; Joshua1vs8&9….. The Command God gave Joshua after the death of Moses, was a Command of Power, Authority & Victory!! A Promise from God!; Let's understand the Profoundness of this message:

1.Do not let this "Book of Law" depart from your mouth,meditate on it day and night,so that you may be careful to do everything written in it…..!When the Word of God speaks about the "Book of Law", it represents the Torah & the Gospel", which contains examples of Historical events, which God has "Left behind" for mankind to make sense of His Love & Grace for His Children.It also represents, that which God will do to those who "attempt" to harm His Children & what harm will come to those who do not follow His Commands!.Throughout history, the Wrath of God, came upon those who did not follow His Commands, whether they were believers or not!However, before God did anything, He would WARN people about it & allow them the opportunity to repent. If people did not repent,only then did the Wrath of God come upon them!.

2.Take a moment & reflect on the Promise God made to Joshua for following God's Commands ; " Then you will be PROSPEROUS and SUCCESSFUL.Have I not COMMANDED you?

BE STRONG & COURAGEOUS..Do not be TERRIFIED;Do Not be DISCOURAGED!! For the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go!!

When we follow the Commands of God,His Promise to mankind is that he will be with us wherever we go. He COMMANDS us to be Strong & Courageous.He COMMANDS us to not be Terrified & Not to be Discouraged! Today, adhere to God's Commands & do not be deceived by circumstances or anything of the world!!God Promises He will be with you WHEREVER you go!!.......


Day633 of lockdown; Ephesians 5……

"Let no one deceived you with empty words"...What are the empty words spoken about? They are words which are Immoral,Impure & of greed! When a person in authority being a government,an organization,a business,etc. Implement laws and regulations which go against morality,they deceitfully entice people to follow their ways & through fear mongering & threats to the liberty of individuals make promises of "freedom" to those who do what they say! & to those who do not comply with their rules of "freedom";threats of  medical apartheid are made! The Word of God Warns us about this, & clearly states "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness,but rather expose them!"......


Day634 of lockdown; Revelation22vs7to13… Part1of3…."Jesus Is Coming"; We have heard this so many times & Jesus Himself has promised He will return!.People do not realise the significance of these Words "Behold,I am coming soon!" The reality, whether you believe in the Word of God (The Bible) or not! We all need to realise your "belief system/religion/mindset", cannot and will not change what is to take place!!The Words in the Bible are Trustworthy and True Prophetic Words directly from God!!What you believe,think or have an opinion about, has nothing to do with what is Written!! We need to understand these things were written before we were born & will remain even after we die!!So don't try & "be clever" thinking our generation can change what is to take place! If anything we need to understand what the Word of God says - "Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong;let him who is vile continue to be vile;" religious people  (especially christians),have become "consumed" in trying to "enforce" their belief systems onto others.Some will argue & "Bible Slap" people who do not follow their "interpretation of the Bible or their denomination", not realizing they themselves are the ones doing "wrong".For the Word of God is clear,leave these people alone!, for they are not "accountable" to mankind for their actions & lifestyle.! The message is clear  "...Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me,and I will give to everyone according to what he has done.!!" Do not be deceived and enticed to change what others do,for they are responsible for their own deeds! We need to stay focused on the Alpha & the Omega, the First & the Last, the Beginning & End, Christ Jesus, who is seated at the right hand of God, who is coming soon!!......


Day635 of lockdown; Revelation22vs14to17.. "Jesus is Coming"...Part 2of3…Yesterday,the message started with "Blessed is he who keeps the Words of the prophecy in this book"; Today, the message starts with             "Blessed are those who wash their robes,that they may have the right to the tree of life….".What does this mean?....The meaning "to wash their robes" is to take action/to implement what God's Word says. It is of no use to merely read the Word of God and not "Do what it says!" Too often, people are consumed & deceived by "human" arguments & opinions, they neglect to see the "Message & Commands" of God written in the Word of God!!Jesus is very clear about his "human" heritage,He states I Am the Root and Offspring of David, then in the same sentence He clearly states His "Deity" as Christ, the "Bright Morning Star!!". Let's not be led astray by "fine sounding" arguments & opinions, for Jesus Christ confirms; who He is and where He comes from & then He also confirms the testimony of The Spirit of God who testifies to this! He represents the " Bride", calling all believers to "come!", for He has prepared a place for those who believe in Him, being sent from the Father as the "free gift" the "water of life". There is no time to "argue" about special days,special seasons, translation errors, or opinions about interpretations of the Word of God, for all these "arguments" and "opinions'', distract us from the Message in the Word of God. In actual fact vs 15 "WARNS" about those who are led astray & who don't see the Messgae contained in the Word of God.!- " Outside are the dogs,those who practice magic arts,the sexual immoral,the murderers,the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood"! Do not be deceived, there is only One Salvation Plan from God. Those who  believe in the Righteousness sent from God, understand it is only  found in Jesus Christ! - Jesus is Coming & those who are ready & waiting, will enter through the gates into the City of God…….


Day636 of lockdown; Revelation 22vs18to21; "Jesus is Coming"..Part 3of3...Not only is this the last part, of the three part message, pay special attention; it is also the very last four verses in the Bible! When we read the Word of God, it starts with the  MESSAGE of Creation in the book of Genesis1,thereafter the MESSAGE of God's Great Love & Kindness towards mankind is revealed.However, in the same Scripture it also displays God's Wrath for those who didn't follow His Commands!The unfaithful, disobedience of mankind & God's Salvation plan for mankind through Jesus Christ! Throughout the Word of God the MESSAGE is clear & has never changed!, it shows God's Faithfulness to the Promises in His Word, & shows mankind's disobedience!! Mankind have through the ages tried to "influence" & change the "written" Word of God,by "adding" & "omitting" certain words or text through translation, they have even gone as far as to "create" other "books" claiming it to be the "word of god".Mankind have  created this thing called "sceince" and the "big bang" & many other " manmade theories" to convince people that the times have changed & the Word of God is "outdated, not relevant & goes against public opinion,etc" This proves nothing, however only exposes the "folly" of mankind & their "carnal"  limited mindset.! What people do not realise, no matter the "cleverly invented" stories of man, no matter their "opinions",their own "folly" is being displayed by their "belief system" & "Religious" points of view.! The reality is however found in Creation, just look around you & see the Glory of God our Creator!! Every part of nature you see is testimony of Genesis 1!! No matter what people think or perceive ie want you to believe you cannot deny creation!!,there is a STERN WARNING, if anyone adds to the Words of the Prophecies of the Bible, God will add to him the plagues described in this book.! & if Anyone takes words away from this book of prophecies, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life…! Understand the MESSAGE contained in the BIBLE, & know it has never changed,no matter the amount of interpretation and involvement of mankind! If you believe the deception & the reasons "science" or "religion" present about the Bible being changed, you are displaying your own "folly" & limited carnal understanding of God!!.For you are indirectly stating the "god" you believe in cannot preserve "his" own "word" and the deceitfulness of mankind is more "clever" than your "god".! Understand this, the Message in the Word of God has never changed & still stands to this day!! Anyone who thinks mankind has the ability to change the MESSAGE in God's Word,is being deceived & their is a Stern WARNING of what will happen to them!!.....For Jesus is Coming & confirms in His own Words "Yes,I am coming soon!"....


Day637 of lockdown;Hebrews14…. Traditionally this is time of the year; set aside as a time of "giving". The Word of God teaches us : "Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings"... We need to understand & respect what each person has decided in their heart about this season! Let's question our own motives, do we on a daily base understand the reason why we live? Do we understand;"Through Jesus,therefore,let us continually (Not just a day or a season)offer to God a sacrifice of praise - the fruit of lips that confess His name.And do not forget to do good and share with others,for with such sacrifices God is pleased."....If what people do in "this season of giving",is to  "do good and share with others", the Word of God confirms "with such sacrifices God is pleased!! Let's not get carried away by all kinds of strange teachings, if you have a belief system which does not  believe to "do good & share with others", whether in this season or not, you are being carried away by all kinds of strange teachings,& this does not please God!.......May you all be a Blessing to others as God intended it to be through Jesus Christ our Lord!!..


Day638 of lockdown;JOB5vs22to27…. How POWERFUL & PROFOUND these Words!! When we walk in faith & trust in God,the Promises in His Word will be fulfilled!! Let's take to heart the Word of God & understand the meaning of  "We have examined this,and it is true. So hear it and apply it to yourself."..... TODAY & EVERYDAY, PRAISE THE LORD FOR HIS LOVE & GRACE!!!

Day639 of lockdown; James1vs2to13…. How many people are able to apply the Word of God in their lives? How many people are able to "consider it pure joy" whenever they face trails of many kinds?? When we read the Word of God, it clearly states "testing of your faith develops perseverance so that you may be mature and complete ,not lacking anything!" People often "nullify" their faith by complaning about what they are going through in their lives, not realizing they are actually "double  minded " & because of them not being able to find "joy" in their circumstances, they are unstable & will not receive anything from the Lord!!...This is not some kind of "religious" statement, this is a very direct & clear command found in the Word of God!.....


Day640 of lockdown;Psalm37vs20to28…. "If the Lord delights in a man's way,he makes his steps firm;though he stumble,he will not fall,for the Lord upholds him with his hand." When we trust in the Lord,things take place in the Spiritual & physical realms, which God works for the good!!, even though we do not see it or know about it, we need to understand,the Lord upholds those who fully trust in Him!........

Day641 of lockdown;1Timothy6vs3to11…. When the Word of God speaks about "false doctrines" it is any doctrine which does not agree with the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ,as written in the Gospel.It even goes further & identifies the things which are classified as false doctrine ie;

1.Unhealthy interest in controversies,

2.Quarrel about words,that result in envy,strife,malicious talk,

3.Evil suspicion & constant friction between men of corrupt minds.

Let's put this into perspective, many "religious" people are engaged in "quarrels" about words and certain translations, or about certain days and certain months.Other people are so consumed with evil suspicion they will see the devil in everything!Then,you get those who would,without any shame, talk about "financial" gain through religion & even go as far as say; If you do certain things in the flesh,or do not do other things in the flesh,you will enter/not enter into  the heaven!!. The minute you find people arguing about their "religion" or "belief system", we need to understand,  this is a clear indication that they are engaging in "false doctrine"! FOR anything which causes controversies and quarrels and does not pursue righteousness through Christ Jesus, which brings godliness, faith,love,endurance and gentleness, is not from God and is "false doctrine". Do not be deceived by fine sounding arguments,for everything not done in faith is sin! ….


Day642 of lockdown; Psalm49…. The Word of God is Living & Powerful, sharper than a two edged sword!!!When we read with intent into the Message of the Word of God, God through His Holy Spirit reveals hidden secrets in His Word!; "My mouth will speak words of wisdom;the utterance from my heart will give you understanding!.. We are living in evil days, where wicked deceivers are trying to install fear into mankind,through "fear mongering". They deceive people with words like; "You need to have the "v", as this will protect you & is the right thing to do, for you to  protect yourself & your loved ones!!" Let's compare this to the Word of God! Let's understand how the above words uttered by the "wicked deceivers" are a lie & straight from hell!!! THE WORD OF GOD, clearly states ;

1.Why should I fear when evil days come,when wicked deceivers surround me,

2.No man can redeem the life of another or give to God a ransom for him-

Do you understand what is written here?Do you see how mankind are being deceived by the powers & authorities of the world? Nobody, can protect others!! This is written, the only one who can protect & redeem people,is God,through the blood of Jesus Christ! That's it!!!!! if you believe the wicked deceivers and "fall" for their evil plans, you are not understanding what the Word of God commanding you to do!! YOU EITHER FOLLOW THE COMMANDS OF GOD,or  THE FATE WHICH WILL COME UPON YOU IS WRITTEN; vs12&13 "...like beasts that perish & this is the fate of those who trust in themselves,(thinking you are protecting yourself & others),and of their followers, who approve their sayings! ……..


Day643 of lockdown; John3vs5to21…Jesus questioned the teachers of Israel "and do you not understand these things?" The reason was that the teachers of the law were so consumed in their "religion" & "religious" ways that they neglected to understand the Spiritual message taught by Jesus. Their carnal understanding & belief system had kept them from understanding the Spiritual message!.Even today, when John3 is read,  people do not understand the Profound message being taught. The Words "No one has ever gone into Heaven except the one who came from Heaven" & "Everyone who believes in Him may have eternal life." The reason the teachers of Israel could not understand this message,is because Jesus was standing in front of them.They were so focused on their "Religion" & the "Physical", they could not understand the Spiritual message which Jesus was talking about! The reality though, Jesus explained to them; He is from God, & was sent as the Righteousness from God, to fulfill the requirements if the Law & to bring salvation to mankind.! However,this Spiritual message was not understood,for it was viewed from a "religious" & "carnal" mindset, which cannot "fathom" the Spiritual! Only through the Holy Spirit of God, the Spiritual Message makes sense.! Those without the Spirit of God, cannot understand what is written in John3……


Day644 of lockdown;Psalm46vs10. "Be still, and know that I Am God!" Take a deep breath,look at your family & loved ones, look around you, not at the " manmade" structures, but at Creation! Look at the skies,birds & every living creature! Understand, all of this is from God, we are all part of Creation & must realise,we are the "temporary", we are the ones who found everything here & we are the ones who will leave everything behind!...." Be still,and know that I Am God", Understand what this means……..!!!


Day645 of lockdown; 2Chronicles20vs15to17 Do not be deceived by circumstances or what you see or experience in life!! When God is for you, nothing & nobody can stand against you!! If you cannot stand back, take up your position as believer; standing firm in in faith, you will never be able to see the battles God is fighting on your behalf.! Today, take up your position; stand firm in faith and see the victory God is bringing in your life!! For the Word of God confirms "...for the battle is not yours,but God's"!!! All God expects us to do, is to remain faithful to Him and Trust in Him...."Go out in faith & face 2022 for the Lord will be with you!!..."


Day646 of lockdown; Psalm97vs1to12… If you cannot Rejoice in the Lord,If you do not have joy in your heart to praise The Lord,who is the Most High and exalted far above all gods.! Then, it is you who is without faith,it is you who is being deceived by the "gods" of the world, the "circumstances",the "fear mongering", the "threats" of the wicked! You're the one who does not believe that God is in control & that God will guard your life & deliver you from evil!! Do not be deceived,for only the righteous have Joy & always rejoice and praise His Holy Name.!!This is what is written,this is the Promise from God!! If you cannot see this,If you cannot "let go" of your fears & hate the evil emotions,you are "exalting" these "gods" above The Most High God!!!then you will be overcome by your fears and emotions!...


Day647 of  lockdown;Revelation4vs8to11… Have you ever noticed?!,it is only carnal man, who do not honour God! All other living creatures acknowledge & understand God Created All things by His Will!! All Creation bow down to God & proclaim "You are Worthy,our Lord to receive glory and honor and power!!" However, carnal man have the audacity to question God,they neglect to follow His Commands,ie: Do not fear man;Do not be anxious;Do not worry about tomorrow; humble yourself before God & repent!.Even though all mankind have received the Spirit of Life from God, it is only mankind who neglect to acknowledge God & rather focus on temporary carnal pleasures!!Pay special attention,how the Heavenly beings Honor God;

 Day & Night they never stop saying: "Holy,holy holy is the Lord God Almighty,who was,and is,and is to come."

If you cannot Praise & Worship God for everything & through everything, do not be surprised if nothing in your life works out!!For when you worry,when you fear man, when you are anxious,etc; You are "proclaiming" in the Spiritual realms your "circumstances & fears" are more "powerful" than God our Creator & you do not acknowledge that "God is worthy,our Lord and God,to receive glory and honor and power."!!! Your actions prove that "fears","circumstances" and "emotions" are your "god"!.......


Day648 of lockdown;2Corinthians2bs12to17..

Do not be deceived by fine sounding arguments & fear mongering of the world!! We live in faith and not by sight,We trust & bring thanks to God,who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ".. What does this mean? What does this represent?; "Triumphal processions" was the highest honour bestowed upon a "victorious" general in ancient Rome!. When the Word of God says: " God ALWAYS  leads us in triumphal procession, it is clear that the victory is our's and in Christ Jesus, we have already overcome!! The very next verse explains it beautifully: "For we are to God the aroma of Christ!" To the believer this is the fragrance of Life & understand God is in Control!, however to the unbelieving person it is the smell of death,they cannot fathom the victory & glory God has already given us through Christ Jesus.!!We need to also understand,this "triumphal procession" is seen by the evil spiritual powers of the world and in the evip spirits in the Heavenly realms & is a WARNING to them, to stay away!! The "smell of death" represents their demise should they attempt to "disrupt" the "triumphal procession in Christ" To all  believers stand firm in faith & understand you are part of God's Triumphal Procession in Christ!!!.......


Day649 of lockdown;Daniel3…. The Word of God has answers to everything happening in the World!! We need to understand; The evil nature of mankind has always existed & the more "power & authority" they "perceive" to have, the more mankind will implement "draconian rules & regulations, with constant fear mongering & threats to others liberties!!" The book of Daniel has many such cases & has been recorded in the Bible as a WARNING for future generations to understand!.No matter their position of "power", no matter their "authority", no matter the "draconian" laws they make, no matter their "fear mongering" & no matter the amount of "pressure" they apply to a believer, they cannot install "fear" into a believer who is full of faith & fears God only!! God will always protect those who call on His Name,God will always have His Angels encamped around His children!! The Word of God even goes further & serves as a WARNING to those who "overstep" & "abuse" their authority; In a "blink of an eye",at the Command of God, He will "reduce" their authority to nothing!!Their are many examples in the Bible where God  "recalls" the Spirit of Life" & those in authority "fall down & die on the spot"!! Whoever you are,  whatever "perceived power" you think you have, through your "position" in your organization ,whether in government or big corporate!.KNOW THIS!!, God will always protect those who call on His Name and remain  faithful to Him!!!!! You will find yourself "facing" God as an organization/ government & even worse,you will be held accountable in person just as king Nebuchadnezzar was reduced to nothing in his "private capacity"!!,YOU TOO, WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE IN YOUR PRIVATE CAPACITY!! The message TODAY, Don't "mess" with a child of God!!...


Day650 of lockdown; Acts26 whole chapter; This is the testimony of a "self righteous religious person" who was called Saul, thinking he had the right to persecute people who believed in Jesus Christ.He was under the impression he needed to do everything in his power & according to his religion & belief system to oppose the name of Jesus.!He did not realise that Jesus Christ would confront him, he did not realise he was in the wrong & instead of persecuting the followers of Jesus, he was actually persecuting Jesus!! Just look at what Jesus said when He confronted Saul on the road to Damascis and said to him: " I am Jesus,whom you are persecuting!; Let's understand the Profound message contained in these words!!; When people judge others for what they believe in Christ Jesus & try and force their own belief system onto others, they are not "persecuting" the believer who stands firm in faith and the promises of God's Word through Jesus Christ,they actually deny Christ & just like Saul, are persecuting Jesus.!! Even in today, there are religious people who "persecute" those who believe in the healing power of the Blood of Jesus, those who stand firm in faith and proclaim what is written in the Word of God; that through the Blood of Christ we are healed & set free from our infirmities!! Do not be deceived by fine sounding arguments, if anybody thinks they are  confronting the person for believing in the Blood of Jesus Christ, they are not!They are actually "persecuting" Jesus for He says what you have done to the least of my children,you have done to me!!.......


Day651 of lockdown; Isaiah51 whole chapter. When the Word of God says: "Listen to Me,My people;Hear Me,My Nation"!.God Confirms the believers are His, & His arm of Salvation will bring justice to His people!!This is the prophecy about Jesus Christ,for only through Jesus Christ, God has promised; "My salvation will last forever, My Righteousness will never fail!This is the reason why the Word of God states in Matt6 "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness & all these things shall be added unto you.When we stand firm in faith & believe in the Righteousness from God, then the Word of God confirms we become God's children(people) & this comes with a Promise from God; "Hear me you who know what is right, you people who have my law(Law of Salvation) in your heart:

 "Do not fear the reproach of men or be terrified by their insults.!!" For this is what God will do to them;

"For the moth will eat them up like a garment; the worm will devour them like wool"!. Understand this message and listen to God! The next time any person in authority, be it in government or any organization tries to insult you or terrify you through fear mongering & reproach; Stand firm in faith and Listen to the Word of God, for you will be witness to what God has promised will happen to these people!! vs12 "Who are you that fear mortal men,the sons of men,who are but grass!.....


Day652 of lockdown;Revelation3vs7to13… The Word of God speaks about 7 churches & what each church believed & how each of them are commanded to "repent" for their "false doctrine" which they followed!. It is only the "Church of Philadelphia" which has not  been "reprimanded" to repent, who hold the "key of David". This represents the Christ followers, those who believe in the Son of God who is from God & the Righteousness of God for the Salvation of mankind.! These are the believers who accepted the gospel of Jesus Christ & believe in the resurrected Christ who is seated at the right hand of God, interceding for all believers.! To the believers in Christ Jesus, the Word of God says the following;

1.What He opens,no one can shut,and what He shuts no one can open.

2.See,I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut.

3.I know that you have little strength,yet you have kept my Word and not denied My Name!.

Then the Word of God goes further;

"I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan;who claim to be Jews though they are not,but liars -I will make them come and fall down at your feet & acknowledge I have loved you!...." Let's not be deceived by fine sounding arguments which deny that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, for these are the people the Word of God has identified as being from the synagogue of Satan & their demise is written about! Do not be deceived by fear mongering, remain faithful to God's Word & do not deny His Name!!, For through the Blood of Jesus Christ we are healed & set free from our infirmities! What He opens,no one can shut & what He shuts no one can open!!!.....


Day653 of lockdown;1Corinthians1vs19… Do not be deceived by fine sounding arguments & perceived "scientific" facts.! All this is called "wisdom of the wise" and "intelligence of the intelligent" written in the Word of God!!Everything mankind thinks he knows is but a "fraction" of reality, & is limited to the "analysis" & "knowledge"  of created things!!Mankind cannot fathom the Greatness of God our Creator.!! We need to understand as "carnal" beings, we are limited in our understanding & within this we have "limited wisdom",which makes us believe we are wise or clever! GOD says: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate!!" Just look at what is happening in the World today,as the "wise" plan things to "install fear" & threaten the liberty of people, God is destroying these plans & frustrating the execution thereof!! This is no coincidence!!God is True to His Word & protecting His children,the believers who call on His Name.!! Let's put this into perspective; When a "kindergarten" soccer team plays & win all their soccer games in a season, they might be seen as the best in their age group & could be arrogant about their ability to play soccer,they will think they are the best of the best!! However, if they would be compared to the No1 ranked soccer team in the World, this "kindergarten" team is worth nothing,their skills are inadequate and cannot be compared with a professional team!! Now,this is where the wisdom of of the wise comes in, the science and all the intelligent & educated people of the world.In the bigger scheme of things they are only at "kindergarten" stage!! If you feel threatened by their fear mongering, it means you are "playing" at their level & do not understand today's message!!God confirms this today: "Christ is the Power of God & Wisdom of God.For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom,and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength!(vs24&25) Do you believe God or the "kindergarten" wisdom of man???...........


Day654 of lockdown; Matthew 8vs5to13… "Understanding the Authority of Jesus Christ is the most powerful Faith!"People always ask,what is faith? How can I improve my faith? How do I apply Faith?,etc.. There are many "explanations" & different views, however,  very few understand the True meaning of faith! When we look at "The Faith of the Centurion"- we need to understand, his Faith came from his "Understanding Power of Authority"!!He knew exactly what "power & authority" he had as a Centurion & because of his understanding of his own "authority" & "influence" the Centurion immediately recognized the "Power & Authority" of Jesus Christ, immediately when he realised he was dealing with the Son of God, he himself did not feel worthy and knew his power as a Centurion is way inferior to the "Power of God" standing before him! The message today - If you want to increase your faith,if you want to overcome the World and the temptations of the World! Understand the Authority & Power of Jesus Christ!!,Understand there is no power & no authority greater than the Authority you have as a believer in the Salvation & Blood of Jesus Christ!!Those who realise this,those who apply this, the Word of God says ; "Will take their places at the feast in the Kingdom of Heaven"!. HOWEVER, Jesus also warned "but the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside,into darkness,where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth". DO NOT BE DECEIVED!!; No matter what you believe or what religion you follow, if you fear man & the fear mongering of man, you do not understand the Authority of Jesus Christ & because of this, you do not have faith,your religion is worthless & the Word is clear, "...will be thrown outside,into the darkness,where there will be weeping & gnashing of teeth."...


Day655 of lockdown; 1Peter1vs3to12… "...Who through faith are Shielded by God's Power!".... Let's understand one thing in life!!!; There is NO Scripture in the Bible, which says we must fear man, or worry, or be anxious, or be concerned & depressed about life in the flesh!! NOT ONE!! However, there are thousands of Scripture commanding us to Praise God our Father of the Lord Jesus Christ! Whom God, through His Great Mercy, has given us new birth into a Living Hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead!For when we have faith & Praise God,we believe in the Salvation of God through Jesus Christ!!. We are filled with inexpressible and glorious joy, for we know through faith, we are shielded by God's power!!! Today, put aside all fears, all anxiety & all threats of man, for you are Shielded by God's Power!!!...


Day656 of lockdown;1Peter5vs1to10… Many a time you find people asking for a Word from God?God speaks to us through Creation, every day you awaken, is a sign from God, which states "I have given you My  Spirit of Life & a brand new day called Today!" Then God commands us in His Word - " Humble yourself under God's Mighty Hand, that He may lift you up in due time.Cast all your anxiety on Him because He Cares for you!!.." The rest is written in the picture below!! Do not be deceived by circumstances, do not be deceived by fine sounding arguments & emotions!! Our God has called us to eternal Glory through Christ Jesus & because of His Love & Grace will restore you and make you strong,firm & steadfast.! GOD SAYS TO YOU TODAY, "Be self-controlled and alert, resist the devil by standing firm in faith, knowing & trusting God with an unmovable faith, knowing God cares for you!!! If you cannot obey this "basic" command from God, to "cast all your anxiety on Him", how then can you expect to receive the other "Blessings" God has planned for you? Today,be self-controlled and alert, walk in faith & not by sight, knowing God makes you strong, firm & steadfast!!....




Day657 of lockdown; Ephesians3vs14to20…

Such a POWERFUL Prayer!!When we rely on the flesh & we measure according to the flesh & we are weak!!We need to understand,this is not what God has planned for us!! Our strength comes from above, our power comes through His Spirit in our inner being, where through faith, Christ may dwell in our hearts! Pay attention to vs 19 " ..to know this Love that surpasses knowledge - that you may be filled to the measure of the fullness of God!! We need to understand we will always be lacking & weak, until we apply our faith and fully Trust in God!, do not be deceived, our carnal  "perception of fullness", has limitations, however when we are filled with the measure of the fullness God has planned for us, it's unlimited!....


Day658 of lockdown;Mark5vs21to43…

No matter the "circumstances" & what the people said to Jesus about  the dead girl Talitha; vs 36 tells us what Jesus did;

1.Jesus Ignored what they said!!!,

2."Don't be afraid ; just believe"

Today, ignore what people tell you about "circumstances" , for in Christ Jesus we are not afraid & believe!!!......

Day659 of lockdown; John18vs33to37… "Jesus said, "My Kingdom is not of this world.If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews.But now my Kingdom is from another Place."Listening to these Words of Jesus Christ, only those who do not believe in Jesus Christ, will "argue" & "fight" for their "religion" & "belief system".! Those who belong to Christ Jesus,  those who belong to the side of Truth, who believe that Jesus Christ is Lord & the Salvation plan  from God,don't get involved in "religious" arguments & carnal perspectives!! "Everyone on the side of Truth LISTEN to the teachings of Jesus Christ & understand there is no need to "protect" or "defend" their faith in Jesus Christ!! Only the  "pagan" religions and "pagan"believers feel the need to protect their "belief" systems!!........


Day660 of lockdown;Luke11vs33to36… "Your eyes are the lamp of your body.When your eyes are good,your whole body also is full of light.But when your eyes are bad, your whole body is full of darkness!" Many people don't realise they " themselves" are a reflection of what is in their hearts!! Take a moment to "digest" these words!! If you only see "doom & gloom", if you are anxious & worry about things, if you live in your past & blame others for your circumstances, if you cannot forgive,etc.Understand this; It has nothing to do with others or your circumstances, it has to do with what is in your heart! Your heart reflects what you harbour in it!! How you view your life &  things in your life, all comes from "within".You have a choice to live life unaffected by  circumstances & to walk in faith or you live life complaining about everything & living in fear, anxiety, worry!! Today's message reminds us, the way we see things,comes from "within" & we cannot blame others, or circumstances for the way we "see" things!...


Day661of lockdown; Psalm54.... We find in the book of Psalms,many examples of David humbling himself before God's Mighty Power, asking for forgiveness, Praising & Worshipping God. We also find that David did not rely on his own strength, but totally relied on God for Protection & Guidance.vs4 & 5 is but one of the examples of how David became so powerful & feared by his enemies!!

Let's just take a moment & recall what happened with Goliath; In his arrogance & his own power Goliath thought he could threaten & seek the lives of God's people; Goliath had no regard for the God of Israel!.However, when David appeared a man who fully trusted in God, knowing it is the Lord who sustains him; Goliath had no idea that the very things he was "threatening" to do,to the children of God, would recoil and destroy him!!! This is so Profound & Powerful!!, for even today we serve the same God, the God who Loves & Protects His Children.!!The most DANGEROUS  thing to do, is to "arrogantly" plan & threaten a believer & child of God!!! No matter WHO you are, or the size of your organization; That which they plan against a believer will recoil on them & they will be destroyed!!! TODAY, stand firm in faith understand God is our helper & the One who sustains us!;Stand firm in faith, trust God's Word & see the Victory God brings for His Children………


Day661 of lockdown;Psalm54 vs6&7..Part2. .

You might not have noticed the powerful message in this Psalm! & the Secret to David's strength!; David started the Psalm with these words; "Save me, O God,by your name; vindicate me by Your Might.!" David did not waste his time trying to explain to God what he wanted, David did not think what he needed to do in the flesh & plan every step of his future, David didn't go  & see advisors or complain to man, David did not ask people to pray for him or intercede for him! NO, David went directly to God & herein lies the secret to David's faith!!David trusted only in God & the plans God had for him, not in his own " strength", not in his own "wants", he trusted God in full to vindicate him!! Pay special attention to what is written in the last verses of this Psalm vs6&7; "I will sacrifice a freewill offering to you;I will Praise your name O Lord, for it is good.For he has delivered me from all my troubles,and my eyes have looked in triumph on my foes!"Do you see the Profound message? Once David called out to God for help, he immediately started praising,worshipping and thanking God! Even though he did not immediately see the "triumph" over his "foes" in the flesh at that specific moment!?!, David had already started praising & worshipping God! In faith David already knew God has delivered him from all his troubles & in faith he looked in triumph on his foes!.....This is called "Applied faith" knowing God is in control, no matter your circumstances……..!!


An URENT message to the children of God, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord!!!Do not be deceived!!! "Put on the full armor of God, so that you can stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh & blood, but against the rulers,against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the Heavenly realms! …. (Ephesians6v10to19.) The Word of God is clear ; We need to watch out and stand against the devil's schemes"!These schemes are being manifested through "rulers, authorities & powers of this dark World!!".Just ask yourself one question?

1.Do you really think the "dark world", will openly tell you their schemes? or come out & say "this is the mark of the beast"?

The Word of God Warns us about the "devil's schemes" &  about the "mark of the beast"! It also teaches us that "This calls for Wisdom & insight"!! What does this mean?...God wants us to be prepared, God wants us to listen to Him & identify the devil's schemes, which God has "Identified" and "listed" in Revelation 13. Let's see why God has warned us "this calls for wisdom & insight"!, for these schemes are subtle & sound very convincing!!

At first,things will be said as follows;

1.It is for a greater cause,

2.It is for your own well being & that of your family,friends & loved ones.

3.It is the right thing to do, & will protect those around you,

4.Things will return to normal,etc

All of this sounds good, all of it sounds logical & all if it is extremely convincing!

HOWEVER, this is all  in "preparation" to "lure" people into believing the devil's schemes.! It has been so "subtle", that some Christian's & religious people have fallen for the very "schemes", God's has warned about! This is but the start of Revelation 13; the next phase of this "subtle scheme" will not be so "subtle'' any longer.! The Word of God teaches us the following will happen;

1.Everyone will be forced,small & great, rich & poor, free & slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead. (It will be "mandatory" !)

2.So that no one could "Buy or Sell", unless he has the mark!(You will need proof of your "mandatory status")!

Now, this is where "religious" people have it wrong,!!  & where the real " wisdom & insight" needs to be applied!! Read carefully what the Word says about the "mark" ; It does not reference just  "one" thing! The Word of God speaks about "or" - meaning "Any One of the things  mentioned or all of them!!! & here the "Wisdom & Insight" needs to be applied;

1.The name of the beast,


2.The number of his name,


3.Calculate the number, for it is a man's number

Any of the above or all of the above represents the number of the beast which can be calculated and is  six,six,six! Apply what the Word of God says and understand what is meant by the  "Name & the Number". In the World today we have "Something" with the Name starting with "C" which also has a number " 1 9 ".! Do you see how Powerful God's Word is? Do you see why God says  we need Wisdom & Insight?? Do you see the "Name & the Number '' spoken about in Revelation???

Whether you believe in the Word of God or not,understand this; a scheme is something designed to deceive people & only those who have applied " wisdom & insight" will see this!. Only those who's names are written in the book of life will overcome & not be deceived.!!This calls for patients,endurance & faithfulness on the part of the Children of God.! For God has warned us, "All the inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast, all whose names have not been written in the book of life!! DO NOT BE DECEIVED & DO NOT WORRY!!, For the Word of God confirms & promises the following;

"Now have come the Salvation and the Power and the Kingdom of our God, and the Authority of His Christ.For the accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before our God day & night "has been" hurled down.They (the believers/the children of God/the followers of Christ) overcame by the blood of the Lamb and by the Word of His Testimony.!"...

Day663 of lockdown; Romans1vs16to21… The beauty about the Word of God is this;No matter how many times you read a specific text, it is Living & True,Sharper than a two edged sword, penetrating through Body,Soul &Spirit!!The Message will always be new and applicable to what the Holy Spirit of God is revealing to the reader!! We have all heard about the Gospel of Jesus Christ; however do we understand?Do we really know what it means?? Let's take a look at what the Word of God declares about the Gospel of Jesus Christ;

1.It is the Power of God,

2.It is the Salvation for everyone who believes,First for the Jew,then for the Gentile,

3.It reveals the Righteousness from God,

4.A Righteousness only achievable by faith,

5.It is reveals the Salvation plan from God since the fall of man,from first to last,

6.Those who believe the Gospel and believe in the Righteousness from God will live by faith & be classified by God, as Righteous.

For those who do not believe this,the Word of God says the following:

"Since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.For since the Creation of the world God's invisible qualities -His Eternal Power and Divine Nature - have been clearly seen being understood from what has been made, that men are without excuse." Whether you believe or not, does not exempt you from what is Written in God's Word, there will come a time where we stand before God & He will confront you with what is written in the Gospel of Jesus Christ & on that day, no man will have any excuse!!!......


Day664 of lockdown; John14vs15to31… "If anyone loves me,he will obey my teaching.My Father will Love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him."

Not only is the Promise "make our home with him"; It goes even further;

  1. But  the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the father will send in My Name;
  2. Will teach you all things;
  3. Will remind you of everything I have said.!

Then because of the above, because of these promises, we are not alone in the world & Jesus confirms the following;

"Peace I leave with you;My Peace I give you.I do not give you as the world gives.! NOW, here is the command from God through Jesus Christ -" Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid!" Do you see the Power & Authority in these Words??.....We are covered by the Blood of Jesus Christ, & because of the promises in God's Word, we need not be troubled by circumstances & fear mongering of the world, for our Peace comes from God!!...While people focus on doctrine & religion, complaining about everything they are going through;they worry, they are anxious,they fear,etc, Not realising they are so focused on the things of the world, they are ignoring the commands of God from Whom our peace & joy comes!They refuse to listen to the Holy Spirit of God who reminding them of this!....Those who do not obey this teaching from Jesus Christ, the Peace of God is not in them!!...


Day665 of lockdown; Psalm 50vs1to23…. Why does God say to the wicked "I will tear you to pieces,with none to rescue:"...

Do not be deceived by fine sounding arguments, do not be led astray by carnal & religious arguments about words, translations, ie:who wrote the Bible, what books have been left out or any argument questioning the Bible as the True Word of God!!Do not be deceived by arguments about what is sin and what is not sin!! All these type of arguments neglect to understand the Message contained in the Word of God, a message which has been the same since the beginning!! A Message of God's Love & Grace for His Children and the Salvation plan God set in place through Jesus Christ to reconcile man to God after the fall of man!!The message is clear; Those who sacrifice thank offerings to God,those who fulfill their vows to the Most High and call upon Him in their day of trouble; God will deliver and honor! IF YOU CANNOT PRAISE & WORSHIP GOD with Thanksgiving in your heart for everything & through all circumstances!! God Warns us in His eyes this is Wickedness!!you are involved in spiritual adultery!!


1.You hate my instruction & cast my words behind you;(For God commands us :Do not worry, do not be anxious, do not fear man, do not love the World or anything of the World,etc, yet we ignore God's commands!)

2.When you see a thief you join with him; (Governments & organizations of the world steal the liberties of people & there are people who support this and even speak well of this)

3.You throw your lot with adulterers;


a.You use your mouth for evil;

b.You harness your tongue to deceit;

c.You speak continually against your brother & slander your own mothers son;

GOD warns "But I will rebuke you and accuse you to your face. Consider this,you who forget God, or I will tear you to pieces with none to rescue:...However  to those who sacrifice thank offerings to God, Honor God & He then prepares the way & shows them the Salvation from God, which is only found in Jesus Christ our Lord!!....


DAY666 of lockdown;Hebrews11vs1to39…. We all know what the Word of God says about faith Hebrews11vs1, however very few understand what is written in vs6 "without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek Him"!! Many people want to please God & want to live a life doing the will of God, however do not realise the things they are doing is not from God, but taught by religion!!Some people go to church many times a week, others fast & think, this will bring them closer to God, they would dress a certain way & talk a certain way,they would do certain  things and not do other things,all of this has been taught by religion & is worthless!!! The Word of God is very clear, without faith it is impossible to please God!! The following is what God deems to be righteousness & pleasing to Him;

1.Seek  first the Kingdom of God & His Righteousness & all these things shall be added unto you!;( Mathew6vs33)

2.In faith we understand the Righteousness of God is from God and is found only in Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God;

When we have faith in God, we believe what God has commanded us; Do not be anxious, do not worry, do not fear man or anything of man,do not love the world or anything of the world, through the blood of Christ we are healed & set free from our infirmities,etc. God expects from us, to have faith in Him, no matter our circumstances!!!, for only then He is able to reward those who earnestly seek Him!! The faith God expects us to have, has no "BUT" in it!!Let me repeat; The faith God expects from us has no "BUT" in it!!" You cannot say you;" I have been praying & seeking an answer from God "BUT" nothing has happened!; You cannot say you have faith, yet you pray continually over the same subject matter, for if you pray a 2nd or 3rd or any amount of times over the same matter, you did not have faith that God has heard you the first time round & that God can do what you prayed for! This kind of "faith" is worthless and  it is impossible to please God!! By using the word "BUT" in anything related to faith, you "nullify" the faith you claim to have!!. God only rewards those who remain faithful & put their trust in Him!. Understand this, if you remain steadfast in faith & trust in the promises in God's Word, God will do what He promised & will Protect & Provide for His Children, as God cannot go against His own Word!!....All me need to do is to remain faithful  to God, the rest He will do!!!.......


Day667 of lockdown;Hebrew6vs13to20…. "The Certainty of God's Promise". When God makes a Promise, it puts an end to all arguments, it's not negotiable!!& God will follow through on His Promises! We need to understand the following; "Because God wanted to make the unchangeable nature of His purpose very clear to the heirs of what was promised!!He confirmed it with an Oath.God did this so that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie,we who have fled to take hold of the Hope offered to us may be greatly encouraged!"What does this mean?What Profound message is hidden in these Words?

What does "fled to take hold of the hope offered to us may be greatly encouraged".? When a believer puts his hope & faith in the High Priest Jesus Christ who went before us & has entered into Presence of God on our behalf, we flee from the emotions and carnal nature of man which are harbored in our Souls.This hope through Jesus Christ becomes an anchor for our soul,firm & secure knowing God is True to His Promises.!This is where the reverent fear of God overtakes any fear or emotion or circumstance of the carnal man!! Because it is impossible for God to lie; the moment we Trust fully in the Promises of His Word & we faithfully put our hope in Him,God will execute His Promises in our lives!! ie; God's Word states, rebuke the devil & he will flee from you!, Even if the devil appears before you will a knife or a firearm or with any weapon and threatens your life in the flesh!, keep your faith, do not fear , rebuke the devil as God's Word says!! In faith you have now fled from the carnal nature of "fear" & immediately put your hope in the Unchangeable Nature of God & Now your will see the Victory God brings!!. Understand this!;If you have put your faith in God, no matter the circumstances, God will do what He promised in His Word!!, for is impossible for God to lie!!.When God Says; His Angles are encamped around us, or do not fear, or do not be anxious, or do not worry about tomorrow,etc. It is not because of your strength He says these things, but because of His Promises in His Word which He has guaranteed us He will do!All He expects from us is to remain faithful & stand firm in faith!!!....


Day668 of lockdown;Isaiah33vs1to6…. "The fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure"! What treasure you may ask?...The Word of God is full of words of Encouragement, words of Wisdom & words of Victory!! Any person, who thinks God does not know what they are going through, or feel alone in the world; Understand this; You are not alone & God will never allow you to be tempted more than you can handle!!! GOD KNOWS YOU BY NAME!! & Everything you are going through in your life, He has already given you the outcome in His Word, in order for you to stand firm in faith!Do not be deceived by circumstances, fear mongering of government,authorities or any worldly organisation!!. Do not worry, do not be anxious & do not be troubled by anything in or of the world! For our treasure is in the Strength of the  Lord, not in our own strength!!Once you realise this, the Word of God is clear to the world & the destroyer;

1.Woe to you, O destroy - You will be destroyed!

2.Woe to you, O traitor -You will be betrayed!

The reason this will take place; Is because the Lord is Gracious to those who call on His name.He is our Strength every morning, our Salvation in time of distress!! The Promise in God's Word states very clearly;

"He will be the Sure foundation and Wisdom and Knowledge to those who put their trust in Him!! This is the meaning of - "The fear of the Lord is the key to this Treasure!! Today & everyday, walk in the fear of the Lord, knowing "nothing" or "nobody" can stand against a God fearing man or woman!!.


Day669 of lockdown;Matthew13vs1to23…. "The Parable of the Sower"; We are living in a time, where technology has progressed to such an extent, where very few people cannot be reached. What happens in the most remote places in the World,is know within minutes throughout the World.! All the worldly things make "headline news", yet the message of the Kingdom of God & His righteousness, is also spread by technolog, however is not "headline news"! The reason for this, is very clearly explained in today's message; "For the people's hearts have become calloused, they hardly hear with their ears,and they have closed their eyes!" We need to understand God's Love & Grace ensures every person on earth, no matter where they live, no matter their position in life, no matter whether they are rich or poor, no matter if they are sinners or not,etc. Every day & through all circumstances, somewhere, somehow, God will ensure a message from Him reaches every person on earth!! Whether the message is as "clear as daylight" ie: Waking up today with the Spirit of life granted by God & a brand new day God has given us, or a subtle message through a bird singing, or seeing the beauty of God's Creation all around us.!If this is not noticed by mankind, God will ensure a message of His Love & Grace will cross the path of each person, ie: A billboard, a text message, something on the radio, something on social media, a testimony of someone,a beggar on the street saying God Bless you,etc. Somewhere, somehow, God sends each of us a message on a daily base!! We need to stop being the "thorns" to messages of God.! We must not allow the worries of life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke us!! For when we focus on circumstances & the fears of the world, we are overcome by anxiety & become "unfruitful" & cannot see the plans God has for our lives!! Take a moment today & consciously focus more intently on the messages you hear, the things you see, which will open your eyes, so you may see & open your ears so you may hear, understanding in your heart what is meant by the today's message…..You will be surprised how many times God has reminded you of His Love & Grace!Once you have learnt the secret to focus more on the messages from God, you will see the many messages from God,you have overlooked on a daily base!..


Day670 of lockdown; Psalm27vs1to3…. "The Lord is my Light and my Salvation- whom shall I fear?" This "statement" from David is testimony, of how a Shepherd boy became the most feared & powerful king to ever live!! The most "powerful" person to "fear" is not the rich & wealthy, or the people in "authority"! It is the God fearing man or woman,the child of God who walks in faith!! Let me repeat this; "It's the God fearing man or woman, the child of God who walks in faith!" Why is this?,How could I make such a statement?....Read carefully what this Psalm says; "When evil men advance against me to devour my flesh,when my enemies and my foes attack me, THEY WILL STUMBLE & FALL!!" - Do you see this?;Even before David's enemies got close to him, God had already brought Victory for him!!In most cases David did not even know how God had already cleared the way for him!! This is why David proclaimed  "The Lord is my light and my salvation - whom shall I fear?" Today, proclaim these words!!!,for God knows "who & what" is planned to advance against you both in the physical & spiritual realms!, & God has already prepared the way for them to stumble & fall!!........If this does not "motivate" you to remain faithful & to trust in God,do not be surprised if you stumble & fall  for fearing man &  the fear mongering of man!!....


Day661 of lockdown; Isaiah24 whole chapter.. "The Lord has Spoken"... Everytime these Words have been recorded in the Word of God,it was done well in advance by a God & announced by the prophets to the people! These prophetic words always served as a warning to mankind to repent and return to God. Today's message is no different!! The only difference, in the same way God warned the "city" of Nineveh through Jonah, the Lord had warned the inhabitants of the "whole earth" through Isaiah!. This prophecy was written thousands of years ago for us the "future" generation! How do we know this? How are we able to say this? … Just look at what is taking place in the World; the very things God has warned about, is taking place right now. In the name of "Science" & "Technology", mankind have and are creating things which defile the earth & God's Creation!!; "The earth is defiled by it's people;they have disobeyed the laws, violated the statutes and broken the everlasting covenant.!" Mankind are "playing god", we have developed technology which alter DNA, we have created things which change weather cycles, we have genetically modified crops, we have created poverty & hunger, we have created pandemics & diseases & ways to manipulate God's Creation.We have invented "AI" eliminate the 

need of workers, all the above & more have upset the "Law of Nature" which God had set in place since the beginning & for this very reason The Lord has spoken & warned mankind thousands of years ago!!; "Therefore a curse consumes the earth;it's people must bear their guilt.Therefore earth's inhabitants are burned up!".Whether you believe this or not, it will take place & mankind can do nothing about it!! for the Lord has spoken!!! However, not everything is doom & gloom!, for in the same way God did not bring calamity on the people of Nineveh when the repented, so God says; "and very few are left"; these are the few who repent & put their faith in God, only those people listen to the warning from God,will be left.!!.....


Day672 of lockdown; Psalm119vs169to176… Let's understand the true meaning of these words; "Let me live that I may praise You!!", Everyday we open our eyes, God has through His Love & Grace granted us the Spirit of Life, & He even goes beyond this and gives us a brand new day!!!God let's us live, in order for us to praise & worship Him!! God does not give us life to worry & be anxious!! TODAY, put behind you the worthless worries of life & understand the life breath you are breathing today has been Granted by God & this alone is sufficient & reason enough to praise & worship Him!!Do not be deceived by the worthless things, the circumstances & perceived worries & anxiety of life in the world! All these things mean nothing if you do not have the Spirit of Life God Grant's you!!! Today, take to heart these words "Let me live that I may praise your name", then go out and do just that!!....



Day673 of lockdown; Proverbs24vs10to12…

If you know people are being deceived and treated unfairly through fear mongering, & do nothing about it; If you say "But we knew nothing about this," God the One who guards our lives weighs the heart and knows this!! He will repay each person according to what he has done!! Therefore take to heart these Words "If you falter in times of trouble, how small is your strength.!" …..


Day674 of lockdown;Proverbs24vs15to21…

Do not make the mistake to confuse the humble nature of a God fearing child of God,for weakness!! A righteous God fearing man,may stumble & fall, however will never fail and will always rise again!!For their faith & strength is in the Lord!! They will not fret man or the fear mongering of men or be envious of the "perceived freedom" of the wicked, for they know evil men have no future!! The Lord promises; "The lamp of the wicked will be snuffed out" I have said it before & will say it again, "Don't mess with a God fearing man or woman, for you will only find yourself brought down by calamity!!!.......


Day675 of lockdown;Matthew25vs31to46…..

In life, people are so focused on the carnal nature, they neglect to understand the flesh counts for nothing & cannot enter into Heaven!We are all so "busy" living our lives and running after the comforts of life or trying to make a living, that we don't even realise when God speaks to us or sends people our way to "feed" or "drink" or "clothe". We encounter people on a daily base, needing  words of encouragement, a word of strength, a word of faith, a word of council,etc. But because we are caught up in our own "little world", we are useless to the kingdom of God because we are filled with worries,anxieties, the fear of man & all the "worthless" things of life , which God commands us we must not be!!. We neglect the elementary teachings of Christ which is love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and with all your mind;( Notice how it identifies the Spiritual man "All your heart/all your Soul/all your mind!!)  Love your neighbor as yourself." Instead of seeing people as God's creation & whom God loves equally, we  neglect to follow Christ's commands, we are so focused on our own lives, possessions & comforts, there's no time to do God's will.Let's understand these words; "I tell you the truth,whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.".....


Day676 of lockdown;Matthew25vs1to13… "The parable of the Ten Virgins".We need to understand; This parable is a specific warning to believers.The "lamps" refer to the amount of "light" which comes from within. Some people read the Word of God daily and meditate on it, taking to heart the message & apply it to their daily lives.These believers are not "tossed" about by all kinds of teachings & emotions, when "challenges" come, they are equipped with the Word of God to stand firm in faith & rebuke the devil!,because they understand the Word of God is sharper than a double edged sword! Not only are their "lamps" burning, but they have an abundance of  "oil" (faith in God to apply His Word, which is in their hearts) to last  through all circumstances.Then you get the believers, those who's lamps are burning, as they go to church & hear the Word of God, however because they have not taken the time & effort to study the Word of God on a daily base & apply the teachings, their "light" goes out  because of the challenges, worries and anxieties of life.They don't have the extra "oil" needed through faith to apply the teachings in God's Word, for they only rely on the teachings of preachers & the church, which only lasts from sermon to sermon! When we study the Word of God on a daily base, this is when we become like the  "wise virgins" & receive extra "oil" from the Holy Spirit of God to last until the return of Christ Jesus.!! Do not be deceived, by the world & the fear mongering of the world!! Fill your lamps with "oil" & ensure you have the extra "oil" needed to stand firm in faith, for God is True to His Word & will do everything He has promised.! …..

Day677 of lockdown;Psalm5vs1to12……  "Make straight Your way before me"  We all heard  about King David, where he came from & how powerful he became!! Never did he rely on his own strength or fear his enemies!! The Psalms of David have been recorded to empower children of God, in order for them to stand firm in faith & be encouraged & guided to living a Victorious life in the Lord!! Take to heart these Words; "Lead me, O Lord, in your Righteousness because of my enemies - make straight your way before me!!!" Do you see the Profound message here?David knew he had "enemies, however did not fear them or their fear mongering, he was not anxious & only trusted in God & His Promises! David did not rely on his own strength and understanding and thus with confidence requested from the Lord "make straight Your Way before me!" NB! Not David's way,not David's understanding of righteousness, but the Lord's Righteousness & the Lord's Way!!! Now, pay special attention to vs11 &12;

1.Let all who take refuge in You be glad;

2.Let them ever sing for joy;

3.Spread your Protection over them;

4.Those who love your name may rejoice in You;

5.For Surely, O Lord, you bless the righteous;

6.You surround them with your favor as with a shield!

TODAY, walk in faith, trust in the Lord &  be witness to these words "Make straight your way before me!"...


Day678 of lockdown;1 Peter3v 17 onwards…

"Why do we follow Christ?!" Do Christian's really know why they follow Christ?or have they just been born into this religion ?& just carried on with the tradition of Christianity? In actual fact this question is applicable to all religions!. In my own case,there was a time when I was a Christian a religious person who followed the teachings of the church I attended. Teachings & dogma according to manmade rules & regulations, beautifully presented in a fine sounding arguments originating from a limited carnal mindset, which made logical sense, however lacked the Power & Authority of the Spiritual Revelation!! When I questioned my belief system, I realised everything I did & everything I believed was taught and influenced by others.! Only once I started to study the Word of God on a daily base, the Truth of The Gospel of Jesus Christ dawned on me!! I realised Christ is the Righteousness from God; "For Christ died for sins once for all, the Righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God.! He was put to death in the body (Jesus100% man)but made alive by the Spirit!! ( Christ 100% Deity)" It was at this very moment I realized there is a difference between a "Christian" & a believer, a true follower of Christ.!! I  realised " not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a good conscience toward God.It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who has gone into Heaven and is at God's right hand- with Angel's authorities and powers I  submission to Him!! Once I realised All Angel's, all authorities and powers on earth & in the heaven realms are in submission to Christ Jesus,!!! this was the moment I u understood the meaning of Do not Worry, do not be anxious, do not fear man or anything of man,rebuke the devil & He will flee from you,  for as a believer in Christ Jesus, I now have & stand under His Authority and am protected By the Word of God, all I need to do is to  believe & stand firm in faith!! Now, the Power of God through the resurrected Christ clears the path of life for me!! The Word of God commands us 1Peter4vs11 - If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God!! Today, don't be deceived by circumstances and the fearmongering of man! Speak Victory, speak Life in the Name of Christ Jesus our Lord!!....


Day679 of lockdown; Psalm118vs19to29…

"This is the day the Lord has made;let us rejoice & be glad in it." Very few people undestand this or take any notice of this!! There are three "types" of people on earth to whom these Words are applicable!!;,

1.The Living;Those who Praise God for the New day everyday, thanking Him for the Blessing of Life unaffected by circumstances!!

2.The dead; Those who have departed and have no life,& cannot praise God for the Spieitof life's departed from them.

3.The Living dead;Those who have Life, however do not appreciated or understand this is the day the Lord has made and do not rejoice in the gift from God!!.All they do is complain about circumstances, worry about life & are fearful about the fearmongering of men.They give "praise & worship" to their circumstances & are not grateful for anything!! they cannot fathom "This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice & be glad in it!" Reflect for a moment & for yourself determine Which "Type" of person are you?.....


Day680 of lockdown;Isaiah37vs1to36….         " And Hezekiah prayed to the Lord". When a believer & child of God pray to the Lord,God is attentive to their prayers!! Not only this, but God will deliver His children from those who through fear mongering & threats to their Liberty & freedom attempt to harm God's children! This is not because of the "strength" of the believer, but because of their faith in Him our Omnipresent, All Powerful God!!, So that all the kingdoms on earth may know that that You alone, O Lord,are God!!! The time has come for all God fearing believers to bow before God our Father in the Name above all names Christ Jesus & pray, as Hezekiah prayed!! For the following happened;

The Lord Himself sent this WARNING to the Assyrian King & his followers:

 "I know where you stay and when you come and go and how you rage against me.Because you rage against Me and because your insolence has reached my ears, I will put My hook in your nose and My bit in your mouth, & I will make you return by the way you came." Then God sends out another WARNING -" I will Defend this City & Save it" Even then, the arrogance of the Assyrian King was displayed & he dis not listen & his troops were still camped around God's city! DO YOU SEE WHY? For the very moment God said "I will defend this City and Save it", at that very moment it became God's City & now the Assyrian King was not fighting man, but God!! Then God sent the Angel of the Lord, who went out and put to death "Hundred & Eighty Five thousand men in the Assyrian Camp!...Let this be a WARNING to every person, every organization & every government, who through fear mongering are predicting the 5th wave of terror!!! The Children of God have prayed to the Lord & we rebuke these Words & plans in the Name of Christ Jesus, God knows where you stay, and when you come and go and how you rage against Him, for when you plan things against His Children, you plan it against Him!! The WARNING has been given each person in his/her private capacity,who remains arrogant and ignore what is Written in God's Word; Understand this; "the Angel of the Lord is encamped around the believers and ready to do what God commands!!!"...


Day681 of lockdown;Proverbs14vs27to32….

"The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life";  Once you realise this, your heart is at peace & you are filled with contentment!! You need nothing more & are unaffected by those who live in envy!You know in your heart, no matter the circumstances, no matter the emotions you are going through & no matter the fear mongering of the world, God is in control & when calamity comes, the wicked are brought down.!!, but even in death the righteous have a refuge, for we understand the fear of the Lord is a fountain of life whether we live or die God is with us!!....


Day682 of lockdown; Hebrews9vs23to28…

"...NOW, to appear for us in God's Presence" Let's not be deceived by "religious" points of view & "fine sounding" carnal minded arguments!! The Word of God makes it very clear - " Christ did not enter a man-made sanctuary that was only a copy of the true one; He entered Heaven itself, "NOW" to appear for us in God's Presence". Do you see the Profound message? The word "NOW" means at this very moment! God's World is living and True & right "NOW" we have Christ Interceding for us in the Presence of God! This is why we need not worry, or be anxious, or fear man or anything of man in the World! In the Name of Jesus Christ we have already overcome, we are more than conquerors and wait patiently in faith for Him  to appear a second time, not to bear our sins, but to bring salvation! Do not be deceived by fine sounding arguments, focus on the One who can save, the One in the Presence of God, Ordained by God to bring Salvation! Jesus Christ is coming with the Promise of Salvation, How many will be lost because they are too busy,worried,anxious about their circumstances? & not found waiting for Him in faith??........


Day683 of lockdown; 1Corinthians6vs7to11… "Instead, you yourselves cheat & do wrong,and you do this to your brothers" This statement was made by Paul to the church at the time. You will find many people quoting these verses & with great enthusiasm talk about the "obvious" sins of "others", & how "others" need to repent, & how "others" will not inherit the Kingdom of God, if they do not repent! We need to understand those "others" we refer to & are  judging, are also Loved by God & the Blood of Christ was shed for them too!! Sin does not just apply to a certain group & category, according to our belief systems, sin applies to everyone, as nobody is without sin.!!The sins spoken about here are clearly defined in two categories in vs 9; Talks about sins of the flesh & vs 10 talks about the sins of the heart. Whichever way you interpret this, all the sins mentioned carry the same "penalty"  which will make that we do not inherit the kingdom of God!! The sins which are commonly overlooked & not identified as sin are the sins of the heart!!, which as a "percentage" are committed more often & by more people, than the sins of the flesh.! Let's put this into perspective;

1.If you have ever taken something which did not belong to you, without consent from the owner; You're a thief!

2.If you cling to your worldly possession & money & refuse to help others who ask from you, when you are able to assist; You're Greedy!!

3.If you drink & become useless to assist  others when they need your help & you cannot stand on your own two feet; You're a Drunkard.!

4.If you use social media or any other way to "bad mouth" others, because you do not agree with them or they are in disagreement with you or your belief system;If you say to a person begging, "go work for your money" ,etc.You're a Slanderer!

5.If you ever used your "title" or "Position" in society to ask for discounts or beg for assistance for food, yet you use it for something else; when you know you are able to pay the full price, but "insist" on a discount; If you have ever not paid a service provider after they have done what you agreed upon, & you are deliberate to find fault & keep back monies; You're a Swindler!.

We need to be consciously aware, as much as we "identify" sin in "others", we ourselves are guilty of sin aswell!! No matter who you are, no matter your belief system, we need to repent & ask for forgiveness of sins everyday, for everyday,we all sin in some way or the other!..........

Day684 of lockdown;2Corinthians1vs18to21, When the Word of God says; "Now it is God who makes us both stand firm in Christ.He anointed us, set His Seal of Ownership on us, and put His Spirit in our hearts as a deposit……". Let's be very clear about this!!! If a believer tells you, NOBODY has the right to take away their Liberty, or they declare they are protected by the Blood of Jesus Christ!!. IF,a believer refuses to take any experimental "drug" because of their faith, they are  "politely" WARNING you to "hands off" the property of God!! No laws, no fear mongering,no threats or pressure can change this!! GOD has set His seal of OWNERSHIP on us as believers & the minute ANYBODY tries to "ENFORCE" their evil intent on God's "property", they will need to face the full Wrath of God!! "ANYBODY" with "common sense" will know God's Word is True & Non-Negotiable!! They will  Understand the risk, understand what can happen to them, in their "private  capacity", when they attempt to harm any child of God.!!! ONLY a FOOL, will take the risk to ignore God's Word!! Do you understand today's message?, Pay special attention to my "profile pic", Do you now  see the Message and Warning portrayed in it!? It is a Statement of faith and the confirmation of  2 Corinthians1vs21!!!!!, which is "non- negotiable!!!".....


Day685 of lockdown;Ezekiel 14…. "Idolaters Condemned" People have this "misconception", about "Idols", being under the "impression" it is something manmade, manufactured or built by human hands.ie; A statue,structure,paintings, whether made from Gold,Silver,Wood,steel,paper (money&images) or concrete,etc.. These are all "worthless" things built by mankind.!! We need to understand these "manmade" things are the "end product" & not the origin of Idols!! The True Origin of Idols, are found in the heart!! This is why God WARNS; "...these men have set up Idols in their hearts….."; What mankind does not understand; God looks at the heart,God knows what you think & cannot be fooled!! People are able to "fool" people, they are able to "gather" around them support for their cause & evil intent, however God knows EVERYTHING!! Do not  be deceived by the things of men, do not think "Idolatry" is only something you "bow" down to in the physical realms! NO!!; Idolatry is what you harbor in your heart!! Let's put this into perspective; If God's Word says do not worry, do not be anxious about anything,do not fear man, do not love the world or anything of the world!! & you ignore these very "basic" Commands of God to mankind!.You are engaging in Idolatry!! That's it!! For if you worry & are anxious or fear the things of the world, you do not have faith in God!!, for these 'idols" called "worries" &"fears" make you "bow" down to "anxiety", which becomes you "god"!! Believing all these "idols", you perceive them to he "bigger & stronger" than God our Creator the Father of Christ Jesus!!! GOD says to you today, " Should I let them inquire of me at all…!! Do not be deceived, & do not engage in the Idols of the heart, for God's Word makes it very clear Idolaters will be Condemned!!!...


DAY686 of lockdown;2Kings1vs1to18…. Today the message is specific for the "God fearing believer"!!Those who desire to see the "Power & Victory" they have in the Name of Christ Jesus, the Ordained Son of God, of which is the Highest Authority in the Spiritual & Physical realms!!!!When reading 2Kings1, we need to understand the Profound message & testimony contained in these words;

1.We read about a king, who is the most powerful "authority in the land", who was injured when he fell through the lattice of his upper room.

2.We read about the king's  fears,( not being sure if he would recover from his injuries)& about his "arrogance" not to acknowledge  the "Authority" of God Our Creator in Israel.

3.We read about the king engaging in "Idolatry", sending a messenger to consult from other "god's" baal-zebub, the "god" of Ekron.

Now this is where the Power & Authority of God is displayed!!!!, God knew the king's intentions, God knew who the king had spoken to and who the king had sent to consult this "useless god" of Ekron.God even knew which route this messenger would take to reach Ekron. Now, let's look at what God did; & how Profound these Words are;

  1. Vs 3…"But the Angel of the Lord said to Elijah, go up & meet the messenger."- Meaning this is confirmation of Psalm91, where the Word of God says His Angel's are encamped around us!
  2. God,did not just know the plans of the king, but ensured He revealed the plans to His servant Elijah.Yet another confirmation of Genesis18vs16to33,Psalm103vs7to9  & Ephesian3-6, where God reveals His plans to the believer, before He does it!
  3. We read how God instructs Elijah on what to do,where to meet with this messenger of the king & what to say to him.
  4. God even knew how the king would react & how the king would "identify" the "person" who had stopped his messenger & God also knew how the king would react & "pursue" Elijah the messenger of God.
  5. Now, this is where it gets interesting!!; God would have revealed this to Elijah aswell, as Elijah did not flee & go into hiding, No; Elijah was sitting on the top of the hill, nearby, as the Word says 3 times the king sent a company of 50x (Fifty men)& vs 13, the captain if the third group of fifty men was afraid for his life and said to Elijah "See fire has fallen from Heaven and consumed the first two captains!".We need to understand there were no news channels & technology at the Time & if all were killed, who told the 3rd Captain about it?? So, we can come to the conclusion, they would have seen & been witness to the "fire from heaven"!,(knowing the arrogance of the king, they would have been fighting men!!,) With the intention of either harming Elijah or taking Elijah by force, should he not comply with the king's orders!!!
  6. The biggest mistake the king made, was to go after the "Messenger of God", what did he think? Did he really think it was Elijah in his own power & capacity who did this?

Let's look at the confidence & faith of Elijah.He was not threatened by the 50x men the king sent to "arrest" him, he was not concerned about their threats, demands & fear mongering, for Elijah knew The Lords Angel  is encamped around him!!Elijah did not become anxious and ready to fight in the physical realms or get up an run, NO, Elijah stood firm in faith & on God's Word & knew if he called fire from Heaven, it will happen! That's it! The rest is history!!. Let's understand this; The same God, the same Angel & the same Authority Elijah had, is available to every believer & child of God.!! In actual fact, we have more Authority & Power because of Christ Jesus, the Ordained Righteousness of God,sent from God, for the Salvation of mankind!! Today, apply your faith & sit back  as Elijah had done and call on the "fire from Heaven" to destroy the treats & fear mongering of those in power.!! As believers, this should motivate us all to stand firm in faith, no matter the circumstances!! & to those in position of Power & Authority,Let this be a STERN WARNING!!! Do not "Mess" with a Child of God!!!!.God knows your plans, God knows who you have been meeting with & God knows the path you will be travelling!!Whatever your intentions, whatever your plans, Understand the Message & the plans God has revealed to His Children today!! Do not think you will get away with it!!For the moment a believing child of God, calls upon the Lord, No man or earthly authority can stand, it will be destroyed!!!......


Day687 of lockdown;John8vs31to47…. "The Children of the Devil"; Do not be deceived by manmade "religion", which produces "fine sounding" arguments claiming all "religions" pray to the same "God or Higher Spiritual Power"!! This is one of the "biggest lies ever taught by the devil & those who believe this are his children!!!, for there is no truth in him & his desire is to turn everyone from believing in the One & Only True God, by making them believe the "gods" of religion are all the same.! The only True God, is God the Father of Jesus Christ, for Jesus  Christ makes it very clear "If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and now am here, I have not come on my own; but He sent me! Then Jesus asks this question; If I am telling the Truth,why don't you believe me? & makes this  "condemning" statement; "He who belongs to God, hears what God says.The reason you do not hear is that you do not "belong to God!!"NOW; for those who still cling to their "worthless religion" believing all are praying to the same  God, herewith what the "True Word of God" says; 1John6vs43to51; "Stop grumbling among yourselves," Jesus answered. No one can come to the Father unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day.It is written in the prophets : "They will all be taught by God.Everyone who listens to the Father and learns from Him comes to me(Jesus Christ)." Those religions who do not believe in the One & Only True God, are the the religions who do not believe Jesus Christ as being the Son of God, the Righteousness of God & from God, sent into the the World to preach the Gospel of Salvation to all mankind!!, Jesus was crucified for the sins of the world & more than this was resurrected by God as Christ Deity sitting at the right hand of God!! Do not be deceived by religions fine sounding arguments, if your religion teaches anything other than that which is written in the True Word of God  the Bible, your religion is worthless and you belong to your father  the devil & are following his teachings!!! .(John8vs44).....


Day688 of lockdown;Isaiah7vs1to25…."If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all.!" These are the Words the Lord spoke to Isaiah, before the Lord sent him & his son Shear-Ja-shub to meet with Ahaz. Thos sounds like a "simple" instruction, however is Profound Prophecy!! The Words in vs13; "Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: The Virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and call him Immanuel!(Which means God is with Us) I get "goosebump" thinking of these words!! We need to understand this was the 7th Century B.C.(before Jesus Christ was born), yet the Lord said to Isaiah; "If you do not stand firm in faith, you will not stand at all!" Do you realise this event, the " sign of the Lord" only took place 700 years later!!, However at the time Isaiah walked on earth the Lord already announced the coming of Immanuel, "God is with us"! Just imagine how strong Isaiah's faith had to be? For Isaiah dis not wait for the Prophecy to be fulfilled, he just trusted God!!If we "fast forward" to approx 700 years later, let's look at Matthew 1vs20to23;This was when the Angel of God appeared to Josheph son of David in a dream & said to him "Do not be afraid take Mary(the mother of Jesus) home as your wife,because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit!!. All this took place to fulfill what the Lord has said through the prophet Isaiah: "The virgin will be with child and give birth to son, and they will call him Immanuel"- which means "God is with us".Today , let us understand the prophecy given to Isaiah & also understand we are the generation the Lord had promised He is with us!! Let's stand form in faith, standing  on the promises in God's Word!!; For God is with us!!.....


Day689 of lockdown;Matthew10vs26to33… "Do not be afraid!!!" When Jesus sent out the twelve disciples, He sent them with Power & Authority of God.! Jesus encouraged them with these words " Do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul", then Jesus explains about two sparrows beings sold for a penny, yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the Will of your  Father,and the very hairs of your head are all numbered!" Three times (3x) Jesus says "do not be afraid!".Even if their lives are in danger, the Father will be with them & will not allow anything or anybody to harm them! The command is clear & Powerful; "Whoever acknowledges Me before men, I will acknowledge him before my Father in Heaven. Do you see the Profound message here? When they are facing any danger or dangerous circumstances, they need to acknowledge the Power & Authority of Christ Jesus before men!,they need to immediately proclaim that they are children of God and in the name of Jesus Christ not fear men or anything of men!! This is so POWERFUL!! In the presence of danger, we need to acknowledge the authority we have in the name of Jesus Christ!! We need to make it very clear to those who try and destroy the body, that we are not afraid & are protected by The Blood of Christ Jesus!....Do not be deceived, sending a text message or scripture to people on a regular base from the comfort of your home, is not what this verse commands us to do!.No, in the presence of danger, we are commanded to  acknowledge Christ Jesus, for then we stand firm in faith and under the Power & Authority of God!!! If you don't, if you "beg" for your life and fall to the ground like a person already defeated! The Word of God says the following;"But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in Heaven!! Do not "disown" Christ Jesus by fearing man or anything of man!, stand firm in faith & acknowledge Him, by "not being afraid of man"....


Day690 of lockdown;2Corinthians10vs1to17

"The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world.On the contrary they have Divine Power to demolish strongholds".Do you realise what "Divine Power" means!?...Very few people understand the true meaning of faith!! It is easy to say; " I have faith!!", however do you really have faith & apply it??!!Let's not be deceived by the "standards" of the world, which is measured by "carnal" emotions and fears & entice us to run after material things, their "solutions" to the problems they have created  & most of all  money & possessions!!! The world will always threaten & tell you what you will lose, if you do not follow their ways! They will install fear through fear mongering and entice us to follow their ways & their solutions!!.We need to understand everything.Man made is of  the world, & will remain in the world once we die!! That's reality!! When God says do not worry or be anxious about anything, the world teaches we need to worry & be anxious about everything.!! In the World everything is "conditional" & "reliant" on "carnal" understanding!! With faith, nothing is reliant on "Carnal" understanding, for we understood as True believers, it is all about "Divine Power" from above!! This power is not limited to what can be seen, but by that which is not seen!! "On the contrary,we have Divine Power to demolish strongholds.We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete!!" Today, ask yourself, do you live by the standards of the world & wage war as the world does through worries, anxiety caused by fear of man & circumstances or do you take captive every negative thought and fight with the weapon of "Divine Power" from God!??...........


Day691 of lockdown;Matthew22vs33-37…

"The Greatest Commandment"... We have heard this so many times & people speak about God's Commandments, however do not apply what is Written in Them!! Loving the Lord with all your heart,with all your soul & all your mind; Means with your "whole being", it leaves no room for the gratification of the flesh!!! Do you understand this??! If you constantly complain about life, how worried you are, how uncertain you are about the future, your finances, your job, your health, your circumstances or the circumstances around you, you fear, you are anxious, you are "tossed" around by every emotion,etc!! You have yet to understand what these Words mean!!! You are deliberate in your actions & mindset, you ignore the very first Commandment God our Creator has given us!! In actual fact what your harbor in your heart,soul & mind is the opposite to what God Commands us to do!! Do not be deceived, you cannot say you are a child of God, yet you announce to everybody how "bad" things are in your life!! The Word of God teaches us "Life & Death" are in the tongue, so speak Life!!! Remember, "You speak from that which is in your heart!!". The words from you mouth are a reflection of the "God/god's" in your heart,soul & mind!!.......


Day692 of lockdown;Acts5vs1to42…. Let's make sense of these words "We must obey God rather than men.The God of our fathers raised Jesus from the dead,.....God Exalted him to his own right hand as Prince & Savior, that He might give repentance and forgiveness of sins….."(vs29to31). When a child of God stands firm in faith & proclaims what is written in the Word of God (The Bible), people need to understand these believers are not "weak" and "vulnerable" because of their faith; They have learnt the secret to "Power & Victory" in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord! To the World these believers seem "powerless" because they walk alone & not in numbers!.However, in the Spiritual realms they have the army of God to their disposal!!!No matter the size of your Government or your army, your organization or any authority in the world or the Spiritual realms; If you cross the path of a child of God, who only has the reverent fear of God in them, you need to know they are protected by God!, it is God who makes them stand firm in Christ, He has annointed us, set His seal of OWNERSHIP on us, & put His Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, GUARANTEEING what us to come!!(2Cor1vs21). "Therefore, in the present circumstances in the World, We as believers in God our Creator & Father of Christ Jesus proclaim the Word of God, & advise all worldly powers & all heavenly powers, leave us alone!!For if our purpose or activity is of human origin it will fail, However if it from God, which we believe it is!!, "YOU" will not be able to stop us!!; You will only find yourselves fighting against God!! Don't be deceived, this is a Spiritual WARNING!! & is applicable to both the physical & spiritual realms!! Nobody can hide from God!! Whether this message is read or not, or the "advise" seen or not, the Instruction comes from God's Word & is non-negotiable!! To all believers, walk under the Authority of Christ Jesus & see the Victory God will bring!!!...


Day693 of lockdown;Matthew12vs30to37…. Part1.. Many people are uncertain about the meaning of the "unforgivable" sin, which is to sin against the Holy Spirit.! To make sense of these Words of Jesus Christ, we need to understand the Holy Spirit of God, leads us to Christ,Who is the Son of God the Righteousness of God, sent from God for the Salvation of mankind.!The Holy Spirit of God leads us to the knowledge of repentance & forgiveness of sins in Christ Jesus our Lord.! When people do not "listen" to the Holy Spirit of God, they do not understand & thus do not acknowledge Christ as the resurrected Son of God & who is the Righteousness of God, through whom their is forgiveness of Sins!; This is the "unforgivable" sin against the Holy Spirit of God, for only in Christ is there forgiveness of sins! & only through the Holy Spirit of God are we made aware of this.If we do not "listen" to the Holy Spirit of God which leads us to Christ, we commit the unforgivable sin.!...part2 to follow..


Day694 of lockdown; Matthew12vs33-37…… part2…."For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be Condemned."... very few people understand this!! The sins of the flesh are so "saught" after, that people do not realise within their "words" are found the "sins" of the heart, of which God's Word says "by your words  you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be Condemned!" DO NOT BE DECEIVED!! No matter how "religious" or "self-righteous" you think you are; what comes out of your mouth,  is what you really are!! It is not whether you are involved in the "sins" of the flesh or not, but rather what "sins" come from "within", out of the heart!! "Make a tree good and it's fruit will be good, or make tree bad and it's fruit will be bad, a tree is recognized by it's fruit.!" Let's put this into perspective;if you only focus on "other" people's sins,if you see demons & satan in everything;if you only see "doom & gloom" in the future;if you only feel sickness, worries,anxiety,depression, fear man or circumstances; If you are tossed about by emotions & fears which are brought on by fear mongering,etc.All these things you "talk about" & "worship" through your words are "fruit" you will be recognized by!!These things are not from God!These are all the fruit of the carnal  "heart"! Without realizing it, people display the "tree" they originate  from!The Word of God, is very clear on what the "fruit of the Spirit" are; & how to identify the fruit of the Spirit!Galatians5vs22; "But the fruit of the Spirit is Love,joy,peace,patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,gentleness and self control!! NOW, look at vs 23 "Against such things there is no Law!! I say again "Do not be deceived" by fine sounding "religious" & "self-righteous" arguments!!, be very careful of your "words/fruit" which come out of your mouth!!;"For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned."................


Day695 of lockdown;Isaiah53 whole chapter..

There will come a time we will all stand before God and give account to Him about our lives! In that day, we will have no excuse!! Long before we were born God gave this prophecy to Isaiah about Jesus the Christ. Explaining the very reason what the purpose was of Jesus Christ our Lord. Jesus would be;

1.Pierced for our transgressions,

2.Crushed for our iniquities,

3.The punishment which brought us peace was upon Him,

4.By His wounds we are healed,

5.The Lord has laid on Him the Iniquities of us all.

Because of the above, we will have no excuse before God!! He has already given us victory through Christ Jesus, yet we ignore this and have gone astray by deceitful emotions and fear mongering of the world.We have turned away from the Promises in God's Word and followed our own ways & the ways of the world!! The day we stand before the Father & attempt to "justify" our fears & anxieties, He will remind us about the victory & freedom He had proclaimed in advance through Christ Jesus!!Yet, mankind has ignored this and decided to follow their own ways!........


Day696 of lockdown;Isaiah65vs1to25….         

"Before they call I will answer;while they are still speaking I will hear." Let's not be carried away by "religious" teaching which are "manmade" & reliant on the understanding & interpretation of man!! The message contained in God's Word, is that of ; "God will Bless His people.!" These "people" which the Word of God refers to are those who trust in the Lord, those who remain faithful and know God is in control.Those who understand God is not limited to our carnal understanding & Nothing & Nobody is greater than God! The children of God who believe in the Righteousness of God, who is from God, which is found only in Christ Jesus our Lord. The Promise of God, to those who remain faithful & fully put their trust in Him is this; "Before they call I will answer;while they are still speaking I will hear!" Today, do not be deceived by circumstances, worries & anxieties of life, stand firm in faith for God has already cleared the way for you, don't be threatened by circumstances of the world or the fear mongering of the world; God has already cleared the way for you!..........


Day697 of lockdown;Jeremiah9vs22to24…

We live in a world where everything is "measured" by things mankind "perceive" to have "value" & "wisdom". Through Sceince & technology people think they are "clever" & have answers for everything; through position & popularity people think they have "power"; through the size of the business or government or the organizations, people think they are wealthy. All the above are worthless in God's eyes!! God will frustrate the wisdom of the wise, God will through justice take away the " borrowed" power of the strong; & those who put their hope on the riches of the world have nothing but worries & calamity awaiting them, for they have made money their god! This is what the Lord says; "But let him who boasts boast about this:

1.That he understands and knows Me,

2.That I am Lord,who exercises Kindness,Justice & Righteousness on earth!!

The the Lord says : "For in these I delight" !! Today, consider what the Lord Declares!!! THE QUESTION I HAVE??!! Do you conform to the worthless  "wisdom","powers"& "riches" of the world, or do you believe & have faith in what the Lord declares?........


Day698 of Lockdown;1Kings3vs1to15….We all know about King Solomon, his knowledge & wealth and how he took care of God's people. People focus on his wealth & refer to his greatness, however neglect to understand how & why this came about!!. The SECRET to Solomon's wisdom,power & authority, was not because of his own strength, ability & knowledge, but because of his FAITH in God! King Solomon was  the most powerful person in the kingdom at the time,( as he was already been appointed as king in the place of king  David).However, when God appeared to him in a dream, King Solomon knew, even though he was the appointed king by mankind, he was nothing & will be nothing without God!! King Solomon, was not arrogant & thought of himself being in higher standing than others because of his position, NO!, he immediately humbled himself before God & did not ask for "worthless" carnal things, but for the most Powerful & Valuable things he would need to govern.! The Secret to King Solomon's Wisdom,Power & Authority is revealed in vs 9; "So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right & wrong."...This is the most Powerful request any man could bring before God!!!!; Now, Let's look at what God answered Solomon vs12; (Since Solomon did not ask for selfish things & selfish gains, but for discernment); "I will do what you have asked.I will give you a wise & discerning heart…..; MOREOVER,I will give you what you have NOT asked for -both riches and honor-"...Understand this; We serve the same God, we are Protected by the Same God & we have the Authority of God through Christ Jesus our Lord! Today, forget about the selfish & emotional carnal things you want, for God can do MORE than you can ever think!!! No matter what circumstances surround you, no matter your position in society, without God, you are nothing & will have nothing!! However, those who humble themselves before God, He will fill their lives with Love,Peace,Joy & Happiness!! In faith claim God's plan for your life & see the Victory He brings to You & your family, your business & every other aspect you have not even thought of!!! ALL PRAISE,WORSHIP & THANKSGIVING TO GOD!!.........


Day699 of lockdown;Ecclesiastes11vs1to6.. part1: "Bread Upon the Waters", the Word of God, is not some "cleverley" invented book written by man!!It is the "Roadmap" & "Manual" for life!God reveals His promises to those who have faith & believe in Him through His Written Word.! As things take place in the world, ie;the wars, the hunger, the crimes, the hatred,the unforgiveness, the uncertainty, the pandemic's, etc. We need to understand these are all "temptations"  "common" to man!.(1Cor10v13). We need to also understand God is above these "common" things!!! God is not just above these things, but with every "temptation" God will provide a way out, so that we can stand up under it! Considering the Promises in God's Word, there is a STERN WARNING -" Whoever watches the wind will not plant;whomever looks at the clouds will not reap.!" Do not be deceived by circumstances & the things "common" to man, we need not be concerned about what takes place in the world (...watch the wind); we also need not fear circumstances in our lives or our future  even if there are perceived "dark clouds", the instruction is clear  " Cast your bread upon the waters!" Hold on to your faith, continue with your plans & live life, praising & worshipping God, for He is above any circumstance or any situation we face in our lives or in the World!!!.........part2 to follow..


Day700 of lockdown;Ecclesiastes11vs1to6… Part2...Only God knows the certainty of today & those who have the Spirit of Life are testimony to this!Nothing you plan or fear is greater than the gift of Life God has granted you today.God knows His plans for your life,  for everything else is uncertain.Thus in faith we need to trust God and thank Him for His Spirit if Life He has granted us, to enjoy this wonderful new day He has given us! Today, in faith & Thanksgiving in your hearts "Sow your seed in the morning and at evening let not your hands be idle,for you do not know which will succeed,whether this or that,or whether both will do equally well.!".... However, their is a warning concealed in this message; If we are grumpy,upset,worried, anxious or any negative emotion,this is also seed you are sowing & when it produces a harvest; Will you be ready for it? & Will you be able to handle it? BE VERY CAREFUL WHAT SEED YOU SOW!!!.......


Day701 of lockdown;Isaiah33vs5&6…. Very few people understand these words "...The fear of the Lord is key to this treasure!" While we are taught by the world "seeing is believing; God commands us believing is Seeing!" I find it strange that people can fear man & things of the world, they can worry & be anxious to the point of depression; however cannot & do not fear the Lord!! They fear the "gods" of the world, the "gods" of the flesh & emotions, not realizing they are involved in "idolatry"!For everything you fear, you are submitting to it's authority!! "Fear & Faith" have the exact same power!! When you fear "something" that "something" becomes a consuming stronghold in your life!, to the point of "self-destruction", you become "useless" for the Kingdom of God, for you are involved in "idolatry" !!!Your whole life becomes consumed with the "god" of fear who you openly "worship" & "confess" to others, of how worried you are, how sick you are, how anxious you are,etc!!! God's Word commands us to fear the Lord, as this is the the key to the treasure of Justice & Righteousness, the sure foundation for our times of trouble & a rich store  of salvation and Wisdom & Knowledge;" Let us understand, when we have the fear of the Lord, we bow down to His Authority & we Praise & Worship Him for His Love & Protection through all circumstances.!! We walk in victory & do not bow down to other "gods" of fear! We know & understand we are Children of God, bought by the blood of Christ Jesus & are more than conquerors in His name!! "The fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure!!"...... I ask you today; "Where does your "treasure" lie? DO NOT BE INVOLVED WITH IDOLATRY!!!!!!!!.....


Day702 of lockdown; Mark13vs1to37…..

"Signs of the End of the Age"; When Jesus spoke to his disciples, He warned them about things to come, not just for them but for all believers.These Words of Jesus were prophetic Words not to scare believers, but to prepare believers, for that which is to come!!. Let's understand what the "signs of the End of Age will be"; Jesus warns ;" Watch out that no one deceives you"!

1.Many will come in My Name, claiming I am he. We see so many religions saying Jesus was a prophet, or through Jesus you will receive money & riches,etc Do not be deceived by this!

2.You will hear of wars & rumors of war; Do not be Alarmed!

3.Nation will rise against nation & kingdom against kingdom

4.There will be earthquakes in various places & famines!- These are the beginning of birth pains.

5.You will be handed over to local authorities & flogged on account of me; be on your guard, but don't worry the Holy Spirit will speak on your behalf.

6.Brother will betray brother to death,& father his child.

7.Children will rebel against their parents and have them put to death.

8.All men will hate you because of Me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved!!

Then there is the final warning;

9.When you see "the abomination that causes desolation standing where it does not  belong- Let the reader understand!!. We need to understand we are the temple of the Lord, He has set His seal of ownership on us as believers, through Christ Jesus! God is in our DNA, which makes us to Love,to have Hope, to have faith & to live a life filled with the fruit of the Spirit.! However, there is an "abomination" created by scientists, through the use of nano technology, intending on  "cutting" out  the DNA of  God! This was predicted by Jesus two thousand years ago & He warned when you see "the abomination that causes desolation standing where it does not belong" ie:In the temple of God, the DNA where God has set His seal of ownership on us! We must know the end of Age is near! We need to be alert & not be alarmed by the above, for those who stand firm in faith till the end will be saved!!...


Day703 of lockdown;Matthew21vs18to21… "The fig tree Withers"...Everytime Jesus did something when He was with His disciples, it was to teach them! The example of the "fig tree" was one of those teachings. If we analyse this; in our limited human mindsets, we try & work out the "logic" or "science" behind it, for this is the only way things make sense to our limited carnal mindset & ability!We will argue; but maybe the tree had fruit before, but they were picked  or maybe the tree was too young, or maybe it was out of season,or maybe,maybe,maybe,etc.! The teaching has nothing to do with the "fig tree", it has to do with life & how we go through life & how we need to apply our faith!You could be a religious person & go to church all your life,& your "leaves" could be green and you might look "healthy" & "fruit bearing", however do you bear fruit? Do you "practice what you preach" or does your religious ways just produce "green leaves"? It is no use to "look" the part of a believer, yet not have the faith to move mountains! The teaching of Jesus made it very clear,"I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, "GO",throw yourself into the sea, and it will be done." Take a moment to "consume" these Words!!,here we have the most Powerful Promise in the whole Universe, straight from Jesus Christ the Son of God, the Highest Authority in Heaven & Earth; "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer".! Today, do not just be a  "tree" full of green leaves, but be a "mountain moving" God fearing "fruit bearer", apply the teachings of Jesus Christ in your Ives & command every perceived "mountain" to "GO"! Then you will be witness to the "immediate" Power & Authority of God in your lives!...

Day704 of lockdown;Isaiah3vs10&11…. "Tell the righteous it will go well with them!" Today, take to heart the message in God's Word, do not be deceived by circumstances or events in the World, for God is Greater & more Powerful than anything in the World or anything of the World!!The "righteous" spoken about, are those who believe in the Righteousness of God, who was sent from God & is found only in Jesus Christ our Lord! To those who believe & remain faithful to the Promises in God's Word; Hear this message & rejoice in the Lord, for Today God says:      "Tell the righteous it will be well with them, for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds!" That's It! This is the Promise in God's Word!! NOW, to the wicked, those who do not believe this, those who devise wicked schemes; God says: "Woe to the wicked!!Disaster is upon them!They will be paid back for what their hands have done………


Day705 of lockdown; Psalm66vs16to20….. "Come and listen, all who fear God!"Today's message is an URGENT call to all belivers! The Word of God commands us to have a reverent fear of God!!This is a "non-negotiable" command!! Do not be deceived by emotions or circumstances or any threat of mankind!, No matter your circumstances, in everything & through everything, we need to Praise God!! God looks at your heart & if that which you "cherish" in your heart is the reverent fear of God, His praise will be on your tongue.! HOWEVER, if you cherish the sin of worries,anxiety,fear of man,fear of circumstances,fear of what is happening in your life & the world, you faith is worthless!!,you are in direct contradiction to God's command & because you "cherish these sins in your heart,you "value" your circumstances,more than you have faith in God & Trust God!! The Psalm writer makes it very clear; "if I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened!. TODAY,understand these PROFOUND words & apply your faith to everything in your lives; fear God only, praise & worship God in & through all circumstances!!....


Day706 of lockdown;Isaiah51vs4to8…. "Listen to Me, My people;hear Me,My nation" People don't realise the "Power & Authority" in these Words of God!!.If God says "Listen to Me & Hear Me"; We need to do exactly what God Commands!!!! Why are we carried away by "fine sounding" religious points of view, thests of man which only brings conflict & fear mongering!,why do we ignore God's Commands?? Written here, God has given the Prophecy about "The Law, which will go out from Him, which is His Justice, and will become the light to the Nations." Then God Confirms exactly what this means; "My Righteousness draws near speedily, my Salvation is on the way!! All these Words came True!!! When Jesus was born, crucified & resurrected from the dead by God!.With Jesus Christ came the New Covenant Law of Love & Grace, through which those who believe in the Righteousness of God, which came from God are promised Salvation.All of this written in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.To those who believe, we become children of the Most High, God the Father who has set His seal of Ownership on us through the Blood of  Jesus Christ.!This Salvation through Christ Jesus, will last forever & His Righteousness will never fail!! HOW POWERFUL IS THIS!!!!?!!

Then God goes further & makes this Promise & makes it very clear to the reader "Hear Me! You who know what is right,you people who have my "law" (New Covenant Law through Jesus Christ); " DO NOT fear the reproach of men or be terrified by their insults!!,For the moth WILL eat them up like a garment, the worm WILL devour them like wool!!! THE LORD SAYS to all His Children, "Listen to Me, My people,My nation!!......


Day707 of lockdown;Isaiah51vs11to16..Part2

"Listen to Me, My people;hear Me, My nation"

Let's understand what the Lord says about "His people", The Ransomed of the Lord will return!!;

1.With singing,

2.Everlasting joy will crown their heads,

3.Gladness & Joy will overtake them,

4.Sorrow and sighing will flee away,

5.The Lord is the One who comforts you!

If you cannot sing to the Lord with Thanksgiving in your heart, filled with gladness & Joy, because of God's Grace & Righteousness in your life. It means you fear mortal men & the fear mongering of mankind, you put your circumstances above God & don't realise by your actions and mindset/ belief system, that you forget the Lord your Maker!! God says to you through His Word: "The Ransomed of the Lord will return, gladness & joy will crown their heads!" Listen & Hear what God says!!!...........


Day708 of lockdown;Jeremiah22vs33to39…

"False Oracles and False Prophets" The Word of God teaches us to be on our guard against "false oracles & false prophets", because every man's own word becomes his oracle and so distorts the words of the Living God." Do not be deceived by "fine sounding" religious "belief" systems! We need to understand anything which is "quoted" other than what is written in the True Word of God, is not the Words of the Living God!Signs which accompany the words of a "false prophet or false oracles are as follows:

1.Any prophecy which has to do with money or physical possessions.

2.Any prophecy which goes into "logical" detail of how you will receive "carnal" pleasures in the afterlife.

3.Any person who "elevates" themselves above others, who want to "intercede" for others.

4.Any person/religious organization  who gather a following for themselves, claiming they following a message from a prophet.

None of these things are from God, for the Word of God states clearly Christ Jesus is the Great Intercessor, sitting at the right hand of God.No man can intercede for another, for this means they want to replace Christ, which is not Biblical.You may pray for others, but you cannot "intercede" for others;When preachers teach about prayer & they do not teach that the highest authority of prayer is the prayer of the believer.& they make it out that "their" prayers have more "power" than yours, these are "false prophets".God listens to all prayers, He knows you by name & all you need to do is humble yourself before God & He will listen to you!Anybody who makes you believe that prayer is about money & physical possessions or measures "Blessings" by money or physical possessions are "false prophets & false prophecy" be on your guard for this is not from God.When people say to you "this is the Oracle of the Lord or this is what the Lord said "I" must tell you, if it does not correspond with the Written Word of God, it is not from God.For the Word of God warns us; vs 38"Although you claim, 'this is the Oracle of the Lord', this is what the Lord says: You used these words,'This is the Oracle of the Lord', even though I have told you that you must not claim, 'This is the Oracle of the Lord' Do not be deceived, be on your guard against "false prophets" & "false prophecy" claiming it is the "words" or "visions" they received from God,because every man's own word becomes his oracle and is not from God!!.......


Day709 of lockdown; Luke21vs8-20……

"Biblical prophecy being fulfilled" Many people cannot understand the things happening in the world today!?!, however the prophecies & predictions have been spoken about by Jesus Christ.We need not fear what is taking place for the promise is "But not a hair of your head will perish.By standing firm you will gain life!" We need to be glad & rejoice for being the generation who are witness to the prophecies being fulfilled before our very eyes!! May the Joy & Peace from God,  fill your hearts with thanksgiving & praise to the Lord for the revelation of what is to come.!....

Day710 of lockdown: Matthew15vs1to20... "This you nullify the Word of God for the sake of your tradition!" These are the Words of Jesus, when the Pharisees "confronted" Jesus about what is "Clean & Unclean". According to their religion & religious teachings they were always on the "lookout" for people who did not do what they "believed" in, or what they deemed to be sin according to their belief system. Little did they know or realize the things they believe in & the measurement they measure with are all "teachings & rules taught by men". All these "teachings & rules" were designed to measure the physical & carnal things of man. They seem to have a form of righteousness however, they nullify the Word of God! They do not realize the things of the flesh are related to the flesh & that flesh & blood cannot enter the Kingdom of God!They were so set in their belief system, the Word says they were offended by the words of Jesus when He confronted them about their belief system. Let us not make the same mistake & by judgi g others and measuring them by our religion & belief system. People who" judge" others or "point a finger" at others & have much to say about the "sins" of others, are in actual fact the ones sinning!! For Jesus made it very clear where "sin" originate from and it is not the  sins of the flesh which we will be judged on, but the sins of the heart! vs18&19 "But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man 'unclean', for out of the heart comes evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. These are what make a man" unclean"! Today & Everyday do not be received by the teachings of man, repent for the sins of the heart, for by these sins we will be judged!....


Day712 of lockdown: Matthew11vs25to30... "Rest for the Weary" - Do not be deceived by the carnal nature of mankind. You could have all the money & riches in the World, you could follow the best diets & exercise,you could have everything your heart desires, however you have Nothing, if you do not have rest in your soul! You will always be searching, always be lacking for the gratification of the flesh is worthless! People do not realize Hope, Peace, Joy & Love comes from within & cannot be found in the worldly possessions! The only way to find rest in your soul is through Christ Jesus:"For My yoke is easy and My burden is light"! Jesus was not talking about the carnal things of life, but about the Spiritual, for He knows the secret to Life & where it originates from. TODAY, be aware of this & understand when you find rest in your soul through Jesus Christ, your life is complete & you will live a life full of hope, full of joy with Thanksgiving in your heart for the Love God has for us! Nothing can harm you, for you have found rest for your soul in Christ Jesus.......


Day713 of lockdown: Psalm23.. "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want." This is one of the most "commercialized" Psalm in the World, even none believers &  pagan religions know the words of this Psalm. No matter how many people can recite this Psalm, do they really understand the Profound & Powerful message contained in it?!! Is the Lord really the Shepherd of those who know how to recite this Psalm?,or  are these Words just words?, do people cherish them in their hearts? Today, let's put some perspective into "words of the tongue" or Power & Authority of God in our Lives! When you fear evil or the fear mongering of man or the circumstances in the world, then this Psalm has no meaning & understanding for you,! for the "shepherd" you follow is the "shepherd of fear"!! However when the Lord is your Shepherd, You shall not want!! Nothing on earth, no power, authority or circumstance will harm you!!, for God is with you & His Rod & His Staff will comfort you!! The Rod of God will destroy all enemies and every evil force whether on earth or in the Heavenly realms! , and His staff will lead you on the path of righteousness through Christ Jesus our Lord!! TODAY, ask yourself which Shepherd do you follow? Is it God our Father & Creator or is it the "god" of fear & fear mongering the world



Day714 of lockdown: Isaiah2vs22... "Stop trusting in man!", When will believers understand this Command from God? When?.... You cannot say you are a Christian or a believer in God our Creator the Father of Christ Jesus our Lord, if you keep on running after the wisdom of man! The fact that mankind measure by" human" qualifications, we need to understand all the wisdom of the world, is exactly that! "Wisdom of the World!" No matter the qualifications or the title of men, they are still only men, "who has but a breath in their nostril, of what account is he? No scientist, no doctor, no professor, no Richman, etc, is any different in God's eyes than the person without a qualification, or who is poor or homeless.! For God says He will frustrate the wisdom of the wise! God looks at the heart, God sees into the Souls of people & knows the "arrogance" of men, He sees the deceit in the hearts, He sees the alternate motives of man! God sees the lies & fear mongering of the "wise"! EVERYTHING is in plain sight to the Lord & this is why God Commands us "Stop trusting in man!" Today, I ask you - "Do you Trust God?, or are going to "ignore" God's Command &  keep on "trusting" & "fearing" man? GOD says to you today: "Tell the righteous it will go well with them, for we will enjoy the fruit of their deeds. Woe to the wicked! Disaster is upon them! They will be paid back for what their hands have done!"(Isaiah3vs10&11). Understand this, if you do not follow God's Command where He says: "STOP trusting in man!", there is a clear WARNING from God "Woe to the wicked...." Only a wicked person does not follow God's Command!!......


Day715 of lockdown: John15vs1to17... "I have told you this that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete!" These are the Words of Jesus Christ. Do you notice how Jesus explains where "complete Joy" comes from? Only in Christ Jesus is our Joy complete, nothing in the World can give us Joy. Our complete Joy is found in Christ Jesus, & once we realize this, we will praise & worship God with thanksgiving in our hearts & on our lips, for VS 16 states " You did

not choose me, but I chose you to go bear fruit - fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in My Name!" Do not let Satan deceive you, for your Joy is not reliant on the flesh, but is complete in Christ Jesus.!!.....


Day716 of lockdown: John14vs1to13..." Jesus the Way to the Father", Let's not be deceived by "fine sounding" religious arguments!, religious  people will go into "great lengths" to convince others about their "religion" & belief systems, they will say things like everybody "pray" to the same "God"! This is the biggest "lie" & "evil deceit" which exists!! In the Word of God, Jesus Christ states the following :"I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well.! Anybody who tries to teach you" anything" other than these Words of Jesus Christ, are full of deceit & they do not understand the only way to the Father, our Creator of Heaven & Earth is only found in Christ Jesus.! If we put this in "human terms" Jesus Christ has been Ordained by God to bring Salvation to man. Christ Jesus is the "GPS" which leads us to Heaven to where God our Father is. For Jesus Christ is the "Way", the "Truth" & the "Life" we need to follow, in order to enter the Presence of God! JESUS CHRIST is the Only way to the Father!! Any religion which does not teach this, is not from God our Creator, & is full of deceit & lies.!! However those who belive that Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father, Christ says the following: "Do not let your hearts be troubled,. TRUST in GOD, trust also in Me.! TODAY, do not be deceived by" fine sounding" religious arguments, Jesus has gone to prepare a place for all believers & will come back to take those who believe in His teachings to be with Him in the presence of God!.....


Day717 of lock down,: Proverbs30vs4to6... When the Word of God commands us to do something, we need to understand this is "non negotiable"! No matter your position of "power", no matter how "powerful" you perceive you are for "whatever" reason! "Every Word of God is flawless, He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him!" God the Father & our  Creator has Ordained His Righteousness through Jesus Christ, thus we are the property of God! If a believer holds onto God's Word & in faith confirms they do not fear man or anything of man! You better believe them!! , for they are standing firm in faith & know "Every word of GOD is flawless" , & they take refuge in the Lord not in man! Nowhere in the Word of God does it say fear man, be anxious, worry, etc. Anybody who lives a life of fear of man or the "fears" of men, are in direct contradiction to the flawless Word of God!!.....


Day718 of lockdown:Psalm44vs4to10... "You are my King & my God", These are such Powerful Words, however if not applied in your life, could be the most dangerous words!! When a believer humbles themselves in reverent fear of the Lord, they understand the Power of these Words. They understand in themselves they have no strength & cannot rely on the flesh! They have learnt the secret to life, the secret to contentment & victory! The secret to life is this:

1.Put all your faith in God!,

2.Know the Authority you have in the Name of Jesus Christ!,

3.Through Him, we push back our enemies,

4.Through His Name we trample our foes,

5.Through Him, He gives us victory over our enemies,

6.Through Him, He puts our adversaries to shame,

7.In God we make our boast all day long!!

Do you see the Power& Authority a believer has??

A believer does not trust in his/her own strength or their "bow" & their "sword" does not bring them victory. (They don't fight a physical battle, they understand the battle is Spiritual!)

& this is why a believer is able to praise the Lord, with thanksgiving in their hearts, through any circumstance, for they know they have put their trust in the King of kings & Lord of lords!!

However, those who fear man or fear mongering of man, to such people there is dangers awaiting them! God's Word is very clear, if we do not trust in Him always, and praise His name forever, the Word says "But You have rejected and humbled us, You no longer go out with our armies, You made us retreat before the enemy, and our adversaries have plundered us." Today, ask yourself, do you believe & trust the Lord, or do you believe & trust your circumstances!?!..........


Day719 of lockdown: 1Kings13 whole chapter...." Be on your guard whom you trust!!.. When you study your Bible & you receive a message from God, revealed by the Holy Spirit of God. Listen & apply the Word of God in your lives! We see in today's message, how a" Man of God" was deceived by a prophet to do something God Commanded him not to do.! This is a clear warning for us, to stand firm in faith & do what God's Word Commands us to do!. There are so many examples of how "prophets, priests, pastors,church leaders, etc" Use their "title" to deceive believers. When a believer has read something in God's Word and are convinced by the Holy Spirit to not do something, then you get "leaders" of the church proclaiming something else, using their "qualification & title" to make it sound authentic!! Be on your guard against such deceit, for we do not listen to man, but to God & God alone!!  If you want a message from God, read His Word the Bible. God's Word Commands us to listen to Him!! Be on your guard against 2nd hand information, offered to you from the pulpit, or some prophet claiming an Angel appeared th them!, because of the "title & qualification" of the person's own interpretation.!! Read God's Word for yourself!!!.....


Day720 of lockdown: Psalm68.. "May God arise, may His enemies be scattered".. Have you ever considered these words?, How is it possible for God to have enemies? The "enemies" referred to are anything & anybody who do not follow God's commands!! We read in the Word of God; "Now it is God who makes us both stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set His seal of OWNERSHIP on us, and put His Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come." 2Cor1vs21&22. The World and all the evil forces of the World and in the Heavenly realms, need to understand this!! When a believer stands firm in faith & believes in the Righteousness from God, which is only found in Christ Jesus, we as believers are the property of God, He has set His seal of Ownership on us.!! Thus anything or anybody who attempts to harm a believer, whether through fear mongering, draconian laws, or any evil plan mankind can think of, they need to understand their

wicked schemes against a believer, is in actual fact wicked & evil schemes against God's Property! At the very moment their schemes are planned against God's "Property" , they are identified as "wicked" before God & become enemies of God!!! "Before God the wicked will perish, however the righteous will be glad and rejoice before God!!" Today, do not fear the things of the world, all their wicked schemes will be blown away by God!!


Day721 of lockdown; 1Kings17vs7to16... Do not be deceived by circumstances or the carnal perception of limited resources. The Word of God clearly states;" hope which is seen, is no hope at all!" Today's message, is an example of this, an example of the "carnal" way of thinking & the reality of what happens if you in "faith" trust in God! . We have a widow who only had a handful of flour,after the prolonged draught at the time. In her "carnal" mind, it was enough for 1xmeal for herself & her child & thereafter she "thought" they will die of starvation! However, when Elijah asked her to prepare some bread for him, (from what she had left) , she did as Elijah had asked! She knew this was her last, she knew there will be no more! , however in faith she listened to the words of Elijah, "For this is what the Lord, the God of Israel says:'The jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry until the day the Lord gives rain on the land.' At that very moment when this widow stood in "faith" and trusted God, her life changed,! the things she thought in the "carnal" mind would overcome her, God immediately turned into a life changing miracle!! Do not be deceived by the " carnal" emotions & circumstances which surround mankind, we serve the same God of Miracles, the God of Hope & the God who says : "Do not worry, Do not be anxious about anything, for through Christ, He has set His seal of Ownership on us & nothing can separate us from the Love of God!! As the World are getting ready for the perceived wars, rumors of war, food shortages, economic hardships & all the " carnal"  fear mongering, let all believers Praise & Worship God, for God will Protect His Property, God will not allow those who remain faithful to Him, to be overcome by the carnal threats of man!!....


Day722 of lockdown; 2Corinthians4vs16to18... ".. we are being renewed day by day...", Sometimes it is important to put things into perspective, in order for people to understand. When the Word of God States "do not lose heart", then we don't lose heart!!.. . Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day". We need to understand this is not just for believers, it is a message to all people! There is no "favoritism" with God, everyday each and every person alive in the world, whether they believe in God or not, have been given a brand new day! This is because God is True to His Word! However, mankind do not see this, mankind just keep on wasting away not just in the physical, but in the Spiritual. Those who thank God every day for His Love & Grace, who on a daily base acknowledge the Mighty Power of God being revealed through Christ Jesus the Righteousness of & from God, these believers understand it's because of God, that we have been given a new day, our Spirits are renewed day by day every single day without fail, for we understand the new day we have been granted is a Blessing from God.! Therefore we do not lose heart, we praise & worship God for the renewed strength we receive everyday! We do not fix our eyes & thoughts on what is seen, but on that which is not seen, the things God has promised in His Word.! Do not be deceived by emotions and things you see & experience in life, all of these things are "temporary" all of these things mean Nothing, they are Worthless!!! If you cannot praise & worship God with Thanksgiving in your heart for this brand new day you have received today, you have no understanding of the Words "we are being renewed day by day"! The brand new day you have received today, is a living testimony of what is written in God Word! Do not fill this new day God has given you with "Idols" of fear, worries, anxieties, etc! As God is True to His Word,we do not lose heart, for we know the meaning of ".. yet inwardly we are renewed day by day"! If this brand new day does not inspire you to worship God with Thanksgiving your heart, you are "worshipping" the temporary, you are worshipping "gods" of fear & anxiety, you are not just wasting away outwardly but wasting away inwardly!!....

Day723 of lockdown; Proverbs 26vs4&5... "A fool & his folly"... Many people will use these two verses & will try & convince others; that the Bible contradicts itself,!not knowing that the very two

verses they are referring to are in actual fact exposing their own folly!! Do not be deceived by fine sounding arguments, for the message contained in these two verses holds the secret to answering a fool. When someone tries to "argue" & justify their religion or belief system, they will always "challenge" your belief system, as they have created a "perception" in their own minds about your "belief" system & "assume" they are "right" & you are "wrong". There is a very powerful word for this, it is called "religion"!! The message today is: "Don't be caught up in" religious" arguments for if you do, you are answering a fool according to his folly & you will end up like him yourself! What the Proverb warns about is do not try and change the "perception & assumption" of a fool by being "sucked" into their belief system. What they perceive & believe is their own folly & it is not your responsibility to convince them. They need to convince themselves! However, the Proverb states very clearly "Answer a fool according to his folly, or he  would be wise in his own eyes." Herein lies the secret to exposing the folly of a fool, you answer directly from the Truth written in God's Word the Bible, for by ANSWERING from the Word of God, you are not being sucked into their "perception & assumptions" of a fool, however are exposing  their folly! Do not be deceived by fine sounding human argument, be on your guard not to answer a fool at the level of his understanding & his folly, however answer from the Truth contained in God's Word which answers according to the folly of a fool.!!


Day724 of lockdown; Judevs17to20... " Most Holy faith",.. Consider these words, what is the most "Holy faith"? - It has nothing to do with the physical.! It is to keep yourselves in God's Love as we wait for the Mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring eternal life! Anybody who preaches anything else, the promise of riches & glory, money & possessions or anything deemed to be "valuable" in the flesh, are "scoffers" who follow their own "ungodly" desires.! These are men who divide you, who follow mere natural instinct and do not have the Spirit.! Do not be deceived by those who make you believe that "Blessings" from God is measured by money or the promise of money or any physical possessions, for this is not Spiritual and has nothing to do with the most holy faith God expects from us.!!


Day726 of lockdown; Ecclesiastes3vs10to15..  "Whatever is has already been and what will be has been before".. The wisdom of the world and the arrogance of the "wise" cannot fathom what is written here. As mere mortal men we think we have invented new things and new technologies, which make us all powerful & knowledgeable. We do not understand everything we need to advance as mankind has existed in creation since the beginning! We have only now gained the knowledge & understanding to "extrude" & "combine" things together to advance. All "raw" material has been part of creation, long before we have gained the wisdom & knowledge to "invent" things.! Mankind are so arrogant in their ways, they do not realise that this is a gift from God, so that men will revere Him. God did this for men to be happy and do good while they live.That everyone may eat & drink, and find satisfaction in all his toil". God's plan was for us to know that everything He does will endure forever, however the more we advance in technology & innovation, the more arrogant man become & think they don't need God! We need to return to God and understand without Him, we can do nothing!! Today, walk in reverent fear of the Lord, for it is by His Grace & Love, we have received this new day & the spirit of life to enjoy it! Be happy & do good, for this day is a gift from God!...


Day727 of lockdown; Isaiah 49vs22to26..... "But this is what the Lord says:" Let's put some perspective on these Words! The very same God, our Creator who by His Word Created everything, the Father who raised Jesus Christ from the dead.These are His Words, to all believers!! "But this is what the Lord says:" The time has come for mankind to understand when God speaks, we need to listen! It is only mankind who do not listen to God, it is only mankind who doubt the Words of the Lord! The whole of Creation submit to God's Authority, however man in his arrogance do not believe, do not follow & do not submit to God's Words!! We take it upon ourselves to be deceived by emotions, by circumstances, by worries & anxieties of life. Mankind is lead astray by the deception of the world, everything is measured by the things of the World &

the limited wisdom of the World. This is in direct "conflict" to the Word of God!!! The Word of God States very clearly:"... Those who hope in me will not be disappointed... But this is what the Lord says:... I will contend with those who contend with you,and your children I will save..." Do you see what you "forfeit" if you are deceived by circumstances, fears, worries & anxieties?? You are not putting your hope in the Word of God, you bow down to the "gods" of the World which do not have hope, & you will be disappointed!! THE ONLY WAY TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT, IS TO HOPE IN THE LORD!!!, for this is what the Lord says!!!......


Day727 of lockdown; Colosians3vs1to17... "Rules for Holy Living".. PART1.... When we hear the term "Holy Living", do we really understand what it means? Do we understand what is expected from us in the Sight of God? Do not be deceived by fine sounding rules taught by men, which is called "religion", for these rules & regulations seem to be sound principals, however lack the Truth written in God's Word! The measurement of "Sin" is always related to the physical, what is done in the flesh in the presence of man. However, the "sin" the Word of God warns against, are the sins of the heart!!, for these sins the wrath of God is coming!. Do not be deceived, there are religious people who are living "holy" lives according to the rules of the world and the "dogma" of their "religion" however in the sight of God, they are controlled by their "Earthly Nature".! This Earthly nature is clearly identified as being ; Sexual Immorality, Impurity, lust, evil desire and greed, which is Idolatry.! Religious people are very quick to identify any one of the above in others, however do not realize, they themselves are fully "controlled" by the very things God has commanded us to; "Put to death", therefore, whatever belongs to your Earthly nature! We need to understand Impurity, Lust, evil desires & greed is classified as Idolatry!! When you cannot stand firm in faith, when you fear the world or anything of the world, when you are filled with worries & anxiety, when you lust after money & possessions, when you envy others for having something you do not have, however would love to have, when you blame other for the choices you made,when you cannot put your past behind you, when you cannot forgive, when you measure everything in life by how much "money" you have or don't have, etc. People need to understand these things are classified as "Idolatry", for your heart is not filled with the Love of God which brings peace & contentment, however is filled with the "Idols" of the world.!! We need to understand the "definition" of "sin", not as the world understands through religion & dogma, but by God's Commands which specifically Identifies "Sins of the heart" by mentioning them "word by word"! These are the things we need to repent and ask for forgiveness, as these are the things the Word of God warns " Because of these, the Wrath of God is coming".......


 Day728 of lockdown;Romans8 whole chapter!!! Today's message is filled with the revelation of God to mankind! If you are at a "place" in your life where you do not know what to do, or you are confused by all the "thousands" of religions in the world, you do not know what to believe & you have asked from God for wisdom & understanding, you're waiting for a sign or a Word! Today, you will receive just that!! However, for you to receive the revelation from God, you need to ask from God for the wisdom and understanding from Him, ask for His Holy Spirit to guide you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.You also need to read (for yourself) study the words written down in Romans8, for this One chapter in the Bible, explains in "laymans" terms the Entire Salvation plan of God for mankind! The message starts off with the heading "Life through the Spirit", vs1to17, which explains to us why God's Word states "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus". It explains why God sent His own Son in the likeness of sinful man & why those who believe in God are lead by the Spirit of God & are then Sons of God.!The entire Salvation plan of God is explained from vs1to17. Not only this, God in His infinite Wisdom, has revealed His "Future Glory" vs18to27 to those believers who listen, follow & believe in His Righteousness found only in Jesus Christ. God promises His Holy Spirit, who He Promises, will help the believers to understand "for in this hope we were saved" & that hope which is seen is no hope at all! The Holy Spirit of God helps us in our weakness & the Holy Spirit Intercedes for us in God's Presence! Once we understand the Salvation plan of God through Jesus Christ & that His

Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness, this is where God then says "We are more than Conquerors" vs28to37.The Word of God explains vs33 "Who will bring any charge against those whom God has Chosen? It is God who Justifies. Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus who died - More than that who was raised to life - is at the righthand of God and is interceding for us!! Wow...., do you understand what is written here? We do not hold on Christ Jesus crucified but more than that, by the Resurrected Christ!!!, who is at righthand of God!! This is why we are more than Conquerors, not because of what we have done in the flesh or in our own power! NO, we are more than Conquerors because of God The Father, God the Son & God the Holy Spirit!! . Let no man deceive you, let no religion lead you astray, let no cleverley  invented story confuse you!! ROMANS8 explains exactly "Word for Word" how to identify the Truth from lies! There are two who Intercede for the believers, 1.The Holy Spirit of God & The Son of God Christ Jesus! God's Word makes it very clear no " man" can intercede for another. Anyone who says they are intercessors or prayer group of intercessors are in direct conflict to God's Word, Only the Holy Spirit of God & The Righteousness of God, the resurrected Son of God Christ Jesus are in the Presence of God, Interceding for our weaknesses!!.......Do not be deceived, do not be confused, do not feel lost and unworthy for there is No condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, & because of the Resurrected Christ the Ordained Righteousness of & from God, we are more than Conquerors according to God's Word!!........


Day729 of lockdown;Ephesians 1vs11to14...,  Do not be deceived by fine sounding religious & human arguments, when Jesus Christ said to His disciples remain in the city until the Holy Spirit of God comes to fill them with Power, Wisdom & Understanding, we need to understand what this means; We need to understand;when we accept Christ Jesus as Lord & Savior, we accept God's Salvation plan for mankind!. As believers we are then marked in Him( Christ Jesus) with the Seal He promised which is the Holy Spirit of God! Not only are we sealed with the Holy Spirit of God, we have been guaranteed our inheritance for we are now God's Possession!! The child of God, the believers who stand firm in faith, know this and are given the Power, Wisdom & Understanding from the Holy Spirit of God, who leads them to praising & worshipping God for their redemption.! However, there is a very clear Warning to the world & the authorities of the world, when you plan things against a believer, you need to understand you are not planning things against a carnal man, but against the property the possession of God our Creator!!!YOU WILL NOT SUCCEED!!! YOU have NO authority & power to stand against those who have the Seal of God!!!......


Day730 of lockdown;Daniel9vs1to19... "Daniel's Prayer"... As we read the book of Daniel, we see how God revealed in Daniel's dreams, that which is to come!. Let's take a moment to reflect on what Daniel did with these visions & dreams. Even though Daniel was afraid, he knew he needed to be strong & humble himself before God.Daniel was not concerned about his own circumstances & life, however bowed down in prayer before God Almighty! Pay special attention to the way Daniel prayed! ;He humbled himself before God, he acknowledged his prayer is not because of his righteousness, but because of God's Great Mercy.! Daniel reminded God of His Promises and asked for forgiveness & for God to "act" & protect the city which bear's His Name. The Word goes further & states vs23; "As soon as you began to pray, an answer was given, which I have come to tell you" (these were the words of the Angel Gabriel, who God had sent to Daniel). Today, do not be deceived by circumstances, do not be deceived by religious points of view, where they teach you to pray selfish prayers for yourself, for financial breakthrough, or Earthly possessions, etc. Daniel prayed to the one & only living God, not for himself & the emotions he was going through, but because he knew the only One who could save the nation from calamity was God Himself! Today, let's understand we serve the same God, who is our Creator & Father of Jesus Christ our Lord, we need not explain our circumstances & emotions to God, God knows! All God expects from us is to humble ourselves before Him, acknowledge His Mercy & have faith in Him, knowing He is the One who will protect the people who bear His Name! Do not be deceived

by "selfish" prayer requests, for these do not show faith in God Almighty, however show the belief system of mankind, thinking you need to "explain" to God what you are going through.! This is not "faith" this is not praying to God our Creator, these types of "selfish & self centred" prayers are to manmade "gods" who know nothing,see nothing & according to the person praying needs to be "told"  what they are going through! These are the belief systems  of those who pray to pagan "gods" & do not rely on a Merciful Omnipresent God!!......


Day731 of lockdown;Acts4 while chapter... Consider these words "..." Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness... " Let's look at the Profound message, contained in these words! Here we have Peter & John being brought before the Sanhedrin ( the" spiritual" leaders & "government" of their time), because of their faith in Jesus Christ & the miracles God had done through them in the nane of Jesus Christ!! Peter & John were "threatened" by the "highest authority" according to man, who thought the have the "power" to persecute those who do not do as they do or say!! However, Peter & John, did not feel threatened, they did not fear, they did not complain, all they did was remain faithful!!, for they knew their God has willed for them to be subjected to whatever God had decided beforehand will happen. They knew nothing would happen outside the Will of God!! Peter & John did not fall down before the rulers & authorities and beg for mercy!!!They did not complain about what they are going through or worry about what others are doing or plan to do to them!! NO, what they did was humble themselves before God, their "1st Stop" was to Pray!! DO YOU SEE THIS?? They did not feel any threat, they did not become anxious, in actual fact they immediately called on the Lord our God and prayed the following; "Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness!!" Today, let's understand a believer who stands firm in faith, understands the Authority they have in the name of Christ Jesus & do not feel threatened by anything or anybody in the world!!! They do not complain to man or submit to the emotional carnal mindset of mankind, Instead their "1st Stop" is to speak the Word of God Boldly!! Today, understand the message, & know God has not given us a Spirit of weakness, but a Spirit of Power & Victory to overcome & be more than Conquerors in the Name Above all Names Christ Jesus our Lord!! STOP, walking in the fears of the World, stop listening to their threats & remain faithful to God &   speak the Word of God boldly!!!!!....


Day732 of lockdown;Mark3vs28to30.... "But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin!" Do not be deceived by fine sounding religious arguments and the belief systems of pagan religions!! JESUS CHRIST warned those who did not believe that He(Jesus) is the Son of God, the Righteousness of God sent from God for the forgiveness of Sins & to bring Salvation to mankind, He(Jesus) being the Messiah as prophesied. Jesus had warned those who do not believe in Him being Ordained by God the Father to be the sacrificial lamb of God, through who's blood shed on the cross has brought forgiveness of sins & a blood covenant confirmed by God by raising Christ from the dead & is seated at the righthand of God as mediator before God for all mankind! The  words of warning from Jesus the Christ, was this; Those who do not believe in Him as the Righteousness of God, sent from God the Father, as the Son of God, the Word of God who became flesh. Those who do not believe this about Jesus Christ, are those who sin against the Holy Spirit of God, who by Grace leads us to Christ Jesus our Lord, for only through the blood of Jesus & the Resurrected Christ is there forgiveness of sins. Do you understand this? Those who do not listen to the Holy Spirit of God, which leads all men to Christ for the forgiveness of sins, those unbelievers commit eternal sin which will never be forgiven.!! Do not be deceived, the Holy Spirit of God is not a man, is not a flesh & blood of some dead prophet. The Holy Spirit of God is the Spirit which leads us to Christ! Those who listen to the Spirit, become Sons  of God, through faith in Christ Jesus for the forgiveness of sins. Any religion or belief system who teach and proclaim anything other than what is written about Jesus Christ the Son of God The Father, the Righteousness of God from God, these men/religions blaspheme against the Holy Spirit of God & are guilty of the eternal sin,

which  will never be forgiven!!.....


Day733 of lockdown; 1John4vs1to7...."Test the Spirits", Yesterday the message was about the eternal sin against the Holy Spirit of God, which cannot be forgiven! Today, we will learn why the Word of God which Jesus Christ had spoken about recorded in the Bible is a stern Warning to false religions, false doctrine & false prophets!. There are Two distinct spirits the Word of God teaches about;

1.The Hold Spirit of God, which is from God;

2.The spirit of the Anti-Christ which is from Satan;

The Bible is very clear on how to identify which Spirit is from God & which is the spirit of the Anti-Christ. "Every Spirit which acknowledges Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God!"

Let's just put some perspective on this statement; It is not just to say people acknowledged that a man called Jesus born of a virgin was born, No, it is to acknowledge what God the Father said about Jesus the Christ.

1. That Jesus Christ is the Son of God, John3v16

2.Jesus Christ is the Messiah & God's Salvation plan for mankind;

3.Jesus Christ was Ordained by God Himself, to be the sacrificial lamb of God, who needed to be crucified, in order for His Blood to be shed to fulfill the requirements of the law.

4.Christ was Resurrected by God and is seated at the Righthand of God Interceding for the Believers, & thus through His blood we are healed and set free from our infirmities;

5.Christ Jesus is the Word of God, who became flesh, who is the Righteousness of God & came from God to make His dwelling among men. JOHN1.

6.Jesua Christ is the only way to the Father, those who believe in Him & the repentance of sins, will inherit eternal life.

7.Through Christ Jesus, God has set His seal of ownership on those who believe & put His Holy Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. 2Corinthians1vs21&22.(The Holy Spirit is Spirit and dwells in our hearts).

These are but a few examples of how to make the distinction between the Holy Spirit and the spirit of the Anti-Christ. Any religion, any belief system which does not teach what is written in God's Word about Jesus Christ being the Messiah, whom God Himself in His own Words from Heaven said, "This is my Son, with whom I am well pleased, Listen to Him!" Those who do not believe this are deceived by the spirit of the Anti-Christ & are following the false prophets the Word of God warns about!....Be very careful not to follow such teachings as this will subject you to the eternal un-forgivable sin against the Holy Spirit of God!!!......


Day734 of lockdown;1John3vs21to24.... The Profound message contained in today's Scripture, contains the secret to understanding the Trinity of  God. The very 1st thing we need to understand is to Obey God's Command. A Command which is clearly stated & without error & which cannot be disputed! vs23 And this is His Command : "To believe in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as He commanded us!" Once we obey God's Command, the Holy Spirit of God confirms that we live in Him & He lives in us. Do you see How God through His Holy Spirit confirms His Trinity?! Those who do not follow God's Command, cannot fathom the Trinity of God, & are lead astray by religious points of views & teachings of man, instead of following God's Command!


Day735 of lockdown;Hebrews4vs12, 13.....Do not be deceived by fine sounding religious arguments, about the True Word of God!! Throughout the ages, mankind have "argued" amongst each other to determine what is the True Word of God. Those who get involved in these types of argument have yet to understand what is meant by "The Word of God is Living & Active", meaning it is not a "history" book, or limited opinion of man which was created by some persons imagination!! The True Word of God is Living Prophecy recorded in the Torah / Old Testament/Old Covenant , of the  Messiah who is to come from God to bring Salvation to all mankind,at the same it contains the Gospel of Jesus Christ called the "New Testament/ New

Covenant" which bears witness & is testimony of the fulfillment of the prophecies found in the Torah/Old Testament/Old Covenant. The combination of the Torah & Gospel of Jesus Christ is called the Bible which represents the True written Word of God, which is living & active.In physical terms it may seem like an ordinary book ( pages bound together in book form) However the message contained in these pages are inspired by the Holy Spirit of God, which leads us to Christ Jesus the Living Word of God, who is the Righteousness of God, sent by God for the Salvation of mankind. ONCE you realise the Word of God has become flesh and dwelled amongst men, you will never be deceived by fine sounding " limited," "logical" sounding "religious" arguments questioning which "book" or which "translation" is the True Word of God. Through the Holy Spirit of God you will know Christ Jesus is Living & Active, the Words recorded in the Bible as the "New Testament" are sharper than any double edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul & spirit joints and marrow;it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight!!" When you read the Bible, you need to listen with you heart and not your limited carnal mindset. Once you understand the message contained in Bible, you realize it is exactly what is written in Hebrews 4vs12,13. The Words of God recorded in the Bible become Living & Active in your life, you stand firm in faith knowing in your heart God is True to His Word. When you reach this stage of faith & revelation, where you understand only through the Holy Spirit of God, is the Truth contained in the Word of God, (the Bible)revealed. This is when you realize the message has not changed, no matter the amount of changes in  the "physical book" or how many translations or even as some "pagan religions" have done, they have created complete "new" books & attempt to call these books the word of God or final word of God, do not be deceived & be "drawn" into these "worthless" carnal arguments of "translations errors" & "pagan books" , which are all cleverly invented stories of man! The biggest mistake mankind can make is to think they are able to "outsmart" the Holy Spirit of God with cleverly invented stories, attempting to cast doubt about the only True Written Words of God contained in the Bible!........


Day736 of lockdown;Revelation 19... "" For the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy! " Be on your guard against false prophets & false religions, people who use carnal religious arguments to deceive, to cast doubt and to question the True Word of God (The Bible) , which is inspired by the Holy Spirit who from beginning to end is the Spirit of Prophecy. The message is clear, it is not just another book,even though the words were written down by man, they become the living Word of God through the Holy Spirit of God,for the testimony of a Jesus the Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy. It is not enough to say  you know of Jesus, No!!, the Holy Spirit of God reveals Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Jesus is the Messiah, the Righteousness of God sent from God, He was crucified & raised to life by God and is seated at the righthand of God. JESUS CHRIST will return for He is Faithful & True, He is the Word of God & Ordained by God to be the King of Kings & Lord of Lord's! This is the Testimony of Jesus Christ of which the Holy Spirit of God has revealed. Those who do not listen to THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD, which leads us to Christ commit the everlasting unforgivable  sin against the Holy Spirit of Prophecy....


Day737 of lockdown; 1John2vs1to11......"Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did!".. Let's understand what this means, let's consider what Jesus did in His time as mortal man. The sole purpose of Jesus' life on earth, was to do the Will of the Father, Jesus walked in faith and knew He was to become the atoning sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. Jesus humbled himself before God the Father and before men, knowing He was the Righteous One God has sent to proclaim the Love of God for mankind. Jesus did not fear man or anything of man or even anything in the world, Jesus did not fear death, for He overcame death! Everywhere Jesus went He healed the sick, raised the dead & rebuked the devil.! JESUS walked in the Love of The Father and complete & reverent fear of God The Father. JESUS was unaffected by the things of the world,he did not crave for the sinful things of man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he does! There was no arrogance in Jesus, no fear of what takes place in the world & nothing out of His mouth would judge or condemn mankind, Jesus walked in Love and His teachings was all

to glorify God the Father. Every time Jesus spoke He Glorified & thanked God,! Do not be deceived by fine sounding arguments of man & religious interpretations of man. "WHOEVER claims to live in Him(God the Father) must walk as Jesus did. "To be afraid of the things of the world, to fear the threats of man, to worry, to be anxious about circumstances, is to run after the things of the world, to fear the things the world fears - None of this is from the Father!! JESUS taught us to walk in faith & the reverent fear of God, to walk in the Love of God and to understand He(Christ Jesus) is the Righteousness One, who speaks to the Father in our defense. Today, walk in faith & love with Thanksgiving in your heart towards God our Father, for this is to walk as Jesus did!!.....


06April2022- 2Timothy3vs1to9..."Godlessness in the Last Days".. What does "Godlessness"  is a word people use to discribe someone who does not obey the Word of God and lives a life to gratify the sinful desires of the flesh & the world. However, this is only mankind's understanding of the term "Godlessness"! This is not what the Word of God teaches! The  Word of a God is very clear about the definition of "Godlessness", it states ; "Lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, - Having a form of godliness but denying its power."... Do not be deceived by the standard & measurements of the world, you could be following your "religion" & have gone to church or any place of worship all your life, you might have a form of "godliness" among men, however all this means nothing if you do not have faith!! For if you do not have faith in God & the power  & Authority we have been given through Jesus Christ, people are no different to the people of the world! Just look around you, people are lovers of themselves,lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God" All the above according to God's Word is "Godlessness". We are witness to all this, just look how many people are " attention" seeking, taking selfie's of themselves, what they have & what they do, where they are and boasting what they have achieved. Others are ungrateful for what they have, they don't consider the Blessings of God for health, the life He has given & the Blessings of a new day. People who walk in faith and trust in a God and will not allow themselves to be influenced by the deceitful promise  of "freedom", are being slandered & seen as "denying" others their freedom to enjoy the pleasures of the world, ie:Travel, Sport events, Social gatherings & the perceived "freedom"  of movement the world gives! Do not be deceived, "Godlessness" is not just practiced by those who do not follow God's Word, "religious" people do the exact same things, however do not see it! Be on your guard, forvGod has granted us freedom in HIM through Christ Jesus, do not be deceived by the "Godlessness" in the last days, have nothing to do with it!!


07 April2022; Jonah2vs8... "Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs"; We have heard these words before, however do we understand what they mean??! In the book of Roman's 14vs23,we find these words-"Everything that does not come from Faith is sin".. When we do not walk in the reverent fear of God & have faith in the Promises of His Word as written in the Bible, we in ourselves have "decided/chosen" as man to elevate our circumstances above God! . We create "idols" of fear, worries, anxieties and every negative thought of carnal man.! We need to understand this is exactly what the Word of God warns us about!! The moment we fear the things of the world or the circumstances in our lives, we are not acting in faith and are sinning!! The Word of God warns us, not to cling to the worthless idols of fear we have created, for then we will forfeit the Grace of God, which could be ours!! If we could explain this in "layman" terms; when we have faith & with thanksgiving in our hearts, praise and worship God, this is when God's Grace is sufficient for us, before we even know about any threat in our lives, be it health issues, financial issues, motivational issues, work issues, etc. By God's Grace, He has a already Provided for it!! We become more than conquerors through Christ Jesus, because we remain  faithful to the Promises in God's Word!! However, if we do not have faith in God and His Grace through the Promises in His Word, the outcome is made very clear;"Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the Grace that could be theirs". Today, understand these words "... everything that does not come from faith is sin!!"....


08April2022; Romans1vs11to18... ""The righteous will live by faith" Why is this so difficult to understand?? When the Word of God States "for in the Gospel a Righteousness from God is revealed, a Righteousness that is by faith". Why do mankind ignore the Righteousness which is from God, this Righteousness which is found only in Jesus CHRIST. In faith we believe this and those who believe this will bear the fruit of the Spirit of God, which will mutually encourage each other by their faith! In the Righteousness from God, the fruit of the Spirit overcomes the sinful nature of man, which is focused on fear and things of the flesh. These type of people will always declare their fears, always complain about their past & current circumstances, unaware that they are fully gratifying their sinful nature. Their lives are filled with fear and their is no room in in their lives for the fruit of the Spirit. However those who live by faith, those who walk in the Righteousness from God, walk in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. These believers are unaffected by the things of the world and the threats of man, for their faith & trust is in God!!!.....


09April2022; Matthew6vs8... "GOD knows your needs before you ask Him"!, The person who understands these words & applies them in their lives, is the person who's faith is not based on "limited carnal understanding" ,however the Spiritual Power of God through the Righteousness of God, we have received through Christ Jesus His Son. These people are called "True Believers" & understand clearly what it means to walk in faith & to pray in faith; Their prayers are full of praise & worship with Thanksgiving in their hearts, because of the promises in God's Word. They fully understand they need not ask God to supply their needs or even mention their needs, as the God they pray to is their Father, the Creator of Heaven & earth, the One who is Omnipresent & knows each of us by name! They know the meaning of "Don't ask God for anything, but thank Him for everything" for God knows what we need even before we ask Him!. Most religions have adopted "rituals" from each other, & the biggest man made, "carnal" mindset & belief system, is to "pray" & complain to God and explain to God what your needs are!! This is the way of "pagan" religions, they think if they "babble" before men & make it sound "as if" they are "interceding" explaining to God, what they are going through, they will be heard!! This is not praying to God Almighty, this is "praying" to pagan "gods", idols whom they believe need to be told what they are going through, and once they are "told" then only can the "godly/idols" respond.!!! A True believer does not follow the pagan way & pagan mindset, for the God we serve, knows our needs & we need not ask Him, for He promises He Supplies all our needs.!! Don't be deceived by the "adopted" pagan rituals!! Let your prayers be full of praise, worship & Thanksgiving before God, rid yourselves from pagan belief systems & pagan prayers!!


10April2022;Ephesians6vs10to19.. ".. Be strong in the Lord & His Mighty Power!" The time has come for the True Believers to understand exactly what these Words mean!! God's Word has warned us over & over again, "for our struggle is not against flesh & blood, but against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces  of evil in the Heavenly realms!" God, does not do this to install fear in our hearts, but to empower the True believer, to be" Strong in the Lord & in His mighty Power!" The Word of God makes it very clear the only way to take a stand against the devil's schemes is by" The Armor of God", for once you put on the "Armor" of God, you become part of His Army, & you are then protected by God's Mighty Power.!! The message is clear, when the evil comes, only those who are fully clothed with the Armor of God, will be able to stand firm!! Do not be deceived by the powers of the world, do not be afraid or worried or anxious about anything or any circumstance! God is True to His Word & Commands us to "Put on the full Armor of God"! So that we can take our stand against the devil's schemes!" This is the Truth!, so tie the belt of Truth around your waist, put on the breastplate of Righteousness which is found only in Christ Jesus, a faith which guards your heart; with your feet of readiness to walk as Jesus did in love & peace, proclaiming the Will of the Father which is proclaimed through the Gospel as the Salvation plan for sinful man. This Truth protected by the shield of faith in the blood of Jesus Christ which sets us free from all our infirmities and which has healed us & protects us from the flaming arrows of the evil one trying to deceive us in the weakness of the flesh.;When we protect our minds from the evil nature & thoughts of man, we understand we are protected by the helmet of salvation through Jesus Christ, who has armed us with the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.!! Today, understand the Protection we receive in the mighty Power of God, when we follow His command to " Put on the full Armor of God"!


11April2022; Isaiah51vs1to16... "The law will go out from me", let's take a moment to understand what this "law" is which is spoken about. When the Word of God speaks about "laws", we need to understand there are different laws, which need to be understood & identified as God has intended them to be. To make sense of the different laws, herewith an example;

1.Laws of the Universe, set in place by God's Word, are ever expanding & cannot be measured by mankind.(Galaxies, planets, stars, sun's, etc)

2.Laws of Nature;The Creation laws set in Place by God's Word, life on earth, day & night, seasons, sowing & reaping, life & death, everything limited to mankind & our understanding of creation.

3.Laws of the prophets & God's laws to guide mankind on how to live & honor God,which are known as the "Old" Covenant laws, where God had spoken to people through High Priests & people  were governed by levitical laws.These were also known as the "blood" Covenant God had made with Abraham.

4.New Covenant law, which was set in place by Jesus Christ for the salvation of mankind, a blood covenant law which came from God to "nulify" the blood covenant God made with Abraham.

This is the Law which is spoken about in today's message, The New Covenant Law of God, which came from God, who has become the light of the world & who is the Righteousness of God, the Salvation, which will last forever, the Righteousness which will never fail. To those who understand this, who know what is right, God says; "Hear me, you who know what is right, you people who have my law(the Righteousness from God the Salvation of God through Jesus Christ)  in your hearts:" Do not fear the reproach of men or be terrified by their insults.!!"Today, understand the Righteousness & Salvation law spoken about & do not be deceived by the laws of man or religion, for the earth will wear out like a garment & it's inhabitants (who made these fear mongering laws, will die like flies!) vs 12" Who are you that you fear mortal men?, that you forget the Lord your Maker!!! The Word is clear when you fear mortal men, you forget the Lord your Maker!!.......


12April2022; 1John4vs7to21..."But perfect Love drives out fear" Do not be deceived by fine sounding religious arguments or the carnal nature of man, which is reliant on emotions & fears, worries & anxiety!! Let's not be deceived by mankind's definition of love! Let us focus on the Perfect Love of God. The Word of God teaches us the following:

1.God showed His Love among us: He sent His only Son into the World that we may live through Him.

2.This is Love:not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.

3.We know that we live in Him and He in us because He has given us of His Spirit (The Holy Spirit of God)

4.Through the Holy Spirit of God we see & testify that the Father has sent His Son to be the Savior of the World.

Now, pay special attention to vs16; "And so we know and" rely" on the love God has for  us"!

Do you see why there is no fear in love?.... There is No fear in Love because we" rely" not in the love of man or the circumstances of man, but we" rely "on the Perfect Love of God!, for the

Perfect Love drives our fear!!! TODAY, do not be overcome by the fears & circumstances in & of the World, learn to walk in in the Perfect Love of God, forgive each other and understand God showed His Love by sending His Son Jesus Christ, Do not reject God's Love, for only in His Perfect Love is fear driven away.....


13April2022; ISAIAH8vs9&10..."For God is with us!".. Do not take these words lightly!! Those who walk in the reverent fear of God, understand without any doubt what these words mean! As the world "raise the war cries" & through fear  mongering, they are actually announcing their intentions! , this is where the believer stands firm in faith & do not fear man, they do not fear the threats of the world or the authorities of the World.!Believers have put on the Armor of God, which will protect them against the devil's schemes!! However to those who ignore the words of the believers, who stand firm in faith & proclaim "For God is with us!" A clear Warning is given by God-

1.Those who raise the war cry, you nations will be shattered,

2."Go on", prepare for battle, you will be shattered,

3.You can devise all the strategy & make all the draconian rules & laws you want, it will be thwarted!,

4.Make your plans, propose your intentions, you think you are "clever" & are executing your evil schemes!, BUT IT WILL NOT STAND!!

Do not ignore the words of a believer, do not think mankind can "outsmart"God, no authority, no power & plan can succeed against those who walk in the reverent fear of God., for God is with us!! Do Not take the these words lightly" For God is with us"!, for whatever you plan, whatever your evil intentions are, you will only find yourself fighting against God!!...


14April2022;Luke12vs22to34...."For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be"!, Consider carefully what these words mean!, When the Word of God, Jesus Christ Himself says "Do Not Worry, do not set your hearts on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it"! We need to realize God has this covered!! His Promises are that if we seek first His Kingdom & His Righteousness, all these things Will be given to you!! Do not be deceived by the worries of life & circumstances in LIFE, do what is Commanded in God's Word!!Those who worry, those who fear the things of the world and their circumstances, those who are anxious and live a life of anxiety, have never considered these words, they do not realize they are following the pagan way of life, they do not realize they are called those of "little faith" who follow the pagan ways of the world.!! The "treasures" they have in their hearts is not for God & His Kingdom, but for the pagan "gods" of the world which only brings them" fear, worries & anxiety".!! The Word of God is very clear, "For where your treasure is there your heart will also be"! TODAY, do not be deceived by emotions & circumstances, praise God through everything, with thanksgiving & gratefulness in your hearts & tongue, rejoicing always for the Spirit of Love & Grace God has provided.!!!!....


15April2022; Galatians4vs1to19... "Slavery under the basic principles of the world"! Consider these words, & consider how far back in history people have followed the basic principles of the world. The month of April has significant meaning in the world & religious organizations, let's identify some of these "basic principles" of the world:-

1.The World celebrate Easter long weekend;

2.The Jews celebrate Passover;

3.The Christians celebrate Good Friday & Resurrection Monday;

4.Islam celebrate ramadan;

5.The rest celebrate having a few days off.

Here we have a recorded account & Paul's concern to the Galatiand; vs8..."Formerly, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those who by nature are not gods." Paul goes further and identifies the slavery to the basic principles of the world; "Turning back to the weak & miserable principles". Let's consider what is "identified" as "weak & miserable principles" by which people are enslaved! ; vs10 "You are observing special days and months and seasons and years!"... Do

you understand  what is written here? Do not be deceived & drawn into "slavery under the basic principles of the World. NO matter what the world believe or religious groups celebrate in the month of April, the message is clear; these special days/months/seasons & years are "weak & miserable principles of the world! " Do not be deceived by these special days! , which are set aside by the world & religious belief systems!! Let us understand, as sons/children of God, everyday & every moment on daily base we are lead by the Holy Spirit of God, confirming; God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, that we might receive the full rights of sons. We are no longer slaves to the basic principles of the world, however on a daily base, we celebrate & know God or rather are known by God.! We know this because we have become sons/children of God through Christ Jesus, God has sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out "Abba" Father! . This is confirmed daily & is not reliant on special days/months/seasons or years!!.....


16April2022; Romans6vs15to23... "The sin which leads to death!", Today, we are teaching about the sin which leads to "death", not a physical "death" but a Spiritual death. According to man made "religion" there are many "sins", of which "religious people" are very quick to "judge" & point out to the "sinners"! They have become so "entangled" in their belief systems & "Self-righteousness", they do not realize the very things they identify as "sin" are limited to the flesh, ie: do not touch, do not eat, do not drink, do not do this, do not do that, etc, all of which seem to have a form of "righteousness" , however all of these "rules & regulations" pertain to the flesh, the very thing the word of God teaches ;"will return to dust" once we die!! Let's understand one thing, nothing which enters the mouth or which is withheld, can bring us closer to God or separate us from God!! All these rules are taught by "religion" & are worthless! There is One sin, which "religion" does not teach about, the sin which does not kill the body, however leads to a Spiritual death. This sin is not taught about & very seldom recognized as "sin". The sin which leads to Spiritual death is" Disobedience"!!, those who focus on the "sins" of the flesh,are often those who do not realize they are committing the sin of "disobedience"!. Disobedience to the Word of God, will result in a Spiritual death. People need to understand, when God's word says we need to walk in the reverent fear of God, & we ignore His Word & fear man, we are disobedient! When God's Word says do not worry, do not be anxious, do not fear the things of the world, & forgive others, love your neighbor as yourself, love your enemy, etc. If you we choose to ignore what God has commanded us to do & we keep on being deceived by circumstances & the very fears the world run after, we are committing the sin of disobedience a sin which leads to Spiritual death!! The only way for us to become righteous before God is to Obey Him & what is written in His Word. "for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord!! Today, do not be deceived by "self-righteous" teachings about the "sins" of the flesh, stop allowing your carnal nature to deceive you! Obedience to God's Word brings Righteousness & faith in the Promises of God's Word. Walking in faith needs to become a lifestyle, do not become a slave to your fears & circumstances, walk in obedience to God, rebuke the devil & he will flee from you.! Do not be deceived!, the very same sin of" disobedience "which caused the fall of mankind, is being disguised in worries, fears & anxiety! DO NOT BECOME A SLAVE OF THE SIN OF DISOBEDIENCE!!


17April2022; John14vs1to4...."Trust in God, trust also in Me" Yesterday we spoke about the sin of "disobedience", Today, let's understand what Jesus Christ said to His disciples to comfort them; "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in Me"! These Words of Jesus Christ, were spoken with Authority & Power! For Jesus Christ knew He was the Righteousness of God, sent by God to bring Salvation to mankind. Jesus then went further & stated He needs to go and prepare a place(in Heaven) for those who believe in Him. Nobody, could make a statement like this, unless God the Father has Authorized it! Nobody can enter Heaven and Return to fulfill the promises, as spoken by Jesus Christ. Only the Righteousness of God, which is from God can speak with so much Authority & Power! Christ Jesus has gone to prepare a place for those who

believe in Him & will return to take those believers to be with Him in Our Father's house. Do not let your hearts be troubled, Trust in God & the Righteousness He has sent for our salvation, which is only found in Christ Jesus.! When the Righteousness of God, sent from God, in His own Words says "do not let your hearts be troubled Trust in God"! Who gives you the authority to disobey? Who do you think you are to follow the deceitful emotions & fears, created by circumstances?? Disobedience brings trouble & fears! It is not from God the Father, but from the "gods" created in the minds of carnal man.! When Christ returns, will He find faith on earth?.......


18April2022; Isaiah8vs11to22... Wherever mankind are, there will always be deceit, lies & and "power struggle"! This has been ongoing since the beginning of time! In Today's message we see where God clearly warned the prophet Isaiah about this;vs11 "The Lord spoke to me with His Strong hand upon me, warning me not to follow the way of this people. HE SAID:"...."Do not call conspiracy everything that these people call conspiracy;do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it!"... We see this in our time aswell;everything happening in the World, we see the draconian rules & regulations, we see how laws are written to because of the fear mongering among the people to dread the things these people/ governments of the world dread!! Anybody who dares to stand firm in faith, anyone who dares speak against these things & who regard the Lord Almighty as being Holy & who is the One to fear & is the One the Believers dread, to those who trust in the Lord & the Blood of Jesus Christ which has set us free from our infirmities & sickness! These believers who stand firm in faith & proclaim they do not fear the threats & the ways of the people of world, these are the people who are spoken about as "arrogant & selfish", these are the people being blamed for "Conspiracy", these are the people are "responsible" for the fears & threats of the world!! This is the very reason God warned Isaiah, not to follow the ways of this people, these words were recorded, for God knew, the exact things will happen again in the future!! The exact same warning is applicable to those who believe & walk in the reverent fear of God; Stand firm in faith, do not follow the ways of the World, which call those who believe in God & His Mighty Power, those who proclaim the Truth, those who do not fear what the World fear, those who do not dread what the world dread, will be spoken about as "Conspiracy" theorist! They will be blocked on Social  Media, their movement will be limited, their freedom of movement will be at risk! The warning is clear, God has spoken.!! ;"Do not follow their ways, do not fear what they fear & do not dread it!! The Lord God Almighty is the One we need to regard as Holy, He is the One we are to fear, He is the One we are to dread!! God Himself will be our Sanctuary!! However, to those who do not heed to God's warning, to those who follow the ways of the world and call the Truth conspiracy, the Word of God is very clear; "Many of them will stumble; they Will fall and be broken, they will be snared and captured"!.....


19April2022;2Timothy3vs15-17... "The Holy Scriptures".. Do not be deceived by fine sounding arguments & myths, which are created by men, who turn their ears away from the truth & do not follow sound doctrine!! When somebody says to you the Bible is "corrupted" because of translation errors & they go to great extent to prove their "carnal" understanding of how the Bible is "corrupted", we need to understand; these people have no idea whatsoever what they are talking about! They make it sound "as if" they have knowledge, however by their belief system they display their own "limited" understanding about the Scriptures. When the Word of God speaks about "Holy Scriptures", it refers to the "Message" contained in the Scripture. A message of which is able to make you wise for Salvation through Christ Jesus.! The secret to "Holy Scripture is the understanding of Jesus being the Son of God, the Righteousness of God, sent by God to fulfill the requirements of the law. Who needed to be crucified in order to replace the old blood covenant God made with Abraham and as Resurrected Christ set in place the New Covenant, which is the Salvation plan of God for mankind, which confirms we are saved by Grace & not by works. This is the message of the Holy Scriptures, & this is why it is written "All Scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in Righteousness. So that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." Only those do not

understand the Message of Salvation through Christ Jesus, will doubt God's True & Holy Scriptures contained in the Bible. Do not be deceived, by fine sounding myths!! When people believe these myths, they are foolish in their belief system and prove the "god" they believe in cannot protect his own word & mankind can "outsmart" him. The True message of Salvation in Christ Jesus as written in the Holy Scriptures contained in the Bible, is "God-Breathed" & cannot be corrupted by mankind!!


 21April2022;1John5v13to21..part1;."The Confidence to approach God in prayer", let's not be deceived by "fine sounding" religious arguments!, the Word of God "The Bible" , which consists of the Old Testament & the New Testament or as some historical "religious" groups would understand "The Torah & The Gospel of Jesus Christ" in their Totality represent the Bible as we know it in modern day. We need to understand the Word of God is not debatable, or open to religious interpretation, fueled by the logical limited understanding of mankind! The Word of God is living & enspired by the Holy Spirit of God, which leads us to Christ Jesus the Son of God. No testimony or "cleverly invented" story or religious argument are greater than what is written in the Word of God. Now, that got this out of the way, let us understand the Profound message in today's scripture. ONLY those who are led by the Holy Spirit of God will understand what is written; In order for us to confidently approach God our Creator, there are very strict commands given by God Himself, no matter who you are or what you believe & what religion you follow; The Command of God is non-negotiable, not open for religious debate & whoever questions the Word of God commit a sin against the Holy Spirit of God, which leads to death! (not just a physical death, but a spiritual death into eternity!! ) The only way according to God's Word for a person to approach God with confidence is through His Son Jesus Christ, who is the Righteousness of God, sent by God; The secret to prayer & faith are as folows;

1.We need to believe in the name of the Son of God, (Jesus Christ), so that you may know that you have eternal life.

2.Only through Jesus Christ, do we receive the confidence in approaching God:

3.That if we ask anything according to His will he hears us.

4.If we know He hears us- whatever we ask(In the name of Christ Jesus) - we know that we have what we asked of Him. Do not be deceived by fine sounding religious arguments, the prayer of the Righteous has geat strength, however Righteousness which God expects from us, is only found in Jesus Christ the Son of God. Once the Holy Spirit of God reveals this to you, you will understand that the prayer of the Righteous is not based on the carnal request and wants of mankind, however approaching God and asking anything according to God's will, Now here is the confidence of "applied faith", vs15 ".... We know that we" HAVE" what we asked of Him.." Do you see this? DO you understand this?.... Let me put this is layman's terms. When you approach God with confidence in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, you do not ask for anything, but thank Him for everything!!" In this way you are Trusting God in faith, to do according to His will in your life!.....


22April2022;Proverbs10vs19to32....what does the Word of God define as" Wickedness & Righteousness"? Both wickedness & Righteousness originate in the heart & is manifested through the tongue. When a person speaks, you will immediately hear what they harbor in their hearts. Those who speak only of the things they dread or fear, those who are full of worries & anxiety, will go into great detail of what they are going through, how they endured hardship and how their lives have been affected by the actions of others.Not realising, that everything they "cling" to and dread or fear, is in actual fact the very things which are overtaking them! When we read the Word of a God, this is called "wickedness!" Do not be deceived by "fear" & do not "dread" circumstances in your life or in the world!!, for if we do, we "proclaim" that these circumstances are greater & more powerful than God our Creator!! This is defined as "wickedness" & those things the wicked dread/fear, will overtake them!! However, in the same verse it speaks about those who walk in the reverent fear of God, those who do not walk in evil desires & dread their circumstances, those who walk in faith and trust in the Lord always. These people are called

Righteous according to God's Word, and the promise from God is ; "What the Righteous desire will be granted," not only this, but "The Blessings of the Lord will bring wealth and he adds no trouble to it", then it goes even further than that; "When the storm has swept by the wicked are gone, but the Righteous stand firm forever!" Today, let's not be deceived by carnal emotions & fears, which run after the fear mongering of man and" dread" the things of the world,! let us not be counted among the wicked, but stand firm in faith and receive the rewards promised by God for the Righteous, are those who remain faithful to God our Creator, through Christ Jesus our Lord.! The Righteous will live by faith, not by fear/dread!!!....


23April2022; Proverbs 22vs1to5....., What does the word of God say about "Wealth, Honor & Life"? Let's not be deceived by the definition of "wealth", "honor" & "life" the world OFFER! They will entice you to follow their ways, they will promise "financial" freedom, they will "honor" you by complementing you for being " obedient" to their wicked ways & they will promise you "freedom" of movement, so you could enjoy "life" by doing what they tell you to do in the way they want you to do it! DO NOT BE DECEIVED!! The things of the world cannot and will not bring "wealth", "honor" & "life". It is all done through fear mongering, draconian laws & empty promises!!, It only leads you down the path of the wicked which is filled with thorns & snares!! The Word of God warns us about this and Commands us to stay away from these "empty promises" & for us to guard our souls from this!! However, God shares the secret to having True "wealth,honor & life", that will be everlasting in this world and the one hereafter!! GOD Commands us; "To humble ourselves and walk in the reverent fear of the Lord!", only then will we have "wealth and honor & life".! Please understand this! Nowhere does God's Word say we must fear man and walk in the fear of man!! In actual fact God calls it the wicked path full of thorns & snares!! but those who guards his soul stays far from them!! Today, understand the soul of man is filled with emotions & senses & will deceive those who use the emotions & senses to worry, to be anxious and to follow the promises of the world. GOD says to you us today, guard your soul, humble yourself before Him & walk in the reverent fear of the Lord, for He wants to bring "wealth, honor & life" to those who believe & walk in the reverent fear of God.!!..........


24April2022; Psalm19 whole chapter... Let us understand the Profound Message contained in this Psalm.The Glory of God is all around us & bear testimony of the Greatness of God our Creator. When we turn our attention away from our carnal desires & fears, we become aware of God's Love & Grace, the Holy Spirit of God guides us in Wisdom & Understanding the Profound Message in this Psalm:

1.The Law of the Lord is perfect - Reviving the soul;

2.The Statutes of the Lord are Trustworthy - Making wise the simple;

3.The Precepts of the Lord are right - Giving joy to the heart;

4.The Commands of the Lord are Radiant - Giving Light to the eyes;

5.The fear of the Lord is pure & enduring forever;

6.The Ordinances of the Lord are sure and altogether Righteous;

The Word of God says; "By them is your servant warned;in keeping them there is great reward!"

It is only mankind who has taken it upon themselves to not acknowledge this, it is only mankind who are deceived by their fear, emotions & cannot fathom that God is greater than their worries, & anxieties! Their eyes are shut to the Testimony all around them & they remain enslaved to their selfish evil desires, which blinds them  to commit "willful sins" which does not see the Glory of God.! vs13;"Keep your servant also from willful sins;may they not rule over me!" Do not be deceived by circumstances & carnal desires of fear, God is greater than all these things, if only you take a moment to look around you, God has given you life & a brand new day in order to revive your soul; making wise the simple, giving joy to their hearts & light to their eyes!!, In keeping them is great reward!!!.....


25April2022; Roman's whole chapter... When will people learn, understand & apply that which is written in the Word of God??, When people live according to their sinful nature, they have their minds set

on what the sinful nature desires! They will be carried away by the "fears" of man, they will feel the pressure of all the fear mongering of man, the will conform to the rules taught by men & the carnal threats of man will make them anxious & disobedient to what God commands!!! "The mind of the sinful man is death, it is hostile to God!! Do not be deceived by the sinful nature of man promoted by the world, do not conform to the threats of sickness & hunger, wars & pandemics.!!Those who are controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God! It does not matter how religious you are or how many times you go to church, how righteous you think you are in the flesh, conforming to man made religious teachings! . What matters, are you lead by the Holy Spirit of God, does the Spirit of God live in you? This very Spirit of God which raised Jesus from the dead, & is called the Spirit of Christ Resurrected. Without the Holy Spirit of God which leads us to Christ, we are spiritually "dead", however when we are led by the Spirit of God, He will also give life to our mortal bodies!!! Those who are lead by the Spirit of God, put to death the misdeeds of the body and understand, to fear man or anything of man is being disobedient to God!! Because those who are led by the Spirit of God are Sons of God through Christ! Let us understand what is written next; "For you did not receive a Spirit that makes you fear, but you received the Spirit of Sonship!!" and by Him we cry, "Abba, Father" The Spirit himself testifies with our Spirit that we are God's children!! Do not be deceived, by the "spirit of fear", for this is not the Spirit of God, but the spirit of your sinful nature!! For where God's Spirit is there is no fear of man or circumstances!!.......


26April2022; Jude whole chapter (Part1)... "The Sin and Doom of Godless Men".. Not many "sermons" are preached out of the book of Jude, not many preachers refer to this book; for in it the definition of "Sin/Doom & Godlessness" is revealed, which expose "certain men whose condemnation was written about, who have secretly slipped in among those who believe in the Truth of Jesus Christ being the only Sovereign and Lord.Do not he deceived by fine sounding" religious" arguments, based on human understanding & logic. The Word of God is very clear about this; There are people; "who change the Grace of God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.!" Very seldom is the Grace of God Truly explained,for people cannot fathom the extent of God's Grace. When God says, He sent His own son & whoever believes in Him will be saved, this is Grace, this is redemption, this is the Salvation plan from God, this is the Grace of God, which godless men change for immorality.! Do not be deceived by people who argue about the scriptures, which translation is correct, which words are right, which words are wrong,certain religions would even go as far as following their own "holy" books, neglecting to understand it has nothing to do with the physical books or writings, but with the "Message of Sin/Doom the Godlessness" recorded for future generations to understand, why God has by His Grace brought Salvation to mankind through Jesus Christ,for Christ Jesus is our only Sovereign and Lord, appointed by God for all who believe in the Righteousness from God to receive the Grace spoken about by God. Those who do not believe that Jesus Christ is the Only Sovereign and Lord, the Word of God warns the things(doom) which happened to those who did not believe in the Grace of God.! Today, do not become Godless because of fine sounding religious arguments, there is only One Sovereign & Lord Ordained by God & this is Jesus Christ.


27April2022; Isaiah49vs22to26...(Part2).."This is what the Sovereign Lord says:" Yesterday the teaching was about Jesus Christ is the only "Sovereign & Lord", Today let us see the prophecies & Promises made, which are recorded in the book of Isaiah: vs22 "This is what the Sovereign Lord says: See I will beckon the Gentiles,.... vs22 the worldly authorities, will bow down before you with their fsces to the ground ;they will lick the dust at your feet.,..vs25..I will contend with those who contend with you... "Do you see the Profound message revealed by the Holy Spirit of God? Those" Gentiles" who the Lord has beckoned to Him, who believe that Jesus Christ is the only Sovereign Lord, are the ones He says "Then you (believers in Jesus Christ the Sovereign & Lord), will know I am the Lord, those who hope in me will not be disappointed!" - Then all mankind will know that I, the Lord, am your Savior, your Reedemer, the Mighty One of Jacob(vs26). TODAY, do not be frightened or fear the threats of the world, the prophecies of thousands of years ago are being fulfilled as we speak, & the very threats of the highest authorities amongst mankind, the Lord says: "They will lick the dust at the feet of the Believers. & those authorities which contend with the believers, are not contending with the believer, but will find themselves contending with the Lord!!!.......


28April2022; Book of Jude... (Part3 & final)... In this 3 part teaching, we have learnt about "the sin and doom of Godless men", Today, let's understand where this comes from; vs8 - "In the very same way, these dreamers pollute their own bodies, reject authority and slander celestial beings". What is the "Authority" people are rejecting? & how do they slander celestial beings? The "Authority being rejected, is the Word of God, who in His own audible voice said the following about Jesus Christ :"This is my Son in whom I am well pleased, Listen to Him!" This is the Authority Ordained by God Himself making Jesus Christ Sovereign and Lord!! Those who deny Jesus Christ as our only Sovereign and Lord, are the Godless men, who are dreamers and pollute their own bodies with their own logical thinking and speak abusively against whatever they don't understand and what things they do understand by instinct, like unreasoning animals - these are the very things that destroy them!! Be very careful what you believe, be very careful about the" instinctive" understanding of mankind! Instinctively, people react to their carnal emotions & fears, they will say things like ie: I am under attack, I am going into spiritual warfare, I pray but God does not answer, I have been faithful all my life, why do I have to go through this or that, I am going through, why do other people have money & I don't, if their is a God, why all the death, wars, doom & gloom in the World, etc, etc! Any body saying or thinking these things as written above,are in actual fact "slandering celestial beings" without realizing what they are doing!! They deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign Lord and understand nothing! The Word of God warns us these people have taken the way of Cain, who envied his brother and ultimately killed his brother; they rush into the profit of Balaam's error, where everything is measured with money & possessions, & if they do not get what they want they slander celestial beings, not understanding they have got what they need, and need to be content with it. Shepherds who only feed themselves, believing they have the right to the money of the church. These type of people will be blown along by the fears & fear mongering of the world, they will be frightened by the "wave after wave" of calamity being "marketed & promoted" by the world, they are cloud without rain & autumn trees without fruit! The Word of God is very clear, they are "Twice dead"!!! The blackest darkness has been reserved for them!! The warning is clear, the dangers are spoken about to those who deny Jesus Christ as Sovereign and Lord; "See the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of His Holy ones to judge everyone, and to convict all the ungodly of all the ungodly acts they have done in the ungodly way, and all of the harsh words ungodly sinners have spoken against Him!!" Those who run after the threats of man and the fear mongering of the world, which announce  & those who fear the" wave after wave"of their shameful ways; Be very careful for the word says ;" These are grumblers and fautfinders; they follow their own evil desires; they boast about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage. -" The blackest darkness has been reserved for them!!.....


29April2022;2Corinthians3vs7to17....."Now the Lord is Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom". When will people understand this? When will people listen & stand firm in faith?, Nothing in the flesh can give you freedom, for the flesh is limited to carnal understanding, carnal emotions & world events. People do not realize carnal man, is subjected & "controlled" by fear and held captive by the evil ways of the world  and the evil spirits in the Heavenly realms! None of the things we experience in the flesh can ever make us free! The only freedom we have is in the Lord, who is Spirit, Unlimited & Omnipresent! Whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the "veil" of "fear" & limitations is taken away & True freedom in the Lord is reveled.! This freedom in the Lord, through the Spirit of God, sets us free from the fear mongering of the world, it give us strength to remain faithful to God and not fear man or anything of man.!!!! It gives us hope in that which is not seen, knowing the Lord is in control of our lives & will not allow or even tolerate those who attempt to install fear on His children!! The most "dangerous" person on earth, is not the rich or those in "power" & "authority", No, It is the believer who understands this!, the believer who remains faithful to the Promises in God's Word!! No amount of fear mongering, no as mount of draconian laws, no amount of threats,violence,etc. Nothing in the flesh which the unbelievers fear can touch them! , for the child of God is protected by the Lord, & the Angels of the Lord are encamped around them!, & because of the Lord, they understand the freedom they have from all the "fears" of the world.! The believer who walks in faith knows this and is unaffected by the temporary, limited carnal way of things & are very bold in the freedom they have, for they fully understand... "where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom!"... TODAY, remain faithful, rebuke the devil & he will flee from you, bring every thought & emotion into submission to the fearless Spirit of the Lord, which brings us freedom in all aspects of our lives........


30April2022;"Dress for success"... Do not be deceived by fine sounding "religious" teachings, which only focus on the "sins" of the flesh and the "struggles" of the flesh!.We need to stop judging others on what they do in the flesh & how many times they go to church or not, what they eat & drink or not, where they spend their money or not, etc. All these things have been adopted  from pagan religions and seem to have a form of Righteousness, however have no spiritual value!! You can wear as many "crosses" as you want, you can wear long robes in beautiful colors, "showing" what your religion is, you can live the "perfect" life according to man made rules & regulations taught by religion, however are you obedient to God, are you doing what God has commanded us to do? Do not be deceived by the rituals & man made rules & regulations presented as "religion" ! Any struggle, any fear, any worry, any anxiety, any "self-righteousness" you feel in the flesh, is the greatest deception of the evil one! If we want to be strong in the Lord and His mighty power, we need to understand "our struggle is not against flesh & blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the Heavenly realms.!! The Lord commands us to put on His full Armor, for only then are we able to fight this spiritual battle of evil, which is spoken about in His Word. Those who only focus on the flesh, are led astray by the struggles of life, the rituals of religion and the deception of the sins of the flesh, not understanding the Sin of disobedience to God's commands are ruining their lives!!! You cannot stand against the evil powers of the world & the Heavenly realms, if you walk in disobedience to God. You cannot be strong in the Lord and his mighty Power, if you keep on believing in the struggles of the flesh!!! STOP it!!! STOP following the pagan religious ways,put on the full Armor of God and walk in His mighty Power!! The Power to overcome, the power to Rejoice in Him Always, the Power to not be anxious about anything, the Power to pray with thankigiving in your heart always, the Power to know you can do everything through Him who gives you strength. The Power to experience the Peace of God which transcends all understanding & which will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.! For through His blood we are healed, through His blood we are set free from our infirmities! TODAY, understand the authority we have as believers, cast off the useless things of the flesh, stand in obedience to God's Word & experience the Mighty Power of God in your life..... "Dress for Success"walk in the Power of God put on the Armor of  God!!! (Ephesians6vs10to19;Philippians4vs2to20;Isaiah53)


01May2022; Mark16vs9to20..."... Preach the "Good News" to all creation"... What is the Good News,? & what is the meaning of all this?.. Let's not be deceived by fine sounding "religious" arguments!. These Words were spoken by Jesus Christ after He was raised from the dead by God and appeared to His disciples & others. The "Good News" spoken about is that the Son of God, who is the Righteousness of God, the Messiah of which the prophecies have spoken, has fulfilled the Righteous requirements of the law, by being CRUCIFIED & RESURRECTED, & is now standing before them, so that they may believe & bear witness to all of creation!! The mere fact

that Christ Jesus was Resurrected and apeared to them is testimony of God's Salvation plan for sinful man! Then the Word goes further, "whoever believes (that Jesus is the Son of God, the Righteousness from God, the Messiah, the Salvation plan of God) and is baptized will be saved!!! However there is a stern warning," whoever does not believe will be condemned!! That's it!!, there is no room for" religious belief systems" this is not negotiable, it is either you preach the Good News of the Resurrected Christ which beings hope or you stand condemned because you do not believe.!!! Let's see what Christ Jesus promises to those who believe:

1.Signs & Wonders will accompany them;

2.In the name of Christ Jesus they will drive out demons;

3.They will speak in New tongues;

4.They will pick up snakes with their hands, and when they drink deadly poison, it will not harm them;

5.They will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well;

Do not be deceived by the world or the things of the world!! Jesus Christ Resurrected has come to bring us freedom in this world and Salvation in the next, do not be deceived by the fear mongering of the world, do not worry, do not be anxious, for as the "poison of the venomous snakes of the world" cross our paths, the Word of God says this "POISON" will not harm those who believe in the Blood of Jesus Christ. We need to stand firm in faith, drive out demons, understanding ;  through His blood we are healed and set free from our infirmities. Not just us, but everyone we place our hands on will be healed, because of the blood of our Resurrected Christ, the Messiah our Redeemer, who brings Salvation to those who believe!We are more than conquerors and need to proclaim this "Good News" to all creation!! The believer speaks in new tongues, the words of hope, the words of faith, the words of Thanksgiving to God in and through all circumstances, their is no "room" for disobedience, there is no room for anxiety or fear of circumstances. A New tongue proclaims the Glory of God, not the doom & gloom of the world with all their fear mongering and poison, for those who do not believe, will be condemned!!. Today, you either stand in faith in the Resurrected Christ, or be condemned with those who do not believe!!Do not be deceived!!!.......


02May2022; Psalm50vs14to23.... "... Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High"... Let's not be deceived by the things of the world, let's not break our vows with God! As a child of God, one who believes is the Jesus Christ being the Son of God, who was crucified and resurrected by God as the Messiah & the Salvation plan of God, the Lord says "fulfill your vows", stand ttfirm in faith and call upon the Lord in the day of trouble; For a God promises He will deliver you in order that you honor Him!! But to the wicked, God says:"What right do you have to recite my laws or take my Covenant on your lips?" Do you see who God calls "the wicked"? It is those who practice "religion",( this is not what I am saying, it is written!!) Those who practice "religion" are the ones who "talk the talk", but do not "walk the talk".! The Word goes further: :"You hate my instruction and cast my words behind you". We need to understand, you cannot say you have faith & believe in God, however run after the fears of the world, you are worried about circumstances & become anxious about what is taking place in your life & in the world we are living in!. When you react and follow the fear mongering of the world, the Word of God says;"When you see a thief, you join with him". For the powers of the world have come to kill, steal & destroy, the freedom we have in Christ Jesus! Not only this; people then use their mouths for evil, and "promote" the things of the world and speak abusively against those who trust in the blood of Jesus Christ who sets us free from our infirmities & through whom we are healed!! The Word of God calls such people adulterers:"You throw your lot with adulterers"!. Those who constantly fear, are worried and anxious, & who follow the fear mongering of mankind, are neglecting God's Word to "fulfill your Vows" to God! You cannot say you are a Christian or a believer, If you cannot fulfill your vows to fully trust God & the promises in His Word!! Those who understand these Words, are the ones who offer sacrifices of Thanksgiving to God in and

through all circumstances, they hold on to the Promises in God's Word and Honor God by fulfilling their vows as believers by thanking Him everyday for everything & do not join with the "thieves" who are trying to "steal" their freedom they have as children of God.!!Do not join with the "adulterers" who hate God's instruction & cast His Words behind them.! In everything and through everything always Praise God with Thanksgiving in your hearts, for this is how we fulfill our vows to God!! Anything else, God warns is wickedness!!........


03May2022;Romans3vs1to8...."God's faithfulness". Why are people so easily led astry by fine sounding carnal minded arguments? I have come across many people who doubt about God, people who use their " limited carnal MINDSET & belief system" to question the existence of God. Some even go as far as; asking others to prove to them that God exists!! When we read vs 3; "What if someone did not have faith? Will their lack of faith nullify God's faithfulness? Not at all! Let God be true and every man a liar.!" Do you see what the Word of God says about such people who do not believe & have faith that God exist? Without them realizing it, they have just proven God's faithfulness & they themselves to be liars!! The fact that they have the Spirit of Life which comes from God & are alive today,  to be able to ask such a question,proves God's faithfulness!! , even though they are unable to recognize the very life they have & the brand new day they have been granted, comes from God, proves they are ignorant & understand nothing!! The fact that they are blind to the very things which prove God exists & is faithful, proves they are liars & it is not something others need to prove to them, they need to open their eyes and realize even though they don't believe in God, God has proven Himself faithful by giving them a brand new day & the Spirit of life to enjoy the day.!! Their lack of faith does not nullify God's faithfulness, it only proves them to be liars.!.....


04May2022; Proverbs 19vs23... ".. untouched by trouble.." When you receive the wisdom & understanding that "fear" & "faith" have the same "strength"!!You will pay special attention to what you fear!!! This is why the Word of God teaches us to have the reverent fear of the Lord in our hearts, for the fear of the Lord leads to life: Then one rests content, untouched by trouble! I find it very strange that people naturally apply their minds to the fears of the world, the threats of man, the circumstances around them, which have not yet taken place, they become so consumed by their fears, they do not have hope, they do not see the "wood from the trees"! I don't care what religion you follow or what your belief system is!!, if you keep fearing the things of the world, the threats of man, the fear mongering of sickness, wars, crime, poverty, raging storms & how the struggling economy will impact everybody, how your freedom will be affected if you do not "tow the line", etc. Let's understand one thing; if you are affected by these things, the "god" you fear, the "god" who controls your life is worthless!! The more you fear the things of the world, the more you fill your lives with worries & anxieties!! The only fear God commands us to have is the fear of the Lord!! Anything else is not from the Lord!! Do not be deceived, those who walk in the reverent fear of the Lord are content & untouched by circumstances surrounding THEM! However, those who fear the world or anything of the world will find themselves trapped in their worries & anxieties, they will not be content and everything they fear or dread will come upon them!!! TODAY, ask yourself who is your God??.... Once you find the True answer to this question, you will rest content, untouched by trouble!!....


5May2022; Hebrews11 whole chapter.. "By Faith".. When we read about faith in the Word of God,it explains plainly "being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see". Even though it is very clear and simple, people still do not apply this in their lives! People cannot fathom the Awesome power they have through remaining faithful to the Promises in God's Word!! vs3 gives us an example of this Authority, this Power & Might of God:"By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's Command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible!!!... Allow me to put this to you in" layman's" terms; If the most powerful & wealthy person on earth comes to you and gives you a credit card & says to you, it is your's to use, it is unlimited and you can use it for each and every expense you have, whether medical bills, houses, cars, food, entertainment, clothing, etc. Anything your heart desires! What will you do? What will you do with the card & Pin code? Each & every person on earth will take the card and keep the Pin in a safe place.!! Nobody will look at the card and say, "this piece of plastic in my hand has no value, this piece of plastic is worthless, how is it possible to pay all my medical expenses, how is it possible to pay my house, buy a car, food or the things I need or desire, it is impossible for such a small plastic card to do all this!!" Everybody knows it has nothing to do with the" physical card", it has to do with the account linked to the card, which is protected by a "Pin Code"!! In a similar way, God has Blessings awaiting all believers, Blessings of health, Blessings of fearlessness, Blessings of Life, Blessing of being more than Conquerors through Jesus Christ our Lord! Blessings of protections & Victory, Blessings to overcome!! All this has been prepared for those who believe, all these are linked to the "card" called God's faithfulness and the "Pin code" is :"Faith"! We need to understand there is only one "Pin Code" to access everything God has planned for us, the same God who has Created the entire Universe, not by what was viable , but by that what was unseen!! Today, stop looking at the circumstances in & around your life(the card) & look beyond what you can see! Use your faith (Pin code) to access the Promises awaiting you in God's Word. We understand in the flesh that if we use the "wrong" "Pin Code" the access to the "account" is denied, the very card we are holding is useless!! I the same way if you use the "Pin Code" called "fear" , you cannot access the Blessings of God, you will find yourself having nothing and woried & anxious about circumstances in and around you!! This is not because God has abandoned you, it is because you do not have faith you are using the incorrect "Pin" called Fear, which cannot unlock the Promises of God which only comes "By Faith!!!...


06April2022;1Peter3vs8to16....Many people have different views about evil, in most cases people relate to evil as the physical things done in the flesh.! However, this is not the Biblical definition of evil!, anything done in the flesh, all the "sins" which manifest in the flesh originate within the heart!! People don't realize by living a "religious" life on the "outside", fools men & makes them believe a person is living a "religious" life, the reality though, is written in vs for 10:"Whoever would love life and see good days, must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech." Do you notice the Biblical definition of evil?... "Keep your tongue from evil and lips from deceitful speech!" Let's pay attention to what this evil is vs14:"Do not fear what they fear;do not be frightened!" It is stated very clearly "Fearing what the world fears"!!! The world has "groomed" people to "listen" to them, they will announce all the evil taking place in the world & in the very same "articles, speaches & writings" through print media, social media, world conferences, television, streaming, etc. They would through fear mongering intimidate, threaten and install fear into those who follow them "religiously". For those who follow the fear mongering and deceit, then become "spokesmen" & "representatives" for this evil, not understanding they are now spreading the same fears & anxieties by "word of mouth"!! Now, their tongues have not been kept from evil and their lips are spreading the very same deceitful speech.!!! The Word of God is very clear, the children of God The Believers must keep their tongues from spreading this evil and deceitful speech of fear!! We need to set apart Christ as Lord Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the Hope that you have!! As a child of God, no matter the fears of the world, no matter the threats of the world & no matter what happens in your life, our Hope remains in the Lord, we do not fall into the evil trap of deceitful speach which represents the fears of the world, we do not fear what they fear and we are not frightened by their fears!! Today, set your hope in Christ our Lord and everytime people talk about the fears of the world, you keep you tongue from evil & deceitful speach and announce boldly you are protected by the blood of Jesus Christ our Lord,which is the hope which makes us stand firm in faith!!.. Now, look at the Promises in God's Word ; "For the eyes of the Lord are on the Righteous and His ears attentive to their prayers!! It even goes further" Issuing" a warning to those who have these evil tongues and are consumed by deceitful speech;".. But the face of the Lord is a against those who do evil!!. Today, decide which you choose," whoever would love life &

see good days, must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech! "you either live in fear or you live in hope through Jesus Christ our Lord!!.....


07May2022; Jude vs17to25... The difference between" Natural Instics vs Holy Spirit of God"; Today let us understand what is written here, let us take to heart & learn to make the distinction between; "being led by Natural Instinct & being led by the Holy Spirit of God!". The "carnal man" is led by natural instinct, which is fully dependent on emotions, fears, senses & feelings. Their hope is reliant on what they can see & are controlled by the fears they cannot see, the things which have not yet taken place, however "believe" these "fears" could happen to them. These are the people who by natural instinct will apply the following principals of the 3xF's, when they feel threatened.- They will "Freeze, Fight or Flight"! Everything they believe is based on carnal understanding & reasoning, everything they fear is controlled by their natural instincts & carnal mindset. None of it actually exists in reality, however their minds are consumed by it "As if" it has already happened to them! Everything they believe, everything they feel, every emotion, every thought they would always feel they need to "justify" or "protect" their beliefs & religion, & have the mindset that "nobody" knows what they are going through, they are fighting their battles on their own and nobody cares about them. They would praise God when things go well, however when things don't go according to their plans, they would "rage" against God, rage against other & blame the "whole world" for what they are going through, not realizing it has nothing to do with anybody else, but everything to do with what they allow to consume their minds!! The book of Proverbs explains it very beautifully - 19vs3 "A man's own folly ruins his life yet his heart rages against the the Lord". Do not be deceived by your natural instinct & carnal mindset, for you will be caught up in your own folly!! The person led by the Holy Spirit of God, understands the above, they understand that hope which is seen, is no hope at all! They walk in the reverent fear of God, knowing He is the Ultimate Authority & they do not follow religion and do not feel the need to " justify" or "protect" their  belief system, they remain faithful to the Promises in God's Word! When things go well with them they praise & worship God with thanksgiving in their hearts, and when things do not go according to plan or expectation, their praise and worship God even louder & with more thanksgiving in their

hearts & lips, knowing God has bigger & better things planned for them.! When the threats of man come, they know their battle is not against flesh & blood, but against the evil forces at play in the world and the Heavenly realms. At that very moment the 4th "F" which the defy's natural instinct comes into play, the believer applies this 4th "F" called "FAITH" & at this very moment they are "transformed" into a "Mighty Soldier" in God's Army!! Now, every single evil force takes flight!!! Those led by the Holy Spirit of God, understand these words: "Keep yourselves in God's love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you eternal life!"Through the Holy Spirit of God we have faith in Christ Jesus knowing we have the promise of eternal life,however if we are led by the  natural carnal instinct of fears common to man, we are twice dead!...


08May2022; 2Timothy1vs7...."Spirit of Power, of love and self-discipline"...God has given us all the Spirit of life, even before we were born, His Spirit of life was given to us. God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of Power, of Love and Self-Discipline!! In order for us (to in a very "small"  way), to understand the Power spoken about, let's for a moment consider the most "dangerous" & "powerful" example of a spirit of power, of love and self-discipline! The most dangerous spirit of power, is that of a "mother" even though they seem "timid", the moment a mother senses danger for her offspring, their motherly Love give them the Power & self-discipline to protect & defend!!! They become the most dangerous individual to be around.!! This Spirit of Love & Power overcomes their fears and they will protect those they love.!A lion is strong and fierce, however if he comes accross a lioness protecting her cubs, his strength & courage cannot stand against the lionesses spirit of love which gives her the power and self-discipline to stand and sprotect her cubs!!! As the world celebrate mother's day, let us celebrate that God did not give us a Spirit of "timidly", but a spirit of power, of love and self-discipline!!...


09May2022; Revelation 4vs11.... "God's Will, not ours!".. Many people ask the question -"What is my purpose in life?, why am I here? The answer is written in the Word of God; All of Creation were created by God Almighty,He is the One who Created all things and by His Will, they have been created and have their being." Those who understand this and are led by the Holy Spirit of God, know that the very Spirit of Life they breathe is from God. They also understand that this is the very reason God is to be praised & worshipped, for He is Worthy, He is our Lord & God and because of His Will we exist.!! For this all creation bring glory and honor & power to God! We do not praise God with thanksgiving in our hearts because of material things & carnal benefits, we praise & worship God for His Love & Grace, which by His Will created us and sustains us!! Once you realize you were Created because of God's Will, you begin to understand it has nothing to do with your will; your emotions;your worries;your anxieties;your fears or anything else you experience as carnal man, etc. You realize, when you praise and worship God through everything, you are taking into possession the very things He has planned for you!! You understand He has given you life not to do your will, but to do His Will, for through Him you were Created and through His Will & Grace we received His Spirit of Life!! TODAY, do not take the Spirit of Life through which we live for granted, for the very moment God  recalls His Spirit of Life, you have nothing!! Everything you worried about, everything you feared, everything you so dearly hold on to in this life, will be left behind!!However, those who have praised and worshipped God with thanksgiving in their hearts, & who brought glory & honor to God, have built up for them treasures in Heaven and fulfilled their purpose in life which the Will of God had Created them for!! All God expects from us, our whole purpose in life is to btring glory & honor to God, for this is the Will of God in our lives!!Those who listen & understand this,know through thanksgiving & praise; they take into possession that which is God's Will for them! They are more than conquerors, God set us free from our infirmities & through His blood we are healed.!!............


10May2022;Phillippians2vs12to18.... Yesterday's  message was about "God's Will, not ours", today we will learn about how God "empowers" us to do His Will. We need to walk in the reverent fear of God & continue to work out our salvation with fear & trembling,understanding we are children of God and only walk in the reverent fear of God. Nothing in the world can harm God's children, for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose.!! Nowhere does the Word of God say to us fear the things of the world, nowhere does it say we need to worry or be anxious, etc.! In actual fact the Word of God States- " Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure children of God without fault in a crooked & depraved generation!! Be on your guard against the" crooked & depraved" generation, who follow the fear mongering of mankind, who complain about everything & when you tell them about Christ Jesus and the Authority we have as believers who walk in the reverent fear of God, they argue and give you every excuse why they need to follow the ways of this "crooked & depraved" generation! They will argue they still want to travel abroad, they want to attend big events & sporting events, they are afraid to lose their jobs if they do not comply with the regulations of this crooked & deprived generation. When people complain about the "freedom" they are not willing to lose, when they argue that it is to their benefit and the benefit of others, they do not realize they are walking in the fear of the world, their is no place in their lives for the reverent fear of God.!! They have adopted the ways of this crooked & depraved generation.!!There is no room for "middle ground" or to be "Lukewarm", you either walk with reverent fear and trembling of God, with thangiving in your heart and on your lips or you do as this crooked & depraved generation does & complain or argue about the fears of the World.......


11May2022;2Kings6vs8to23..... "" Don't be afraid,.. Those who are with us are more than those who are with them! " Today, let's understand the Profound words spoken by Elisha the prophet. Here we have an example of what the Word of God says -" Our struggle is not against flesh & blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark World & against spiritual forces of evil in the Heavenly realms" (Ephesians6v12). As the Aremean army


 Dothan, (to capture Elisha); The servant who got up early in the morning immediately saw the army of chariots, horses & soldiers,which had surrounded the city. In his carnal mind he was overwhelmed by fear, in his carnal mind he could not see a way out, in his carnal mind the end has come, as the army before him is greater than the army in the city.!! What the servant did not keep in mind, or neglected to see, was the "Spiritual Army" , the thousands upon thousands of chariots of God's army, in anticipation of the Command from God to be deployed!! Elisha knew this & did not feel threatened by the masses of soldiers surrounding the city, for Elisha knew the army before him has no power and authority to harm him(he knew it was an army driven by the rulers, authorities & powers of this dark world! !! Elisha also knew, the "evil" forces who are with the army surrounding the city, are out numbered by the Angelic forces of God's Army.!!Elisha, did not display any fear or in the slightest way feel threatened, for He knew, the moment He prays to the Lord, the Lord will give the command  and because the Spiritual laws are not negotiable, the evil spirits who are with the surrounding army will flee.!! Elisha knew this and to put the mind of the servant at ease, he prayed to the Lord to show the servant the vast army of the Lord, awaiting the Command from God! Let's undestand this, let's not doubt in the Mighty Power of God, we serve the same Lord & God, who is attentive to our prayers!! Let's not pay attention to the physical threats before us, however undestand our battles are not fought in the flesh, but take place in the Spiritual realms.! All we need to do is humble ourselves before God, ask for His protection and He will give the command for His army to protect us.! A protection which takes place in the Spiritual realms and then manifests in the physical realms.!!There is no other way to overcome, there is no victory, if we do not have faith in God & if we fear the physical threats more than we fear & trust God.!! Today, may the Lord of Heaven & earth open your eyes to see "Those who are with us are more than those who are with them" We are commanded not to be afraid for the dark  spiritual forces at play in the world are outnumbered by the Spiritual Army of God!!......


12May2022; Psalm103.. "forget not all His benefits"... We have all heard these words "Count your Blessings!" When we read the Word of God, it reminds us of God's Love & Mercy, it reminds us that God Blesses us daily, He forgives our sins daily, He heals us from all our disesease, He redeems our life from the pit(the fears & worries of the world) , He crowns us with love and compassion & satisfies your desires with good things, so that we are renewed like the eagle's.! The Lord is compassionate & gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. He does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.! Why is it so difficult to understand? Why do we as mankind always blame God for our own folly? The Promises in God's Word have stood through all generations, however mankind are ignoring them, mankind are so focused on the things of the world, they forget all God's Blessings in their lives! The mere fact that we have been given the Spirit of Life which is from God & a brand new day to live, should be enough to praise & worship God all day long!! However, what do we do? We allow our souls to be overpowered by our emotions & feelings, we allow our souls to be overpowered by fear, we desire the negative instead of the good God promises in His Word!! Our own folly ruin our lives, yet we blame God, we neglect to understand that our minds are our worst enemy! This is why the Word of God commands us to Praise the Lord in our souls, we need to focus on  praising God from within, not from what is seen or felt & controlled by emotions! Even though we disappoint, even though we do not remain faithful to God. God remains True to His Word and does not treat us as our sins deserve, or repay us according to our iniquities. We disobey, we do not consider the Blessing of Life He has given, we do not consider the new day He has given us! TODAY, understand you are alive because of God's Will, He has not punished us for being unfaithful to Him, He does not hold our iniquities against us! Don't you think it is time to count your Blessings & desire the good things God has planned for you?? The secret to better & greater things, is to Praise the Lord from within, let your soul rejoice in the Lord, forget not all His benefits!! Count your Blessings...


13May2022;Psalm5vs8to12...."Lead me O Lord, in your Righteousness because of my enemies -

make straight Your way before me." This one verse explains how David had overcome his enemies, how David did not complain to man about man, but how he trusted God and remained faithful to the One he knew was the only One to save him.!the words of vs8 explain it beautifully;" Lead me, O Lord, in Your Righteousnes" - David was not arrogant & prayed because he felt he was righteous, David knew his Righteousness is from God!! David humbled himself before God & requested from God to lead him, for David knew he had many enemies who were persueing him. David did not try & fight the physical battle before him, & he was surely not going to bow before the fear mongering & attempted threats to his life.!David knew if He turns to God, humbles himself, that God will make straight his way before him!! David did not rely on his own strength!! We need to understand the people who David identified as his "enemies" were the people in power & authority, people who were jealous of him and could not understand where David's strength came from.! These people persued him, they could not be trusted, their hearts were full of distruction & made draconian laws to ruin David's life. Every time they spoke, their throats were "open graves" speaking deceit!! (If you cannot relate to this, just look back at what the president of this country said 24Months ago, & how he convinced everybody everything is temporal,all those words were deceit to entice people to "willingly" comply to their draconian laws & evil intentions, now many months later, their lies are being exposed & they now are doing the very opposite to what they said in the past.! All the lies all the deceit is now being exposed and we need to understand they cannot be trusted!) We see the very same things happening in the world today, those who proclaim their faith & do not deny Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior, & believe in the Blood of Christ through which they are healed and set free from our infirmities, are the ones who are spoken about, are the ones against who are spoken deceitfully!! We need to stand firm in faith for not a word from their mouths can be trusted, their hearts are filled with destruction towards the Believers. Take heart, remain in God's Righteousness which is only found in Jesus Christ our Lord, for God will make straight the way before us!! Let all the Believers who take refuge in the Lord, be glad, let them ever sing for joy, for the Lord has Spread His Protection over us & we rejoice in the Lord always! The Lord Bless the Righteous and surround them with favor as a shield!! Let us not be afraid of the "enemies" who spread lies & deceit, let's Praise the Lord who is our shield & saves the upright!!...


14May2022;2Corinthians10vs1to18... ".for though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.!" The time has come for believers to stop doing "religion" & the "rituals" taught by men. For all teachings inspired by mankind & the limited understanding of man, are related to each other and follow the standards of the world. The standards of the world create chaos & fear mongering, will always threaten and destroy faith & hope. Everything is "doom & gloom" & fears projecting what the calamity will be in the future!! Nothing good, nothing positive is ever said, everything promotes fear- ie: fear of sickness & pandemics, fear of the economy, fear of unemployment, fear of food shortages, fear of crime, fear of financial difficulty,etc. They are constantly promoting and waging the war of fear & also promoting it through fear mongering(fear is their weapon) !! Do not be deceived, do not fear what the world fears, for we (the believer in Christ Jesus) do not wage war as the world does!! The weapons we fight with are the weapons of faith.! This gives us access to Divine Power to demolish strongholds, we demolish arguments and every pretention that sets itself up against the knowledge of a God!! Now, pay special attention to what the Word of  God teaches; "We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ!!" DO YOU SEE THIS????!!!!. The battles we are fighting, the war we are involved in, are in our thoughts!! You either run after & follow the fear mongering of the world and allow yourself to wage the war of fear as the world wages it, or you make a conscious decision to take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ! The moment you fear, the moment you worry about tomorrow or are anxious about the things as the world deceitfully make you aware of, you are deliberately & intentionally following the pretention that sets itself up against God!! TODAY, make every thought obedient to Christ, be ready to "punish" every act of


disobedience.,for only then will your obedience be complete!! The secret to obedience is to take captive every negative thought & fear, which has become the "strongholds" of the world!! Break free from these "strongholds" & make every thought of negativity submissive to Christ!! When a negative fearful thought comes into your mind, immediately rebuke the thought, do not give it any power demolish it in the name of Christ Jesus & immediately praise & worship God with Thanksgiving in your heart & on your lips!! Now you have punished every act of disobedience in your thoughts & have brought it into obedience to Christ.!! Only then is our obedience complete!!.....

15May2022; Revelation2&3... "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Holy Spirit of the Lord says to the churches". Very few people understand that the Holy Spirit of God leads us to Christ, through whom we are able to overcome. God knew in the flesh we are weak and cannot be Righteous before Him, however through Christ Jesus, the Righteousness of God, we become Righteous before God. Without the guidance of the Holy Spirit of God, who leads us in wisdom & understanding & opens our spiritual eyes, we will be lost to the saving Grace & Salvation God has sent to mankind through Jesus Christ. Let's not be deceived by fine sounding "religious" arguments, the Holy Spirit of God is "Spirit" and  not "flesh & blood"! The Holy Spirit leads us to Christ, for the forgiveness of sins, through whom we are then able to overcome!Today, Listen to the Holy Spirit of God, let us open our spiritual eyes to see the promises in God's Word to overcome. When we read the Word of God or the messages we receive on a daily base, let us not look at who " wrote" the message or who "forwarded" the message to us. Let us focus on what the "message" is, what the revelation of those words mean in our lives, for the Holy Spirit of God works in mysterious ways and guides us onto the path of Spiritual awakening. Any message you read, which touches your heart, is not a message from man, but a Spiritual Revelation from the Spirit of God,sent to guide you to overcome. The Holy Spirit of God will not just bring you one Spiritual message, however will confirm it two or three times through different unrelated sources. We need to be attentive to "message" for within the message lies the secret to overcome.!


15May2022;Proverbs8vs13... "To fear the Lord is to hate evil!" The Word of God is self explanatory. It commands us what to fear & what to hate! Mankind have been deceived by the evil in the world & are threatened by the fear mongering of authorities & powers of the world. Their pride and arrogance from their evil behavior installs fear through their perverse speech!! Those who walk in the reverent fear of God, are untouched by their threats  & draconian rules and regulations. Those who do not walk in the reverent fear of God, are engaging in the very evil God says He hates. Let's not be deceived by the threats of man, who have become arrogant in their pride, which is exposed by their perverse speech & evil behavior!! No matter the evil in the world, we need NOT fear evil!!! We  walk in reverent fear of God, who leads us in wisdom, knowledge & understanding. The fear of the Lord is to hate evil!!.. Be on your guard against the evil identified by the word of God -" Pride, Arrogance, Perverse speech" this is evil behavior according to God's Word.!!!Before we speak and follow the fear mongering of the world & speak against those who walk in the reverent fear of the Lord, we need to understand the things identified as evil behavior in the Word of God!!


17May2022; Revelation whole chapter... If you have ever wondered; "Why Jesus was Crucified and Resurrected by God as Christ Deity?!" The answer is plainly written in the book of Revelation chapter 5!! Do not be deceived by fine sounding "religious" arguments, which have no understanding of the Salvation plan of God. For only through the Holy Spirit of God is the Truth revealed & mankind in their logical & limited mindset are given the Spirit of Truth to understand God's. Salvation plan! We read that Jesus was the "lamb" who was slain and with His blood He purchased men for God.! Once His blood was shed on the cross, He had fulfilled the Righteous requirements of the law & God accepted the price paid through the Blood of a Jesus proof of which God Resurrected Jesus from the dead as Christ Deity.!The significance of this is written - " In order that the Believers in Jesus Christ the Righteousness from God to become a Righteous kingdom and priests to serve God, so that they will reign on the earth. Once you understand this, the Truth will set you free from the belief systems of man and through the Holy Spirit of God, you will know what it means to have your name written on the book of life, you will understand why there is only One who has the authority to open the scroll, there is only One who is Worthy to represent sinful man in the presence of God. Now, you will understand why the Word of God says "For we are to God the Aroma of Christ"2Corinthian2vs15 & Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He set His seal of ownership on us & put His Spirit in our hearts as a deposit" 2Corinthians1vs21. Do not be deceived, the blood of Jesus enabled sinful man to be purchased for God & through the resurrection of Christ Deity, Intercedes for us in the presence of God. As sinful man, we cannot fathom all this, however through the blood of Jesus who is the Resurrected Christ in the presence of God, our prayers are presented in golden bowls of incense before God. We were bought at a price, we are represented in the presence of God by Christ Deity and for this reason Jesus needed to be crucified,in order for the Resurrected Christ to become the Aroma of Righteousness in order for sinful man to be reconciled to God. We understand through the Holy Spirit of God, that Jesus the man was the sacrificial lamb of God who needed to be slain in order for us to be purchased by His Blood. However, more importantly, He was Resurrected by God as Christ Deity to represent mankind in the presence of God. This is the reason we pray in the full name above all names Jesus Christ!!


18May2022; Lamentations3vs57to66..When we see the things taking place in the World, people become fearful & afraid of the fear mongering and the draconian regulations, which are deceitfully presented as "law". The Word of God becomes the refuge for His children, as the world becomes more evil in their pursuit of power, children of God call out to the Lord in prayer! When a child of God calls to the Lord, the Lord answers and says "Do not fear"! We need to understand when God says something, it is not just "empty" words, the Word of God is life changing, circumstance changing Command from God!! Pay special attention to vs 58to66, when God's children call out to Him, everything & everybody who attempts to harm His children, will

in their personal capacity be cursed & their organizational capacity the truth will come out and they will be destroyed.!! Do not be deceived by threats of man, for God is greater than man and any organization of man; If God says "Do not fear"!!, this is a Command and the Believers need to understand if we go against God's Commands, we become disobedient & are no different to those who mock God!!!......


19May2022;Luke21 whole chapter... (Part1) "Signs of the end of age", when Jesus spoke about the "signs of the end of age" ; His first Words - "Watch out that you are not deceived", then He goes further and says the following;"For many will come in my name, claiming,' I am he'. Jesus knew beforehand, not all people would understand the Salvation plan of God, Jesus also knew not all people would understand the different" ministries" He needed to fulfill in order for the Salvation plan of God to be set in place through Him. These Words of Jesus were very profound as He was teaching his disciples to make the distinction between the "physical" and the "Spiritual." Jesus the 100% carnal man had a ministry to fulfill in the flesh & was born in the flesh with "one" purpose & that was to fulfill the requirements of the law & for His blood to be shed as sacrificial lamb of God, in order for mankind to be reconciled to God through the Blood of Jesus the 100% man. This was the ministry of " Jesus" . However, more important is the ministry of "Christ", who was Resurrected by God Himself and re-instated as Christ "Deity" sitting at the righthand of God as mediator & Intercessor for mankind. This was the other ministry, "Christ 100% Deity." ! When Jesus warned "Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name"..... He was referring to those who in their carnal way of "logical thinking", only use the first part of His name "Jesus" which only represent the "100%carnal man", who's ministry was specific and and ended the moment He was Crucified and shed His Blood.! For at that very moment all mankind were healed & set free from their infirmities. Once the ministry of "Jesus"

was complete, "Christ" was Resurrected 100% Deity. The words of Jesus' teachings, was for people to not be deceived by those who only use the name "Jesus", without the Name "Christ", for when they only use the name "Jesus" it only represents half the ministry and Christ represent the other half of His ministry, which in "full" represents the Salvation Ministry of Jesus Christ. Watch out that you are not deceived! , for only through the full ministry of  Jesus who is the Christ our Lord, can we be saved.! If you hear people or religions only talk about the name " Jesus" without the name "Christ" used as "One", Jesus warns, do not be deceived, for such people deny the Deity of the Resurrected Christ!...


20May2022; Luke21.. (Part2...) Yesterday we discussed the Words of Jesus Christ, & what was meant by "many will come in my name, claiming I am he..." This was a stern warning for Christ followers not to be deceived,for at the end of the age, there will be people who will question the Deity of Christ.Things will take place in the world which will frighten those who do not understand the Authority they have in Christ Jesus. There will be wars, revolutions, nation will rise against nation, there will be earthquakes, famines and pestilence (pandemics) and fearful events & great sign from heaven!! JESUS the Christ said these things must happen!!! , however said we need not worry, we need to make up our minds not to worry how we will defend ourselves, for by standing firm in faith we will gain life.! The message is very clear, when these things take place the Believers( in the name of Christ Jesus) , will result in them being witnesses to others!! Jesus the Christ even went further and stared His followers will be hated, they will be betrayed by parents, brothers, relatives and friends & some will even be put to death. Let's not be deceived by the authorities of the world, they think by predicting climate change, that future pandemics will occur, and there will be food shortages, wars, etc. This is not new, this is not because of some calculated formula, some government or organization has developed, No it is written and was written more than 2000 years ago!Just look at the world today, watch the news!!Let us  Praise & Worship God for being witness to what Jesus the Christ said will happen at the end of age! All believers who reject the solutions of the world, who stand firm in faith and believe in the blood of Jesus the Christ is protecting them, just see how the world, family & friends "persecute" them & blame them for spreading the "pestilence" or deceitfully stating the believers who refuse to submit to their fear mongering & solutions, are the reason the pandemic will not end!! These are all lies, as Jesus the Christ has already warned these things Wil take place in ever increasing number. Nobody can stop it, no manmade solution  can save us only the blood of Jesus Christ our Lord! The words of Jesus the Christ is clear None of our adversaries will be able to resist or contradict those who stand firm in faith!! Not a hair of your head will perish!! JESUS the Christ makes it very clear "I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict!!.. TODAY, make up your mind not to worry, for Jesus the Christ is our defender!!....


21May2022;2Corinthians11vs13...." False Apostles".. When the Word of a God warns about false apostles, we can be assured there are false apostles! . The Word even goes further and identifies where they come from vs14 "no wonder for Satan himself masquerades as an angel if light, it is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of Righteousness." Do not be deceived by false doctrine & teachings of false apostles. If anybody preaches about Jesus of Nazareth the man who walked the earth & was crucified, yet neglect to preach about the Resurrected Christ Deity, these are false apostles who do not understand the "two fold" ministry of Jesus the Christ. The man Jesus born through the Virgin Mary, had a ministry to fulfill, & that was to fulfill the physical requirements of the Law as God had given to Moses through the "Old Covenant". All these requirements were met by Jesus the 100% man & the reason He needed to shed his blood during the crucifixion, was to introducw the "New Covenant" for without shedding of blood according to the "Old Covenant" Law, a "New Covenant" Law could not be established! JESUS the 100% man the Messiah (Savior of Mankind), fulfilled this. However, it is at the 100% man "Jesus" , where Satan is deceiving people! When people in their limited  carnal mindset think


logically about things, they neglect to understand the crucifixion  was only the first part of the Salvation plan of God through Jesus Christ. This was only the first part of the" two fold" ministry of Jesus the  Christ, the second part was the Resurrection of Christ who was restored to His former Glory as Christ 100% Deity our Lord!! Do not be deceived by half truths and human arguments, the ministry of Jesus the 100% man ended when His blood was shed on the cross, However the ministry of Christ 100% Deity is everlasting,& Christ Jesus the Lord will return and bring salvation to those who believe in His Deity and are waiting for Him. We need to understand false apostles, deceitful workman will use the name "Jesus" attempting to masquerade as apostles of Christ, however if the name "Jesus" is preached in isolation, & not preached as being the Christ 100% Deity, it is false doctrine,.... In summary - "Jesus was Crucified as 100% man, however God raised Him from the dead as Resurrected Christ 100% Deity" ........


22May2022; Matthew7vs7to12.... "Ask, Seek, Knock"... When we read the Word of God, we need open our Spiritual eyes to the "message" contained in the Words. We need to ask from God for the wisdom & understanding,seek for the answers as promised by God. Once we understand the message, we then become bold in faith & know that when we apply the wisdom & understanding, we are unaffected by the things of the world for we do not "knock" on the doors of the evil World, but "knock" on the doors of Heaven, by holding onto  God's Promises in His Word.!!Jesus made it very clear - Ask and it will be given to you;seek & you will find;knock & the doors will be opened to you!! Do you see it says "will", not "maybe" or dependent on how you " feel", or what you are "going through". The message is clear it "will" be done! However, there is a condition in the physical realms we need to meet; "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you...", Be very careful about how you conduct yourself towards others, for the very things you do will be done to you! People neglect to understand this, when everything in their lives "revolve" around their own emotions & feelings, when everything is "me, myself & I", they do not realize they are useless to others, their thoughts and emotions are all self centered & in reality is the  manifestation of that which they have done to others in the past. Once people understand this, they will start doing to other what they want to have done to them. This is when they take into possession the good gifts our Father in Heaven has in store for us!..


24May2022; Revelation6vs1to16... When we read the Word of God, we are warned about the things to come. We need not fear, we need not worry and pray for things to change, as no matter how much we pray, we cannot change the prophecies about the future, for it is not in our power to change any of that which is written!! We cannot pray for peace, when God's word says there will be no peace on earth, men will slay each other, for it is written that this will take place.There will be hunger & starvation and food will become very expensive. People will die of by the "sword" (wars), famine and plague & the wild beasts (evil on earth). The Word even gives us the number of people who will die a "fourth" meaning a quarter of all people in the world! In addition believers Will be killed for holding on to their faith and believing in God!! No matter your belief system or religion, there is nothing we can do to change the prophecies, however the only thing we can do is to believe in Righteousness of God, sent from God who has been given the Authority to Overcome through His Blood shed on the Cross and His Resurrection from the Dead to bring Salvation to mankind. Only through the Blood of Jesus are we healed and set free from our infirmities and the calamity of the prophecies of that which is to come......


25May2022;Isaiah49vs23to26.."Bur this is what the Lord says;" Throughout history, mankind have become arrogant in their position of power! Whenever they are in a position of authority, they think they are "warriors" & "fierce", they enforce their evil ways through fear mongering and draconian rules & regulations. History has proven to us that when God gets involved and the Word of God States - "But this is what the Lord says;" We need to understand, what the meaning of these Words are! They are Words of encouragement & power to those who believe, however are Words of Warning to those who are arrogant and think they have control through their fear


mongering & draconian rules & regulations!! Today, this is what the Lord says "... those who hope in me will not be disappointed,... I WILL contend with those who contend with you, and your children I will save. NB!!! vs26... I will make your oppressors eat their own flesh;".... As believers God makes it very clear, those WHO contend with the believers are in actual fact contending with the Lord & everything they plan will come upon themselves.!!...


26May2022; Jude vs24&25..When you hear a believer pray in the Name of Jesus Christ, it is not because they pray "to" Jesus the Christ, it is because they follow the Command of the only True God, who Testified about His Son, His Righteousness whom He sent  to reconcile sinful man to God. Those believers who follow God's command pray "through" the name of Jesus Christ who is the Ordained Mediator & Righteousness of God sent from God as the Salvation to mankind. Do not he deceived by "religion" and "logical" arguments which follow mere natural instincts and do not have the Holy  Spirit of God! (vs19) . For only through the Holy Spirit of God is the Truth revealed about Jesus Christ our Lord. - The Word of God is clear, only through Jesus Christ, can we enter the Glorious Presence of God, without fault and great joy - to the only God our Savior be Glory, Majesty, Power and Authority through Jesus Christ our Lord.!......


27May2022;Proverbs18vs20&21...."The tongue has the Power of Life & Death!". Very few people understand this! For everything in their lives is measured by the carnal nature of man. People are "controlled" by their emotions & senses, not realizing these are but temporal, and end the day they die.!!! Do not be deceived by your carnal mindset, for it is influenced by carnal factors, & fear mongering of others. It causes mankind to fear the carnal things of the world,and blinds them to the Power & Victory planned for them by God, if only they would walk in the reverent fear of the Lord and speak life, the life which is on their tongue!!! When people only complain, only tell you how bad things are, how terrified they are of the things happening in the World & the fears of that which is to come, they neglect to understand they are giving  the "power of death" through their tongue!! There is a WARNING in the same verse - "... Those who love it, will eat its fruit...". Ask yourself the question, what does your tongue confess on a daily base?? Every word you speak becomes the "fruit" of the harvest you expecting in your life.!!Do not complain about your life or the things taking place in your life, for take a moment and reflect on what seed you have planted in the past, what has been on your "tongue" evertime you speak?? The Word of God warns us we will eat the fruit of our tongue!! " We need to undetstand, this" Power" of life & death, originates from the very first man Adam. (Genesis2vs7), where God breathed His Breath of life into Adam. This One Breath of Life from God has been passed on from generation to generation and thus when we are born, the Spirit of Life from God is within us and the day we die in the flesh, that very same Spirit of life returns to God! Today, speak Life, & live a life of Victory in the Lord, do not bring on yourself the fruit of "death" by what is on your tongue!!.....The very "Spirit of Life" God breathed into Adam, is in us & this is why we have the "Power" of life & death on our Tongues.!! Choose wisely what you say!!!........


28May2022;Psalm90toPsalm106.. "May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us". Not many people speak about the "Prayer of Moses the man of God"! When we read Psalm90 to Psalm106, we are reminded of the Favor of the Lord as experienced by Moses & the Israelites. It is testimony of God's Faithfulness towards his children & those who seek favor with God & dwell in His shelter! They will rest assured;His Faithfulness will be their shield & rampart! Today, may we recite these words "May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us;establish the work of our hands for us -  yes, establish the work of our hands!" Moses did not rely on his own strength, but asked from the Lord "His favor", to do the work God gave to do.!! Psalm91 to106 then 3xplains in detail what the "Power & Favor" of the Lord means to the Believers!! Let's not forget the God we serve, let's not be troubled by what is happening in the world, God is True and Faithful to His Promises, all we need to do is to stand firm in faith & rest in His shadow!!....


29May2022;Psalm100.."A Psalm for giving thanks"!.... Why does the Word of God Command us  to; "Enter His gates with Thanksgiving and His courts with Praise;give thanks to Him and Praise His name"!!???. If we take a moment to reflect on these words, we will find in our lifetime & into eternity, we will not be able to Praise the Lord for everything He has done for us! . Even if we Praise Him 24/7/365 we will "forget" to mention something.! However, what we know & what we have is" Today" & today we are to set aside our "Selfish" feelings & emotions, complaining about everything, just like the Israelites in the desert. They had everything they needed, but keot on complaining to Moses and to God! Instead of appreciating what God has done for them, and reflecting on the Blessings they have ;they with arrogance and their "selfish" emotions and "feelings" kept on complaining to each other.! They were disobedient to the Command of God, to - "Enter His gates with Thanksgiving and His courts with Praise;give thanks to the Him and Praise His Name! " Today, let us not follow the disobedience of the Israelites let us not complain to God and to man! Let us Praise & Worship God with Thanksgiving in our hearts!! Understand the following:

1.Know that the Lord is our God!

2.It is He who made us, He gives us Life and a brand new day!

3.We are His, we are His people & we have been bought at a price through the blood of Jesus the Christ.

4.Through the Blood of Jesus we are healed and set free of our infirmities,

5.Through God's Salvation plan, His Son Jesus Christ, we have received the Righteousness from God in order to enter His Gates with Thanksgiving, for when we were sinners, God had sent His Son for our Salvation.

6.God is Faithful to His Promises, He is Good and His Love endures forever, through all


These are but a few examples why we Sing & being Praise to God, not because of how we "feel" or what we "have" or "don't have"! The Command is clear - "Enter His Gates with Thanksgiving and His courts with Praise;give thanks to Him and Praise His Name!!" If you cannot do as He Commanded us to do, you disobey God's Command & are being led astray by your "selfish" carnal emotions & desires, which reject God and in the process ruine your life! , for these carnal emotions which are confined to the flesh, cannot enter into God's presence.!!! Only through Thanksgiving & Praise through the Righteousness of God which is found in Christ Jesus, can we enter into God's presence!!!!The secret to an abundant life as a believer, is to Praise & Worship God through everything and in everything!! Anything else is disobedience and we know what happens to those who disobey God!!!..........


30May2022;Matthew10vs26to42 - When Jesus sent out His disciples, He warned them to be on their guard against men; for Jesus knew those who acknowledge Him before men, will be like "sheep among wolves"! However, Jesus made it very clear "do not be afraid" of them!! JESUS then explains to them why they need not be afraid; "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul!" Jesus specifically warned against men, & authorities of men! For these are those who will threaten their liberty, will threaten to harm them & who through fear mongering and draconian rules, deceive others to think those who do not follow their rules and regulations, are evil & are the cause of the liberties of others to be withheld.!!Jesus warned against this!In the World today, everything Jesus warned about is taking place! Believers, who acknowledge through the Blood of Jesus they are healed & set free from their infirmities, these are the ones being "accused" , they are being threatened if they do not comply with those who plan to kill the body, they themselves will face persecution ie: Not being able to travel, be denied access to their workplace, deny attending public events,even denied access to church, etc.!Jesus told us in advance this will happen, however also told us what will take place to those who deny Him & are afraid of men & their draconian rules! Those who deny Christ, Jesus says "Rather be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul & body in hell!! We as believers need to understand there is no" middle ground" ; You either deny Jesus Christ and fear those who can kill the body or You acknowledge  Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior and are not afraid of those who threaten to harm you!! . Those who disown Jesus Christ before men, because of the fear mongering and threats of men, will be disowned before our Father in Heaven.......


31May2022; Phillipians2vs8to11.... Do not be deceived by "religion"! Religion is the most dangerous activity known to mankind!Religion is the "perception" & "belief system" created by mankind using their logical, limited carnal beliefs to make sense of a "god" they created in their own minds to follow. Religion has caused many wars and conflict between men & yet people do not realize this.! What people believe and follow is their "perception" of what they have been taught by "Religion". None of this matters! No matter what people believe or don't believe, the reality & Truth is this; "... That at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow, in Heaven and on earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God The Father." Nothing else matters!!.....


01June2022; Exodus16.. "Manna and Quail" The Biblical History as recorded in the Bible, is not just "something" written about historical events. Everything recorded, contains a message for modern day believers.!When God spoke to Moses & said ;"In this way I will test them & see whether they follow my instructions.." We as believer need to understand we serve the same God, who just like for Israelites, supplied all their needs, He supplies all our needs! What people do not realize, is that God does this daily, not weekly, monthly or Annually, it is done daily, exactly as God has promised.! The "Test" God had spoken about, was to see who of the Israelites would obey & understand this.As the people's" needs "were satisfied by God on a daily base, there were some who "wanted" more, they were not happy with just their needs being supplied they went out and gathered more than they needed, not realizing their "disobedience" & their "selfishness wants", would attract "maggots and began to smell"! The Word of God says the people were "grumbling" amongst each other & to Moses. They were not satisfied with God Supplying their needs, they were more concerned about their "wants"! They did not realize, their grumbling was not towards each other, but against the Lord!! Today, let us not make the same mistakes as the Israelites, let us not "grumble" about our "wants", instead let's be grateful that God supplies all our needs everyday as promised, we need not gather more than is needed and we need not worry about tomorrow, for daily God is faithful to His Promises, all we need to "pass" His test is to believe & Trust in Him. Don't "grumble" if your "wants" are distroyed by "maggots & start to smell", for this only happens to those who are not "content" with what they have & do not understand God has supplied all their needs,however they do not see this & "want" more!!.Do not be deceived by "wants", God promises "daily bread" & that's all we need!! Anything else becomes a "want" & this is when people grumble and worry!!...


02June2022;John15v26to16vs16..."Spirit of Truth", There is only One "Spirit of Truth" & that is the Holy Spirit of God! Do not be deceived by fine sounding "invented" stories which originate from the "limited logical carnal mindset of man"!Only through the Holy Spirit of God, which was sent from God is the Testimony & Truth about Jesus the Christ revealed! The Holy Spirit of Truth guides the Believers in Christ Jesus, for them not to go astry by false manmade doctrine!

The Testimony of the Spirit of Truth is this-

1.The Father, Son & Holy Spirit are One.

2.Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Word which became flesh and is the Salvation plan of God for mankind.

3.Jesus Christ is the sacrificial lamb of God, who, was Crucified as Jesus 100% man in order for His Blood to heal us and set us free from our infirmities & reconcile sinful man to God.

4.Christ Resurrected is 100% Deity and is seated at the righthand of God Interceding for the saints in the presence of God.

5.Jesus Christ is the way and the Truth & the life, no one comes to the Father except through Christ Jesus.

6.Through the Holy Spirit of Truth, everything written in the Word of God (The Bible) is revealed to


mankind, who recorded it for future generations.

7.The Bible is written by man and translated by man, however the entire message is revealed by the Holy Spirit of God, which is the Spirit of Truth.

The above are but a few example of the Testimony of the Holy Spirit of God & those who do not believe the Testimony, Jesus warned in advance not to be led astray!! Jesus made it very clear the Holy Spirit of God, will testify about Him & we too need to testify the Truth as revealed by the Holy Spirit. However, there is a warning to those who don't acknowledge the Testimony of the Holy Spirit about Jesus the Christ; These people commit the "unforgivable Sin" of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit of God!!!...........


03June2022; John16vs5to16... "Sin, Righteousness & Judgement".. Yesterday we spoke about the Holy Spirit of God & the revelation the Holy Spirit of Truth brings.We also learnt about the "unforgivable sin" which is to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit. Today, let's learn why it is important to understand the Holy Spirit of God is not a carnal being, never was and never will be! For it is the Spirit of Truth who will convict the world of "guilt" in regards to "sin" and "Righteousness" and "Judgement"! Pay special attention to the word "guilt" - The Word of God explains it in vs 9 ".. In regard to sin because men do not believe in me". When people do not believe that Jesus had been Crucified to fulfill the Salvation Plan of God for mankind! , those people or religions, will be convicted of being guilty of not listening to the Holy Spirit of God, who leads them to the Righteousness of God, which is found only in Christ Jesus who has returned to God and is seated at His right hand. In the same way Judgement is reserved for the "prince of the world", which is Satan, those who do not follow the Holy Spirit of God stand condemned. For only through the Holy Spirit of God do we become aware of the salvation through Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of the sin of " unbelief" in the Righteousness of God, sent from God, who returned to God, & who will bring salvation to those who are waiting for Him when He returns. Do not be deceived any religion or person in the world who teaches anything different to what the Holy Spirit of God has revealed about Jesus Christ, these religions and people are guilty of Blaspheme against the Holy Spirit of God & will be judged and condemned for the unforgivable sin against the Holy Spirit of God! .....


04June2022; Hebrews4vs14to5vs10... "Jesus the Great High Priest"... We need to understand; "No one takes this honor (High Priest) upon himself;he must be called by God, just as Aron was. So Christ also did not take upon himself the glory of becoming a High Priest. BUT God said to Him," You are my Son;today I have become your Father"  Let's not be deceived by those who proclaim Jesus to be a  prophet or any other "title" created by mankind. God by saying the words "You are my Son; today I have become your Fathe", has Ordained it for Jesus the Christ to be the "Great High Priest", which is the Highest Authority among men ever given by God!! Do not be deceived by fine sounding religious arguments, "No where" did Jesus say He is God and we must follow Him!! You will never find these Words in the Bible!! However, what you will find is God Himself appointing Jesus the Christ as the Son of God, the Great High Priest, The Savior of the World, The Bright Morning Star, The Alpha & Omega, the Sacrificial Lamb of God, The Truth the way the light, etc. It is Comanded by God we follow His Righteousness and God resurrected  Christ and raised Him up to Him, Christ is seated at His Righthand of God, this was the sign from God Himself- "Is  to Believe in the Resurrected Christ sent from God." !!!!.......


05June2022; Isaiah58 whole chapter... "True Fasting"..Many pagan religions believe in "fasting" & set aside times & dates in their calandars to follow the "ritual" of fasting.!!Why do I call it a "ritual", for this is exactly what it is!! "Pagan religions",believe fasting is one of the actions of mankind to bring them closer to their "god", not understanding, whether we eat or drink, or don't eat or drink, these things cannot bring us closer to God. What brings us closer to God is obedience to His Word.! ISAIAH58 explains it beautifully!!For the carnal man, everything is "Titt for Tatt", many people will say things like "I have followed all the commandments, I have fasted, I pray everyday,

yet God has not answered my prayers,etc" vs 3 warns us about such attitude, for  this is exactly what "pagan" religions do! vs3 "Why have we fasted, they say, and You have not seen it? Why have we humbled ourselves and You have not noticed?" Pagan religions, do not realize, that "True Fasting" according to the Word of God, has nothing to do with the "Physical" body or the "Physical" denial of food & drink for oneself, but instead is a "Physical" act of kindness to your fellow man, to those in need. The act of "True Fasting" is to understand God has Blessed you in order to share your Blessings with others; NOT for you to buy a bigger house, or a bigger car or better clothing, or going on a vacation & travel the world, or any luxury you can boast about!!! "True Fasting" is to deny oneself the "luxury living" & helping others instead!! This is the "True Fasting" God Commands us to do! & with the "True Fasting" God expects from us, God Promises the following'+:

1.Your light will break forth like dawn,

2.Your healing will quickly appear,

3.Your Righteousness will go before you,

4.The Glory of the Lord will be your rear guard,

5.Then you will call and the Lord will answer,

6.You will cry for help and He will say:Here I am..

7.Your light will rise in darkness and your night will become like noonday,

8.The Lord will guide you aleays,

9.He will satisfy your needs,..

10. He will strengthen your frame,

11.You will be like a well watered garden, like a spring whose water never fail!!

TODAY, let us understand the difference between the "pagan" way of fasting, and the "True Fasting" God expects from believers!! The next time you hear someone talk about  " Prayer & Fasting", undestand there is a "pagan" religious way, & then there is the "True Fasting" which is  God's way!!! Do not be deceived by the "pagan" way of fasting!!!......


06June2022;Daniel6vs21to24... "What a Mighty God we Serve!!!".. We need to understand, we serve the Same God as Daniel served! We also need to understand the historical events recorded in the Bible, contains a message of Hope for the Believers and at the same time contains a WARNING to those in authority, who through fear mongering & draconian rules, falsely accuse believers.Not only did God protect those who kept their faith and trusted in Him, God ensured those in the position of authority who did things from evil intent, and falsely accused Daniel, who was a believing child of God, that each and every one of them in their "private capacity" were captured and the evil they planned for others came upon themselves. However, it even went further it also came upon their wives & children!!! The message is clear!! NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE!!!,! If you "touch" a believer, a child of God, You & your entire household will face the full Wrath of God!!!!............

06June2022; Acts7vs54to60.. "The Stoning of Stephen"...The Stoning of Stephen took place, because he testified about Jesus the Christ & made the Jews aware of their arrogance he said to them;"You stiff-necked people, with uncircumcised hearts and ears! You are just like your fathers:You always resist the Holy Spirit!".... However, this was not the "message" Stephen's circumstances was to bring to the people. The Profound Message was the Words Stephen had Spoken before he was stoned to death. vs55&56 - "But Stephen full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the Glory of God, and Jesus standing at the righthand of God" . 56"Look", he said, "I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the righthand of God!"... These very words of Stephen, testifies about that which is written about Jesus being Crucified, and Resurrected by God, was taken to Heaven and is seated at the Righthand of God!, as was written. That which Stephen spoke was an eye witness account and Testimony of what is written & took place.! JESUS is the Christ & is seated at the Righthand of God interceding for all believers & was seen by Stephen & he testified as eye witness before he was stoned to death !!... HOW PROFOUND IS THIS!!!!.....


08June2022; Ezekiel37vs1to14.. "The valley of dry bones" When reading the Bible, which is the True Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit of God, we need to realize it is Living Word & applicable "Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow", it was written before we were born and will be here after we all die. No matter the amount of translations or versions there are, no matter if you believe it or not! The Message stays the same; There is One God the Creator of Heaven & earth, the Father of Jesus Christ the Son, who has sent His Holy Spirit of Truth, all of whom are Omnipresent Deity!! The reason why we read about the "Valley of Dry Bones", is testimony that God is not limited to the" limited logical  understanding "of man.!!God, through His Holy Spirit reveals to us no matter the "state of decay", through His Holy Spirit, we are alive, and become a "Mighty Army"!! When we receive the breath of God, everything known to man, which seperated us from God, which became Idols in our lives, through dear & anxiety, which made that our "soul & spirit" dried out like "dry bones", through all of these worthless "fears";God in His Grace & Power has given us His Spirit, as promised by Jesus, "The One who comes after me,who the Father will send in my Name, will fill you with power from above!" We need to undestand, this is the exact same Spirit Ezekiel testified about!! Today, understand the "Message", we serve the same God, who is True to His Promises & we have the Authority of Christ Jesus as revealed and confirmed through the Holy Spirit of God! It has nothing to do with the "dry bones" which are scattered in our lives, it has everything to do with the Faithfulness of God & the promises of His Word, which is revived & breathed upon by His Holy Spirit!! Let all believers understand through faith, the Holy Spirit of God revives our "Soul & Spirit" to become a mighty army of God, against which no evil authority in heaven and earth can stand!!!.....


09June2022;John25to59.. "Jesus the bread of life".. The biggest deception in the world today, is to believe everybody believe & pray to the same "god" or "higher power" or "spiritual authority"!!! Proof of which, are the thousands of "Religions" in the World!!We need to understand there is but One God our Creator! The Father of all, who has through the Torah/Old Testament had predicted & prophecied about the Messiah He will send, who will be His Righteousness, who will come down from Heaven & give life to the World. Then Once the Prophecies had been fulfilled they were recorded in the Injil/ the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the New Testament! Together the Torah/Old Testament & the Injil/New Testament are recorded combined into the True Word of God called the Bible!. The Holy Spirit of God has revealed this to the True Believers, & who know & believe in Jesus Christ being the Messiah, the Savior of the Word, testimony of which Jesus was Crucified in the flesh and was Resurrected by God as Christ Deity! Do not be deceived by those who claim we all believe in the same "god"!! There is only One God & the Prophecies of the Torah/Old Testament & the writings of the Injil/Gospel of Jesus the Christ/ New Testament confirm this & makes it very clear ; "The Work of God is this: to believe in the One he has sent." If your religion does not teach you that Jesus is the Son of God, the Bread of Life, the Savior of the Word, the Messiah, who is the One who is from the only True God in Heaven, & is the One God has sent for the Salvation of mankind!! Then, understand this; you are not believing in the same God, the Father of Jesus Christ the Messiah, but are being deceived by the "gods" of religion, created by mankind's "limited logical" understanding ignoring the True God & what the True God has commanded mankind to do!!. It is very simple to Identify the spirit of the Anti-Christ, those who believe God Resurrected Jesus the Christ from the Dead, believe in the Holy Spirit Revelation contained in the Bible, however those who are not lead by the Holy Spirit of God, will be offended by the this Truth, and will feel the need to defend their "religion and the" gods" created by



9June2022; Psalm118vs19to29... "This is the day the Lord has made;Let us rejoice and be glad in it!" Mankind do not realize the extent & value of this verse!! If they did, they would not have ruined this "brand new day" the Lord has made, with the evil of yesterday, the fears of tomorrow and the arrogance of not being content with what they have, hower dedicating their "brand new day" to their fears, their anxieties, lusts, envy and strife running after the things they perceive to be lacking in their lives, because of their evil intent and what they harbour in their hearts!!! Instead of understanding without the Spirit of Life granted by God through Grace, they will not have been able to experience the "brand new Day" God has given!!! Today, start your day with Thanksgiving in your heart, because" This is the day the Lord has made;Let us rejoice and be glad in it!! "........

11June2022;Job14vs5... Do not be deceived by the fear mongering & threats of MAN, what mankind understands as things which could cause death, are all their own carnal understanding influenced by the words of other men! When people say, you need to follow a certain way of life, you need to exercise, you need to keep fit, you need to live a healthy life to add to your life, then you will live longer, or things like if you do not live healthy you will not grow old.! All of these theories are exactly that "theories"! The Word of God proves all of this to be wrong!! "Man's days are determined by God;God has decreed the number of his (man's)  months and have set limits he cannot cross!!!" Do not be deceived by the fear mongering of man, do not be afraid of the things taking place in the World.! Do not fear the criminals or hi-jacker's, or any perceived threat on your life! God has determined your days and what God has determined, will stand! No sickness, no pandemic, no crime, no threat of man, no diet, no amount of exercise, etc. Can change this!! Nothing & nobody can harm you before the day God has determined & Nothing and nobody can exceed the day God has determined for you! Today, understand the profound message in God's Word and know that God has not yet called your name & if you are able to read this message today, God has by His Grace offered you life & a brand new day to worship Him with Thanksgiving in your heart!! No amount of fear mongering can change this, you cannot be harmed by others and you cannot harm others. Anybody who fear they can be harmed by others because of what others do or don't do, are being deceived by Satan & do not understand the Word of God!!!.A Child of God walks in faith in the Promises in God's Word, not in fear of the perceived fear mongering of mankind!........


12June2022; Proverbs19vs23.... The Word of God does not say we will go through life without any trouble! What the Word of God teaches; Those who walk in the reverent fear of God, leads to a life in the Lord, then one rests content, untouched by TROUBLE! For only then are we shielded by God to live a life He has planned for us.!....


13June2022;Ephesians3vs20.... The biggest mistake anybody can make, is to "limit" God by their "Logical, limited carnal mindset"! Mankind cannot fathom the "Omnipresence & Immeasurable God"! We are deceived by emotions & our carnal senses, we measure everything by our circumstances & the circumstances surrounding us! However, we do not realize God is above all this, He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His Power that is at work within us,to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, fir ever and ever! AMEN. To those who understand the above & have received the Holy Spirit Revelation through Christ Jesus our Lord to the believers & are children of God, we understand the Profound message contained in these words, therefore we do not limit God to our carnal mindset & belief systems, however understand the following; "Ask God for nothing, but in everything and for everything with Thanksgiving in your heart, thank Him for everything!!!".... By doing this we stand in faith, Trusting God who is able, to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, for we know not by our power, but according to His Power that is at work within us!......


 15June2022;1Corinthians3vs18to22..."He catches the wise in their craftiness".. Mankind need to understand;No matter their "Qualification, No Matter their" Title", No matter the perceived "wisdom" they have or the size of their "Organization", their "Country", their "Influence" nor any of their "Evil" plans!!! No man can "outsmart" God!! - "Do not deceive yourselves. If anyone of you

think he is wise by the standard of this age, he should become a" fool" so that he may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's sight!!! . AS IS WRITTEN: "He catches the" wise" in their craftiness". and again "The Lord knows that the thoughts of the wise are futile".!! Just for a moment understand what is written HERE!!! ; When a believing Child of God stands firm in faith, they have become "fools" in the eyes of the world, they have become "conspiracy theorists", they have become the "rebellious" & their movement needs to be limited, they need to be "excluded" from society.!! However, according to God, in God's sight we have become wise, we are no longer blinded by the deceit & the foolishness of the World. We see the Work of God, where He "catches the wise in their craftiness" & see the frustration of the "fact checkers" & the annoyance of the "wise" as God exposes their foolishness & craftiness!!! As believers in the Blood of Jesus Christ our Lord, through which we are healed & set free from our infirmities, we are witness to the Promises in God's Word, where the Lord states - "I Will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent, I will frustrate!!! TODAY, let us not be deceived by the" wisdom of the world" as God catches the "wise" in their craftiness!!.I would rather he called a "fool" in the eyes of the world, than be "caught out" as a "fool" in the sight of God!!....


16June2022; Romans10vs8to21.. "Jesus is Lord" We have all heard about the "Sinners Prayer" of which you find many "opinions" & "arguments" from  different religious groups!! However, what does the Word of God says, what is the Command God has given us? Mankind are under the impression they can "debate" everything & argue their "religious" points of view, we need to understand the Holy Word of God is "non-negotiable"!! For it states - "The Word is near you;it is in your mouth and in your heart" That is, the Word of faith we are proclaiming;! The Command from God's Word is very clear:

1.If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord", and believe with your heart that God raised hi. from the dead, you will be saved.!

2.For it is with your heart that you believe and justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.

The prayer known as the "Sinners Prayer" is the most powerful words mankind can ever pray! For it invites into your life the Everlasting Saving Grace & Righteousness sent from God through Jesus Christ the Lord, the Messiah God had promised, who would come to reconcile sinful man to God!! Those who understand this and are not deceived by "religion" & "religious belief systems", are guided by the Holy Spirit of a God, which leads them to Jesus our Lord. The Word of God Promises that "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord(through Jesus the Christ) will be saved!! No matter what you believe or which" religion" you follow;What you need to understand is that there is only one way to be saved & receive the Righteousness God expects from mankind & this is only found in the Word of God- "If you confess with your mouth" Jesus is Lord"and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved!! TODAY, do not be disobedient to God's Command, understand every time your hear a message about "Jesus the Christ being Lord" ; It is GOD speaking to you, it is God bringing the message of Salvation to you & waiiting patiently for you through His Love & Grace to return to Him.!! Do not be like those before us; "But Concerning Israel he says," All day long I have held our my hands to a disobedient and obstinate people". Today, Confess with your mouth "Jesus is Lord", obey God's Command & ask for forgiveness for the sin of disobedience &  believe in your heart that God Raised Jesus from the dead as the Messiah, the Righteousness from God for the Salvation of mankind.!!.....


17June2022;Jeremiah33vs19to26..."Different Covenant Laws of God" When we understand the different Covenant Laws of God, we will have a better understanding of the use of the word "Law or Laws" as written in the Word of God.  Even though the same "Word" is used, we need to make sense which "Law" is referred to! . GOD in His infinite Wisdom has set "Covenant" laws in place which Govern Creation, of which we are witness to on a daily base. These Laws have been in place since the beginning of time & cannot be questioned or changed by mankind, as we

experience them on a daily base, God's Laws are part of our lives on a daily base, yet mankind do not consider them, for before we were born these Laws were in place  and even after we die they will be in place!! We cannot "fathom" the Greatness, the Love & Grace of our Lord, until we recognize the "Laws" which  God has set in place before the beginning of time in order for mankind to live a life filled with what God has planned for us!! Take the time Today and consider the message, look to the skies, look to creation, look at nature, take a deep breath, look at you family, your kids, your grandkids, your animals, the food you eat, etc & consider where all of these things come from??!! Tomorrow, we will teach about the specific "Covenant Laws", as there are more than one, more than we understand in our limited carnal mindset. PART 2 to follow....

18June2022; "Covenant Laws of God" - Part2... When we take the time to understand the Word of God, we realize there is a message of "unspoken" words, which is revealed by the Holy Spirit of God.!As carnal man are "limited" to our "logic" & controlled by emotions & senses, we tend to "overlook" the obvious! We do not realize these "obvious" things are in actual fact "Covenant Laws of God" of which are witness & bear testimony to us as mankind!! There are 5x Distinct "Covenant Laws of God, which are not fully understood by mankind, in actual fact we cannot" fathom" the Greatness of God!

1.Law of the Universe - This Law applies to the entire Universe, all the Galaxies, all the Zoar systems,etc;they are ever expanding and cannot be measured by mankind, these incorporate all Spiritual laws and cannot be changed.

2.Law of Creation or as we know it law of Nature - These Laws have been set in place for all Creation to be self sufficient, nothing more is needed to sustain life on earth. It pertains to life & death;Sowing & reaping;Day & Night;Seasons, weather patterns;Male & female;Reproduction;Sickness & health;For created things there is a cycle of life, etc. Everything we see, everything we experience is reflected in the brand new day God gives us 365 days a year. Of which the Spirit of Life from God maintains everything. It is within this realm mankind have their existence & measure according to our limited logical understanding. We found it here & we will leave it behind once we die.!No matter our knowledge or understanding or ability to measure this, everyday we are given a brand new day, until the day our cycle of life ends & we enter into eternity.

The above are but two of the "Covenant Laws of God", which are in place of which we can testify about, however are not acknowledged by mankind. The other 3x "Covenant Laws" we will discuss tomorrow....... Part3 to follow......




19June2022;Genesis15vs1to21..Part 3.. "Covenant Laws of God"..

3.Blood Covenant Law/Law of the Prophets/Old Covenant Laws - The Lord set in place the "Blood Covenant Law", when He Promised to Abraham that he will become the father of many nations. The Lord Himself passed through the sacrificial animals as a "smoking firepot with blazing torch" while Abram was in a deep sleep. The significance of this will be explained later as this meant The Lord "Swore" by Himself and because of this the only way to bring in a New Covenant is to bring Salvation through Himself. (A topic fir another day). The Blood Covenant laws were perfect & mankind could never abide by these laws! No man has ever been able to fulfill the requirements of the Blood Covenant laws at the time and thus were condemned & fell under the Wrath of God for disobedience to God. We read about these Laws, which were set in place and governed through the High Priests and in order for mankind's sins to be atoned for, their were very strict rules & regulations to follow & sacrifices to be made. ie: The Sabbath Laws, Fasting, Special days & Months, different sacrifices for different sins, the 10 Commandments, what they were allowed to eat & what was not allowed. Everything they needed to do in order to obtain atonement of sins through works. Something No man, woman or child was able to do, thus were under the curse the Lord said will happen to all who do not uphold the Law!! These Laws were "Governing" laws set in place by God for mankind to be reconsiled to God, however mankind failed at it...... Part 4 to follow...


20June2022; Galatians3vs1to24... "Covenant Laws of God" - Part4.... "Faith or Observance of the Law" - We need to understand the "Perfect Law" of God & why the name of Abram was changed by the Lord to Abraham!vs8 Explains it beautifully "The Scriptures foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the Gospel in advance to Abraham". The moment Abram's wife Sarai conceived, the Lord confirmed His Bllod Covenant with Abram and said to him; "No

longer will you be called Abram your name will be Abraham & as for  your wife Sarai, you no longer will call her Sarai; her name will be Sarah.! (Gen17) - Then God said," Yes", but your wife Sarah will bear you a son, and you will call him Isaac. I will establish my Covenant with him as an everlasting Covenant for his descendants".! Do you see the importance of the "Name change"? The very moment the "Promise" of the Lord was set in place, immediately the Lord Changed the name Abram to Abraham, of which Abraham now represents the justification through faith in the Promise from God. At that very moment the Gospel of Jesus the Christ, which is by faith, was announced to Abraham.!! GOD knew in advance that the only way to justify the "Gentiles" would be through faith.! For the Perfect Law of God which are written in the "book of the law" contained in the Torah & the Old Testament of the Bible;which are the Levitical laws are so Perfect that no man could ever comply with them!! In actual fact the Word of God States clearly - "All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written :" Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the "Book of the Law". All the curses' are written in the Torah & Old Testament of the Bible in the book of Deuteronomy.!We need to understand ; "Clearly no one is justified before God by the Law!! The Word " Law" referred to here is the Old Covenant laws,the Laws of the Prophets and those who do not understand the Blood Covenant Law of God, which was  Promised by God, the announcing of the Gospel of Jesus the Christ who is to come, of which God's Word says "All nations will be blessed through you(Abraham), those who have faith are blessed with Abraham, the man of faith!.We need to understand, the Righteousness is Credited to those who have faith in the Promise of God, which which was fulfilled by Jesus the Christ of which is written in the Gospel of Jesus the Christ, contained in the New Testament of the Bible! NOT to those who Observe the Law.!!......part5 to follow..


21June2022;Hebrews9 "The Blood of Christ"... Part 5 of "Covenant Laws of God"... We have have learnt about the "Blood Covenant" The Lord confirmed with Abraham, however The Lord also confirmed the "Law of the Prophets" through Moses by the blood of animals as is written in Exodus24. As mankind we cannot understand these things, however all this was set in place, in order for the requirements of the law to be met! The Word of God makes it very clear "the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of Blood there is no forgiveness.! Once we understand the" Perfect Law" of God, we understand - This is why even the first Covenant was not put into effect without blood.! We need to understand the "Perfect Law" of God put in place by God & is a Covenant between God & man. Once it was Confirmed by blood, the "Perfect Law" cannot be broken or changed, unless the requirements of the Law have been met! If God did not honor the "Perfect Law" He set in place, then He is not a God of His Word, He is a liar and cannot be God our Creator, for then God would be like man who throughout the existence of mankind has broken their Covenant with God! God is True to His Word & upheld  the "Blood Covenant Laws" as He had Confirmed with Abraham & Moses! Because of the "Perfect Law" of God, in order for God to abide by the very Laws He set in place & for Him to remain True to His Promises & Blood Covenants He made, God knew the only way for a "New" Covenant to be set in place, was to send His Own Son Jesus the Christ, to fulfill all the requirements of the "Perfect law of God" & in order for the "New Covenant" laws to be set in place for the Salvation of mankind & to nullify the "Old" Covenant laws, the Law required the shedding of blood in order for the requirements of the "Perfect Law" of His to be met & a New Covenant Law to be established. Thus the shedding of the blood of Jesus on the cross was necessary to fulfill the "Perfect Law" of God and to set in place the New Covenant, which is by faith in the One God has Resurrected from the dead Christ Deity, who has brought eternal redemption by His own Blood & has entered the Most Holy Place once and for all.... Part 6 to follow....


22June2022;Proverbs16 - "Commit to the Lord whatever you do....."To  "Commit" to something, it is total "dedication" and a "consuming" mindset and "belief" in the things we areb"commited" to. We remain "focused" on it and we do not allow "circumstances" or people to "draw" our attention away from our commitment! We all know in the "flesh" how to Persue our dreams, our bucket lists, our plans, our goals, etc; Yet, we have no Idea how to remain faithful to the Promises in God's Word!! TODAY, pay special attention to God's Word & Promises and in the same way we dedicate our time & effort to our circumstances & that which is taking place in the World, let us;  Commit to the Lord whatever we do, and be witness to the Promise in God's Word which says "... and your plans will succeed!" Not only will your plans succeed,.. "When a man's ways are pleasing to the Lord, he makes even his enemies live at peace with him!" -  The "secret" to success lies in vs 3 - "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed!"......


23June2022;Isaiah42.."The Sevant of the Lord"... Part 6 "Covenant Laws of God".... When we study the Word of God, we find before God does something which will impact mankind, He will announce it to His Children. Isaiah42vs9 - "See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare;before they spring into being I announce them to you!" The message in the Word of God contained in the Torah & Old Testament, contains all the Prophecies about the Messiah who is to come, the Sevant of the Lord, the root of Jesse, the Covenant promise to David of the One who will sit on his throne, the everlasting Kingdom, the Righteous One, The Righteousness from God, Emmanuel God with us, the wisdom & understanding from God, etc. All the prophesies have announced the coming of the Righteousness from God, through His Son Jesus who is the Christ. When we read the Torah & Old Testament we are guided by the Holy Spirit of God to "Identify" the One spoken about. In Today's message we see the following;

God makes it very clear who the servant is, whom He upholds His chosen One:

1.I will put my Spirit on Him and He will bring Justice to the Nations - It was Jesus who said to His Disciples, wait for the Power from Above, the Holy Spirit of God whom my Father will send in My Name.

2.In faithfulness he will bring forth justice; he will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth. - Jesus obeyed God & did not resist his arrest & his crucifixion, for He knew this was the only way to bring salvation to mankind, through the shedding of his blood.

3.In his law the islands will put their hope. - Jesus knew the only way to set in place a New Covenant Law, was through his Blood and once his blood was shed on the cross, a New Blood Covenant Law was set in place, which fulfills the laws of the Old Covenant and His Blood set in Place the New Covenat Law & in this New Blood Covenant Law mankind have hope.

When we read the Prophecy from vs 6,the Lord Confirms His Covenant - "I, the Lord, have called you in Righteousness I will take hold of your hand, I will keep you and make you to be a Covenant for the people and light for the Gentiles to open eyes of the blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeons those who sit in darkness. As we live many generations after this Prophecy was written & revealed, we find the fulfillment of every Word of this Prophesy written  In the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the New Testament of the Bible.It is only Jesus who opened the eyes of the blind, it is only Jesus who said;"the Spirit of the Lord is upon me," it is only Jesus who said, I have come to do the Will of my Father, it is only Jesus who's faithfulness & obedience to God, through His blood shed on the cross who have brought justice to mankind to become Righteous in the eyes of God. A Righteousness set in place through the blood of the Sacrificial Lamb of God through whom those who believe have hope & salvation by the New Blood Covenant Law, which brings justice to the nation's..... PART 7 to follow...


24June2022;Isaiah7..."The Sign from the Lord..." part 7 - "Covenant Laws of God".. We have learnt about the Covenant the Lord made with David & how the Lord Promised it will be an everlasting Covenant. We have also learnt the Lord announces things before they spring into being. Today,

we will teach about the "Sign of Immanuel (God with us)", where the Lord specifically announced this in the Prophecy in the 6th Century, hundreds of years before it came into being.! The Lord made it very specific and to the point, in order that it cannot be disputed or denied, an event which will be a sign to all mankind and will be spoken about by everybody! What the Prophecy proclaims, has never happened before and will never happen again after it has been fulfilled!! The reason for this, is it will be a sign directly from God, which cannot be disputed, questioned or debated.!!, for God knew mankind would be deceived by fine  sounding religious arguments and manmade stories, however these stories cannot "outsmart" God's Salvation plan! While people dispute the existence, crucifixion & resurrection of Jesus the Christ, God in His infinate Wisdom said "Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign : The Virgin will be with child and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. (God with Us!)". This Prophecy, was fulfilled hundreds of years later as we read about it in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Matthew1vs18to24, when Mary the virgin gave birth to Jesus the Christ, which represents the Immanuel - God with Us.!! As religion people argue the Existance, Crucifixion & Resurrected of Jesus the Christ, mankind in his "limited logical mindset" debate & question if Jesus was the Messiah, if He really is the Savior of the World, the Son of God, the Righteousness of God, sent from God! Different religions have different views, However God knew this and knew mankind would be lead astray by these "opposing" views!! However, through all the debate & all the opinions of man & their religion.God,in His infinate Wisdom ensured the very sign which is from Him, that which cannot be disputed will stand as a sign for all generations. If we look at all the different religions & all the different debates, the one "thing" all agree upon and accept, is the "Virgin Mary, was with child and gave birth to a Son!" Do you see How God has ensured the Prophecy was fulfilled? Anybody, whether a person or religion, who speak about the "Virgin birth" of Jesus, do not realize they have just confirmed the Prophecy about the sign from God Himself, if they then dispute the Son, the One Born from the very Sign God Himself had sent, they are committing Blaspheme against the Holy Spirit of God, which is the Spirit which enabled the Virgin to be with Child as the Lord Himself said will be a sign from Him!!..... Part 8 to follow...


25June2022;Matthew1vs20to23..."Covenant Laws of God".. PART 8. In Part 7, we learnt about the "Sign from God" & how mankind through their "limited logical mindset" and manmade "religious" points of view & mindset, are ignorant to the fact that by accepting and confirming the "virgin being with child", they acknowledge the prophecy which is written in the Word of God, however don't realise it is only the first part of the Prophecy and by disputing the second part of the Prophecy about the Son, who will be born, their entire belief system & religion is worthless!! For when God said He will give them a sign, it incorporates the entire Prophecy, not just part of the Prophecy!! It is important to understand this, for only those led by the Holy Spirit of God will understand this!! Those who attempt to follow their "manmade religion" and  "limited logical carnal mindset" cannot fathom what the Prophecy was about and once the Prophecy was fulfilled, they cannot identify with it!! We need to also understand whether people belive in this or not, cannot & doesn't change the Prophecy & the fulfillment thereof!! The only impact their " belief system & religion" will have, is bringing "condemnation" on themselves, for the Word of God has Proven to be True and the words of the Prophecy did come true.! Anybody who disobey the "Sign" directly from the Lord, are committing the unforgivable sin of "Blaspheme" against the Holy Spirit of God, for it is written - "... because what is conceived in her (the Virgin), is from the Holy Spirit.!" The Holy Spirit of God leads us to Christ & confirms the entire Prophecy as God Himself commanded will take place.!....Part 9 to follow..


26June2022;Luke2vs8to14..."The Covenant Laws of God" - Part 9. When we study the Word of God, we realize the Torah/ Old Testament/Old Covenant Laws, represent Prophecies of God's

promises about the Messiah who is to come.When we read the New Testament/New Covenant Law!/Injil, through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we see the Prophecies Fulfilled.! This is why it is called the Holy Bible and no other book in the World can be called the Word of God.! Whether people or Religions have made their own versions of "holy books", these books are only "fine sounding doctrine", created to deceive mankind & keep them from the only True Word of God, contained in the Holy Bible. Any such teachings & doctrine is false and not from God, God is very specific about the sign from Him and the exact conditions of the Sign from Him. It needs to be noted any doctrine which does not comply with the Words of the Prophecy in it's Totality is Not from God!! We have learnt about the Prophecy & the sign from God Himself, of which different opposing religions accept the "First" pat of the Prophecy, but not the rest of the Prophecy. Today, let us teach about the final part of the Prophecy, the part "... will give birth to a Son".... Not only did the "Virgin" give birth to a Son, the name of the Son was specifically mentioned by the Angel Gabriel when he appeared to Mary; in Luke 1vs 31 - ".. You will be with child and give birth to a Son, and you are to give him the name Jesus.". Let us now "fast foward" to the day Jesus was born. The Word of God States " Suddenly a great company of Heavenly Host appeared with the Angel, praising God & saying" Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests" - VS 11 explains it beautifully "Today in the Town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is  Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you!" Do you see how God had Ordained Jesus to be Christ the Lord??!! We need to understand, the moment the "Child" was born, the Prophecy was Fulfilled & this set in place the beginning of the the New Covenant Law of God  the Salvation of mankind! . However, this was just the first part of the Savior Jesus' Ministry...... Part 10 to follow..


27June2022; Isaiah55vs6to13... "... My thoughts are not your thoughts..." When someone says to you, "You need to think logical" when you read something in the Word of God, this Will be the sign of the "limited logical, carnal understanding of mankind!" They don't understand the Message contained in the Word of God & always try to make sense of things in the "carnal" measurement of "logic"! We need to understand God is not limited to our logic, He cannot be measured by what we understand or our "logical" thought process! For it is written; "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts!" Why are we discussing this "topic" this morning?... The answer is simple, For God is True to His Word & Promises!! Something very Profound took place in Nelson Mandela Bay district, as everybody thought that day "Zero" was going to take place & everybody measured the amount of water left, they calculated with their "logical carnal mindset" when day zero would arrive.!. However, God makes it very clear... ".. For my thoughts are not your thoughts.." In one day, God changed all the these "Logical thoughts of man", Day "zero" according to man's logical reasoning, was nulified by God!!, God sent rain at the very moment mankind "calculated" day zero! They did not consider the "prayers" of the Righteous have great strength, they did not consider God is True to His Word & Promises, which says; "Never will I leave you, never will I foresake you!" Today, we are reminded about these Words in the book of Isaiah, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways".. People always wonder how they could "recognize" God's voice!?, the answer is all around us, the miracles the wonders we witness on a daily base, all of which are the Promises of God, being fulfilled in our very lives.!.....


28June2022;Isaiah9vs6.."Covenant Laws of God"... Par10... We all know when God sets in place a Covenant Law, Nobody in heaven & earth are permitted to disobey the Covenant, for those who do, will face the full Wrath of God!! We have heard about the Prophecy, we have heard about the Virgin being with child, we have heard the Child will be a Son & we have heard He will be called Jesus the Christ! All of these things did take place & in order for to man to have no excuse, God provided for "eye witnesses" to be present, first of all the eye witnesses where the Heavenly hosts and secondly the shepherds who witnessed the birth of Jesus & the Heavenly Hosts singing & bringing Glory to God for  the Savior being born. None of this was coincidental, it was Divine intervention to ensure mankind have no excuse! , should future generations not believe. With regards to the Child Jesus, the Word of God States in the Prophecy ;"For to us a child is born,

to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Not only was this written in the Prophecy, Jesus in His teachings, confirmed the fulfillment of the Prophecy ;" For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into this world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.!" Those who do not understand the Profound Message in the Prophecy, cannot understand the Words of John 3. The very reason God sent His own Son, was to uphold the Promise of the Covenant Prophecy and to ensure it is fulfilled.! Do not be deceived by fine sounding arguments, created by the "carnal logical mindset of man", who cannot understand the Salvation plan of God. The Righteousness for God, sent to the World in order to fulfill the Righteous requirements of the Law, in order to Reconcile mankind to God! What took place at the birth, crucifixion & resurrection of Jesus the Christ, is not something we can understand in our "logical reasoning as mankind", for we are blinded by our " limited" emotions and feelings. We only understanding the thoughts of men, not realizing God's thoughts are not our thoughts & God's plans are not our plans.! God is True to His Word & set in place the" New Covenant Law " through Jesus the Christ for the Salvation of the world. None of this is coincidence it is the Divine Salvation plan of God & the fulfillment of the Prophecy of the New Covenant!!.... Part 11 to follow.


29June2022;Colossians1vs15to23.."The Supremacy of Christ", Part 11 of "Covenant Laws of God" - We have learnt about the Prophesies of the Child/Son and that the Word of God contained in the Holy Bible confirmed, it is Jesus the Christ,who God has Ordained to be the Salvation of mankind, through whom God was pleased to have all fullness dwell in Him.(Jesus the Christ). The Gospel of Jesus the Christ contained in the New Testament of the Holy Bible, confirms just that! Not only does the Gospel contain the historical events which took place in the time when Jesus walked the earth, it contains the eye witness account of what really took place! It also gives us revelation through the Holy Spirit of God, to understand the Supremacy of Christ, who is the image of the Invisible God, the firstborn over all Creation. Mankind, through the blood of Jesus shed on the Cross, was reconciled to God. The Holy Scriptures even goes further & whether things on "Earth" or things in "heaven", by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross. Earlier, we learnt about the blood of animals, which was used to set in place a "blood" Covenant between God & man. TODAY, we understand a "blood" Covenant cannot be changed, unless there is shedding of blood. This is the reason Jesus the Christ is referred to as the sacrificial lamb of God, for through the blood of Jesus shed on the cross, a New Covenant was set in place which has canceled the written code (the Old Covenant Laws of the prophets contained in the Torah/Old Testament of the Holy Bible).... PART 12 to follow...


30June2022;Romans8vs1to17....Part 12 Final "Covenant Laws of God". In summary; We learnt how far back the birth, life, crucifixion  & resurrection of Jesus the Christ was Prophesied by God and why everything needed to take place in the exact sequence as the Prophecy stated. For only through the fulfillment of the Prophecy through Jesus the Christ, have the Righteous requirements of the "Perfect Law" of God been met.! Today, we have a better understanding through the Holy Spirit of God' Revelation, what all of this means; Roman's 8vs1 explains it beautifully - "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.,because through Christ Jesus the Law of the  Spirit Life set me free from the Law of sin and death!" Do you notice how the Holy Word of God speaks about Christ Jesus, and not as Jesus Christ? It is because the Word Christ represents Deity, the Spiritual,! Jesus died 100% man on the cross, however more importantly was Resurrected by God Himself as Christ 100%Deity! " Those who listen to the Holy Spirit of God, which in vs 9 is called the" Spirit of Christ", and believe God sent His Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering, and so He condemned sin in sinful man in order that the Righteous requirements of the law might be met...! Those who do not believe in Jesus the Christ as being the Salvation plan of God for sinful man, need to understand

only in the Resurrected Christ is there Salvation & No Condemnation for those who believe in Christ Jesus the Son of God.! Christ Jesus is the Everlasting Covenant Law of God, which cannot be changed! Those who do not believe this, will bring upon themselves the unforgivable sin, which is to Blaspheme against the Holy Spirit of God, which leads us to Christ Jesus for the forgiveness of sins. If it was not for God's Grace & Love for sending His Son, we would never have escaped the full wrath of the" Perfect Law" of God, however through the blood of Jesus & the Resurrected Christ we are given the opportunity, for the Righteous requirements of the Law of the Spirit of life to set us free from the law of sin.Those who believe and repent & accept Christ Jesus as the Ordained Sin Offering of God who brings Salvation, will be saved by the blood of Jesus the Christ, which set in place the "New Covenant Law" of  Salvation, Love & Grace of God for mankind....This 12 part teaching can never fully explain all the details of God's Blood Covenant Laws, however is a spiritual seed planted. The full revelation & details are contained in the Holy Bible and Revealed by the Holy Spirit of God.......


01July2022;John1vs1to18 "The Word became Flesh" - Not many people understand the Profound message contained in the book of John 1; We will be teaching about this, for it explains the different "Ministries" of Christ Jesus our Lord, which was Ordained by God to take place. We have leant about the "Covenant Laws of God", about the Prophecies & Fulfillment thereof. Today's message is yet another fulfillment & eye witness account of what took place at the time John the Baptist walked the earth. - vs15to18 "John  testifies concerning him (Jesus the Christ). He cries out, saying," This was He of whom I said, 'He who comes after me has surpassed me because He was before me.'. From the fullness of his grace we have all received one Blessing after another. For the Law (Law of the Prophets/Old Covenant Laws) was given through Moses; Grace and Truth came through Jesus Christ"(New Covenant Law). "We need to understand the Holy Bible is not just a manmade" book", created by man's imagination, It is the Testimony of eye witness accounts of the message God has left for mankind to follow & obey. The "Written" Word of God which contains both the "Torah/Old Testament/Old Covenant Laws" & The Gospel of Jesus the Christ "New Testament/New Covenant Laws/Injil". When you study the Holy Bible, everything is "connected", in the Old Testament it shows mankind's "disobedience" to God & the prophecies of how God Promises to Reconcile sinful man to Him. Then in the New Testament, it shows Jesus the Christ's Obedience to God, which is the fulfillment of the Prophecies which brings the Righteousness from God in order for mankind to be Saved from the Law of Sin through Jesus the Christ...... PART 2 to follow...


02July2022;John1.. Part 2 "The Word became flesh".. The very 1st verse of John 1, holds the Profound Message to the different Ministries of Jesus the Christ. Even though we  as man think we make sense of everything, we are unable to fully UNDERSTAND! We have heard the Message of John 1, However how many understans it?.

1.In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, & the Word was God.

Now, let's go to Genesis 1vs1 - "In the beginning God Created the heavens and earth...... the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters" - vs2"And God said.".....Do you realize what is written here? The first two verses confirm the Word of God & The Spirit of God.! We have now gone back to the beginning as stated in John 1,& what have we found? We found God the Father, God the Word & God the Spirit, which confirms the "Trinity of God Almighty" ! If we jump to John1vs14, the Word of God is very clear, "The Word became flesh", so who is this?, The Word who became flesh is Jesus the Christ, however even though He was in the World, and though the world was made through Him, the world did not know Him." Even though" religious" people cannot make sense of this, the True Written Word of God contained in the Holy Bible makes it very clear Jesus is the Word of God, who became flesh! & through this very same Word of God, before He became Flesh He was the Holy Spirit of God hovering over the waters, & Once God gave the Command; As we read  " God Said - Let there be light...." , We need to understand the "Spiritual Word of God went out", and Created  everything. John1vs3 - Through him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. Many people do not understand this, for before the Word of God became flesh by the name of Jesus, it is very clear that the 1st Ministry of the Lord Jesus, was the "Holy Spirit Word of God"..... Part 3 to follow...


03July2022;Luke16.. "You cannot serve both God & money".. The topic of money is extremely sensitive.! The prosperity teachers will justify why you need to give them money and all the Promises of Blessings, which will be "shaken up, put together & running over!" Good, however they neglect to tell you it is not about the money!, it is about Obedience to God! They preach what the audience want to hear, how the "Blessings of money" will change their lives, how all their dreams will come true, etc.!Be very careful, these prosperity messages are bringing praise & worship to money, and detestable in God's sight. Vs15 "What is valued among men is detestable in God's sight." Instead the message they should be preaching is that God provides for 100% of your income, however within this income 10% does not belong to you, it belongs to God! Only 90% of belongs to you!! Not many people realize this, not many preachers teach this, if we read a little further in the same chapter, it shares the message of Lazarus & the rich man; The rich man had a beggar at his gate, & each day walked past him.You see, in the rich man's eyes his 100% income became his "god" and the people God had sent on his path for him to assist, he overlooked and instead of using the 10% which God had provided for to help those who God sent on his path, the rich man kept God's portion for himself! If we read from vs 10: "Whoever can be trusted with little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much..... vs 12 And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else's property, who will give you property of your own?. The Word of God is very clear, those who cannot be trusted with the 10%  God has provided to serve others, those are the people who just like the rich man, did not realize vs13 "No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money"....


04July2022; 2Corinthians9vs6to15....Yesterday we spoke about you cannot serve both God & Money, Today we see why sowing generously is important, for when we live a life of self indulgence, we create envy among others, however when we show Obedience and show we can be trusted to do what God commanded us to do, this is a service to God's people which overflows into thanks to God.!! The Word of God States ; "Thanks be to God for His Indescribable gift!"......


05July2022; John1 "The Word became flesh" When we study the Holy Bible, we realize through the Holy Spirit Revelation, everything written in the Torah/Old Testament, contains the Prophecies of the" One "who is to come, the" One" to be Born from a Virgin, The "One" who will be the Savior of the world, the "One" who Will be the bright Morning Star, the Apha & Omega, The Great "I Am", the Prince of Peace, the Messiah who is the Righteousness from God, the Son of God to fulfill the Righteous requirements of the "Perfect Law" of God, through whom those who believe, will be called children of God.! ONLY once everything God had prophesied through the prophets of old, was accomplished & fulfilled, could mankind make sense of the Great Love & Grace God has for mankind. The Gospel of Jesus the Christ, the New Testament of the Holy Bible, contains all the "Eye Witness" acccounts of the fulfillment of the prophecies. For through Jesus the Christ God's promises to the World was revealed. We need to understand, the very same Holy Spirit Word of God, which was there in the beginning, was Ordained by God to become flesh, in order for mankind to be reconciled to God. The Holy Spirit of God confirms this! for since the beginning the Holy Spirit of God was there and it bears witness to everything! We understand the Lord God had spoken to Moses on the mountain & we know about the burning bush, however we do not realize, this indeed was the "Holy Spirit Word of God", the great "I AM", the Cloud by day, the fireball by night,etc. The Holy Spirit Word of God, has always been guiding God's people, however the Israelites never understood this.see John1vs5. In actual fact they asked from the Lord the following ; "Let us not hear the voice of the Lord our God nor see his great fire anymore or we will die." Deuteronomy 5vs23-28.Pay special attention to what they asked, & why they

asked it, for they heard the "voice" of the Lord & feared for their lives. They did not understand it was in actual fact The Holy Spirit Word of God, the great "I Am" who is Lord that had spoken to them.Only when the Prophecies were fulfilled, was all of this written and recorded in the Gospel of Jesus the Christ, the New Testament Testimony in the Holy Bible. It was Jesus the Christ, who Confirmed this;"before Abraham was, "I AM"", it is only in the New Testament Gopel where it is stated Jesus is the Christ and Lord.! Today, we have received this revelation through The Holy Spirit Word of God, who had Spoken & lead God's people in the desert. This confirms the 2nd Ministry of the Holy Spirit Word of God, a Ministry which lead  God's people through the desert.!  Only through the Gospel of Jesus the Christ has this been confirmed & revealed by the Holy Spirit of God! Before Jesus took up the "ministry" in the flesh, He was the great "I AM" & later to be restored to His rightful place as the Deity of the Resurrected Christ....... PART 4 to follow...


06July2022; Part 4 - "The Word became flesh" Today, let us consider in Ancient Hebrews, there are three different words used in the Torah/Old Testament of the Bible that are translated as God; אל (el), אלוה (elo'ah) and אלהים (elohiym). The first of these is a two-letter parent root and is the foundation for the other two that are derived from it. We have learnt about the “Covenant Laws” of God, and are currently learning about the different “Ministries” of Jesus the Christ. However, to make sense of this, we need to understand how all of the above are written in the original ancient Hebrew language. In the English language, we distinguish between God with Capital “G”, god with small “g”, the word Lord, the word Trinity, the word Covenant,etc. However in ancient Hebrew this distinction is done in a different way which makes complete sense to Hebrew people, however when “directly” translated do not make sense in other languages.

El –(God Almighty -Represents God with Capital “G”)To uncover the original meaning of the Hebrew word אל (el) we will begin by looking at the original pictograph script as we did with the word חד (hhad). The pictographic form of אל is  where the first picture is the head of an ox, while the second is a shepherd staff.      El'oh –(The LORD; Represents the Covenant Laws of the Lord, Word of God)

The child root אלוה (eloah), derived from the parent root אל (el), encompasses the more specific meaning of the "yoke that binds." This word is usually translated as an "oath", the binding agreement between two parties when entering into a covenant relationship. The oath binds the two parties together, who promise to uphold the terms of the agreement, just as the yoke between the two oxen that are bound together by the yoke.

"And they said, 'we see that the LORD is with you and we said please, let there be a binding yoke between us, between us and you and let us make a covenant with you'."

Genesis 26:28Elohiym – ( God Almighty, God the Word, God the Spirit are One; Represents Creator & Trinity)

The word אלוה (eloah) is made plural by adding the suffix ים (iym) to the end of the word, forming the plural word אלהים (elohiym), and is used for "strong leaders that are bound to another" as can be seen in the following passages.

This plural word is also used for the Creator of the heavens and the earth and is the most common word translated as "God" in the Bible and is initially used in the first verse of the Bible.

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

Genesis 1:1 (NIV)

Once we make sense of the above, our understanding & the revelation of John 1, become more apparent..... PART5 to follow....


 07July2022; John1vs1&2; Part 5 "The Word Became Flesh". Considering the Revelation in Part 1 to Part 4; Let's go back & read John 1vs1&2 again. For once we understand what took place

according to the Scriptures, we see very clearly How God in His Infinite Wisdom, Love & Grace, set in place His Divine Salvation plan through the Messiah, Ordained By Him, confirming the "Holy Spirit Word is Lord" & in order for all the "Legal" requirement of the "Perfect Law" of God to be fulfilled!For until the time the Savior was born & Crucified, No man was able to comply with the

"Perfect Law" of God, & thus all of mankind was doomed to face the full Wrath of God.! However, because of God's Love & Grace, God remains faithful to His Covenant to David & as Promised & Prophecies confirm. The Holy Spirit Word of God became flesh (Jesus) in order for the requirements of the "Perfect Law" of God to be fulfilled!! Those who do not understand the Divine Salvation plan of God through Jesus the Christ & His Divine Intervention for having the "Holy Spirit Word" of God to become flesh, have no understanding of the different Ministries of Jesus the Christ, needed to fulfill before He (The Word of God became flesh). Everything God did was to reconcile sinful man to Himself however through all of this, mankind did not recognize Him.!.. PART 6 to follow...


08July2022;John1vs10to14; "The Word Became Flesh"... Part 6; We need to understand, mankind is limited to "Logical Carnal" understanding and as such will always measure and try and make sense of things within this "limited" carnal mindset, filled with emotions & logical arguments. Mankind " create" for themselves a " religious" point of view, and have done so since the beginning. This is why there are so many religions and belief systems, however without realizing it, these religions & traditions which originate solely from man, are in direct contradiction to reality. (to what really took place!) . The historic prophetic writings and eye witness accounts of actual events which took place & are recorded in the Holy Bible. These writings are questioned, not understanding the True revelation of the Scriptures are from the Holy Spirit of God, who is living Testimony for that which is written. No matter what mankind believe or not believe, the Holy Scripture contain a Message of Salvation through the One & Only " Word of God" who became flesh a message which  cannot be changed and has not changed!! , for it is the Message contained in the written Word, which God left behind for mankind to follow in order that no man will have an excuse, when the day of Judgement comes.When the Word of God says ;" The Word became fresh & made His dwelling among us, we have Seen  His Glory(These are the eye witnesses who had seen Jesus and testified about Him, first the Angels & then the Shepherds & other people), the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of Grace and Truth". We cannot dispute this!! We need to accept this was written and left as a Testimony & eye witness account for future generations to understand a Ministry Jesus was Ordained by God to fulfill in the flesh.! Pay special attention to what vs 11; "He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. (They actually accused him & Crucified Him), Yet to all who receive Him, to those who believed in his name he gave the right to become children of God. Children not born of natural decision or husband's will, but born of God!..... Part 7 to follow..


09July2022; John1, "The Word Became Flesh" - Part 7...We have learnt about the prophetic Word, which stated very clearly "This will be the Sign from the Lord - The virgin will be with child and she will give birth to a son....." What people do not realize, these specific words "Sign from the Lord", is the only measurement to Identify it is from God!!! Anything else, any fine sounding argument & any religion who claim something different to the "Sign" from the Lord, immediately proclaim their disobedience to God and even though they think they are praying to God Almighty, Creatie of heaven & Earth, they are not!! They have for  themselves "created" a "belief system" and a "god", which is Idolatry!!.. So perfect is the Word of God, that such people do not realize rejecting the "Sign" from the Lord, the Word which became flesh, they are rejecting the One & Only True God!!! Do not be deceived by fine sounding religious arguments created by the limited carnal understanding of man. For The Lord makes it very clear in Isaiah 55vs8,9-"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways.,declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.!"Be on your guard, for the deceitfull "logical" arguments of man and their religious perceptions, if things make" logical" sense in the minds of men, we need to compare it with the Word of God, for the chances are, these logical arguments are not from The Lord, for the Lord's thoughts and the Lord's ways are way higher than what mankind can fathom in their "Logical & Emotional" thinking...... PART 8 to follow...


10July2022; "The Word Became Flesh".... PART 8... We have learnt about the "Holy Spirit Word of God", - we have learnt about the " Lord" who led His people & with whom the Blood Covenant was made.We have learnt about the" Sign" from God, of the virgin who will give birth to a son, who is the "Messiah" who is to come. The Prophecy was fulfilled in the presence of Angels (Host of Heavenly beings & in the presence of the shepherds), not only were they witness to the fulfillment of the Prophecy, the Word of God tells us the name "Jesus" was given by Angels to the son which was born.! Everything took place by Divine Intervention from God, for at the very moment The "Holy Spirit Word of God"  gave up His Position of Authority & Deity, the Word became flesh. It was at this very point in time at the birth of Jesus, where the Holy Spirit Word of God took up his Ordained Ministry in the Flesh, in Obedience to God's Salvation plan for mankind. The Righteousness from God, to fulfill the Righteous requirements of God's "Perfect Law", which until the time of Jesus, no man could accomplish.! In summary the 3rd Ministry of the Word of God who is Lord, was to become flesh, in order for the Righteous Requirements of the "Perfect Law" of God to be fulfilled.! However, not everyone believes this, not everyone can see the connection between the Prophecies of the Old Testament & The Fulfillment of these Prophecies in the New Testament of the Holy Bible.! There are those who use Jeremiah 8vs8&9, to justify their own religion and their own belief systems!They actually are wise in their own eyes in the interpretation of God's Word, not understanding they are the ones the Scriptures are warning about. Those who "minipulate" the Scriptures only accepting certain books & not others, those who only accept certain translations and not others, those who rejected the "Word" of God whom we now know has been identified as Jesus", these are the people spoken about in the book of Jeremiah - "How can you say," We are wise, for we have the law of the Lord, "when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely? The wise will be put to shame ;they will be dismayed and trapped. Since they have rejected the "Word" of the "Lord", what kind of wisdom do they have? ". Do not be deceived by fine sounding arguments, stating the Word of God is    "Corrupted", for it is only those who think they are wise in their own " interpretation" of what is written, who corrupt the words written in the Scriptures..... PART 9 To follow....


11July2022;1Corinthians2vs6to16 "The Secret Wisdom of God Inspired & Revealed by the Holy Spirit of God". The Holy Bible is the written Word of God, however to those who attempt to apply "logic and human wisdom" to what is written, will always argue about translations, errors, timing, authors & every carnal argument, in an attempt to discourage people to believe in the written Word of God. Do not be deceived and do not be led astray by these "carnal" arguments, for the secret Wisdom of God is not in the physical text of the book, but in the Spiritual Message contained in the Holy Bible. The man without the Spirit of God, does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to them! However, the words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in Spiritual words, contain the hidden secret message of Salvation that God destined for our glory before time began.We need to understand the Holy Spirit of God is Omnipresent Spirit & bears witness to everything written in the Holy Bible from the beginning , for it is through the Holy Spirit of God, that the Secret Spiritual Message of the Holy Bible is Revealed.....


12July2022;John1vs15to18 - "The Word Became Flesh"... PART 9....When we read intently into the Word of God, the Holy Spirit of the Lord Reveals the Secrets of the Message God intended for those who believe. We also know without the Holy Spirit Revelation the entire Message of "The Word Became Flesh" is foolishness to those who do not believe. Do not be deceived by foolish talks &  carnal logical mindsets, for the Prophesy of John was written about in Isaiah40vs3 "A voice of one calling:" In the desert prepare the way for the Lord! "


13July2022; Luke24vs44to49-" The Word Became Flesh".. PART 10...Once we understand the written Word of God (The Holy Bible) is not just a "book", but Living Testimony of what took place, of Prophetic word of things to come, as written in the Torah/Old Testament & the Fulfillment of

these Prophecies recorded in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, The Injil/New Testament. Once understood, the Truth is revealed because the Prophetic Word of the Old Testament  is Proven to be from God, for everything camd True and is recorded in the Gospel of Jesus Christ the New Testament!Thus the Holy Bible is Proof through the Old Testament Prophecies & New Testament fulfillment thereof, that it is the Only True Written Word of God.! Do not be deceived, anyone who accepts the one without the other, stand in  disobedience to the Truth written in God's Word. As mankind we cannot accept the one and reject the other, we cannot dispute the written Word of God, for only in it's entirety through the Old Testament Prophecies & New Testament Fulfillment thereof, is the Truth revealed.Any person or religion who dare  question the Profound Message which is revelealed & Truth as recorded in the Old Testament Prophecies and the Fulfillment of these Prophecies as recorded in the New Testament, in actual fact these peoole display their own limited understanding of the Truth and display their own foolishness & folly! Instead of questioning the Profound Message in the written Word of God (The Holy Bible), they should be questioning their own belief system!.......


14July2022; "The Word Became Flesh".. PART 11... We have learnt about the "Covenant Laws of God", we are busy with the teaching of the different Ministries of the "Holy Spirit Word of God" and about "Prophecies & Fulfillment thereof" as is written in the Holy Bible. When the Word of God states ; " My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge" - Hosea4v6; These Words represent the Knowledge of God's Salvation plan to reconcile sinful man to Himself. The knowledge that the Holy Bible in itself contains all the Prophecies & Fulfillment thereof & because of this is proof, everything written in the Holy Bible is from God. The Profound Message contained in the Old Testament Prophecies & New Testament fulfillment, confirms this. Pay special attention to those who deny the Written Word of God, it is only those who do not accept the entire Old & New Testament (The Holy Bible)! By the Commands of God Himself, He stated how we can identify "False Prophets & Prophecy". The instruction is clear - "If a Prophecy comes True and is Fulfilled, the Message is from God, if not, it not from God!Do you see how the Holy Bible which consists of " The Old Testament Prophecies" & "The New Testament Fulfillment thereof", by default Proves itself to be from God?! DO NOT BE DECEIVED by the "Lying Pens of the Scribes" as the Word of God warns us in Jeremiah 8vs8; For these "Lying Pens of the Scribes", are those who do not accept the written Word of God in it's Entirety, ie: everything written in the Old Testament & New Testament of the Holy Bible.! We need to understand ; Man cannot "outsmart" the Holy Spirit Word of God, for everything written in the Holy Word of God is "Connected" by "Prophecy & Fulfillment thereof"! & it is only in the Holy Bible we find the Truth!! Anything else which does not contain the entire "Old Testament & New Testament" in One book, is according to the Commands from God, Not from Him! Any such writings or religions represent the "Lying pens" of the scribes, which God has warned us about!!.........


15July2022; "The Word Became Flesh"... PART 12..Once we understand the "Blood Covenant Law" of God, with all the Prophecies as written in the Torah/Old Testament of the Holy Bible, we then realize everything written in the Gospel of Jesus the Christ the Injil/New Testament of the very same Holy Bible is Confirmation from God, for in the Gospel of Jesus the Christ the fulfillment of the Prophecies are recorded. It is clear the 3rd Ministry of the "Holy Spirit Word of God", was for the "Word to Become Flesh", through the Virgin birth of a son, in the presence of Angels & Shepherds who are the eye witnesses to bear Testimony of what took place. This Child which was born, is the Sign from God to mankind, confirming God's Faithfulness & Blood Covenant.Not only was it spoken about a child to be born, the Prophecy is clear, it will be a male child(son), who will be the Righteousness from God and was given the name Jesus by the Angels who witnessed the fulfillment of the prophecy about the sign from God Himself. We need to understand the "Word who Bcame Flesh" was 100% Carnal being, God Ordained for the "Holy Spirit Word" to set aside His position of Authority as Deity and take up the flesh, in order for the requirements of the "Perfect Law" of God to be fulfilled. Something which no man could achieve throughout history. So God took it upon Himself to send a Savior, the Righteousness from Him, to reconcile mankind to Him through His Blood shed on the cross. This was thw only way, according to the "Perfect Law" of God to be fulfilled and the "Blood Covenant Law" of God Tobe replaced with the New Blood Covenant Law of Salvation, to reconcile mankind to God. The moment Jesus the 100% man called out to God on the Cross, there are" three "distinct things Jesus as 100% man cried out to God the Father.

1.The Matthew 27vs45 & Mark 15vs33; Jesus cried out in agony on the Cross at about the ninth hour "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?" which means "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" These words confirm that "Jesus" was 100% Carnal man. However, JESUS being the "Word who Became Flesh" by crying out these Words, set in motion the most Profound Answer from God, Immediately one of them who heard this ran and got a sponge and filled it with wine vinegar, put it on a Hissop stick and let Jesus drink. At that very moment the wine vinegar mixed with water entered Jesus' mouth, there was a great earthquake, the Curtain of the Temple seperatung the Most Holy of Holy  Tore in two. straight after the Curtain Tore Jesus cried out to God the Father and said (2)"It is finish", and the last Words before Jesus blew out His breath was (3)"Father, into your hands I commit my Spirit!". Until the very last breath of Jesus, He remained Faithful to Fulfill the entire Prophecy of God and ensured through His Blood a "New Blood Covenant" was set in place, which replaced the "Old Blood Covenant." At the Cross, at the death of Jesus the Ministry of the "Word of God Became Flesh" the 3rd Ministry which was through "Jesus the 100% man" , the Son born from a Virgin, the Messiah, the Sacrificial Lamb, the Son of God, the Ministry of Jesus ended, however the 4th Ministry of Christ 100% Deity started!! ...Part 13 to follow EXPLAINING the sequence of events at the crucifixion, for within this, other Prophecies were fulfilled aswell paving the way for the 4th Ministry of the "Holy Spirit Word of God"........


16July2022; Hebrews 9vs1to27.. - Part 13 "The Word Became Flesh". Once we understand the Message in the Holy Bible, we realize everything needed to take place in the exact sequence God had Ordained. Yesterday, we learnt about the Last Words of Jesus on the Cross, let's understand the Profound Revelation in these Words. In the Old Covenant Laws there were Specific Commands God had given Moses to follow when making "Atonement" sacrifices & there were specific Commands about entering the Most "Holy of Holy". We learn about Hyssop branches dipped into  Blood & water and Sprinkled over the Tabernacle, once the High Priest entered into the Most "Holy of Holy". When Jesus was Crucified, the sponge filled with wine vinagar & water set on a Hyssop stick, immediately set in place the "legal requirements" of preperation for the High Priest to enter in behind the Curtain.At the moment the earthquake came and the Curtain tore in the Temple, God confirmed that He accepted the Blood Sacrifice of Jesus and immediately set in place the New Covenant, which destroyed the Old Covenant Rules and Regulations which needed to be obeyed  before a High Priest could enter behind the curtain. By tearing the curtain, Jesus the Christ immediately became the Supreme High Priest of the New Covenant through His Blood shed on the Cross, This God Confirmed by the earthquake which Tore the Curtain. Once Jesus experienced God's acceptance of His Sacrifice, Jesus Cried out "It is Finish". Do not be deceived by fine sounding logical manmade arguments! The Ministry of a Jesus 100% man, needed to take place to fulfill the legal requirements of the "Perfect Law" of God. These events needed to take place in order for the Resurrected Christ 100% Deity to Return to His Place of Authority in Heaven as the "Holy Spirit Word of God", which has reconciled sinful man to God through the  New Blood Covenant of Jesus the Christ as confirmed by the tearing of the Curtain, showing Jesus the Christ has fulfilled the Law and He is the "Curtain" the Atoning Sacrifice and Intercessor between man & God..... PART 14 to follow..


17July2022; Colossians1bs15to2vs5; Part 14 "The Word Became Flesh". Do not be deceived by fine sounding arguments, Within the Holy Bible there is only "One" Message & This Message is for us to be encouraged in heart, united in love, so that we may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that we may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of Wisdom & Knowledge.! Those who focus on Translation, on interpretation, on who wrote, which books, when were these books written, why there are books included & excluded,etc and every carnal logical argument mankind can think of, are missing the "Spiritual Message" the hidden Secrets to God's Salvation plan for mankind! . These people neglect to understand the different Ministries of "The Holy Spirit Word of God", which ultimately lead us to the Resurrected Christ in whom all the Fullness of God Dwells.! Today, we will learn about the 4th Ministry of the "The Holy Spirit Word" of God which is Ordained By God by the the Crucified Jesus 100% carnal man to be the Resurrected Christ 100% Deity, which explains the Supremacy of Christ. Colossians 1vs15to20 explains it perfectly and without any doubt who and what the Resurrected Christ Represents; "He is the image of the invisible God, the first born over all Creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible & invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities ;all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all all things hold together... " Those who do not understand the" Message" contained in the Holy Bible from Genesis to Revelation, cannot fathom God's Salvation plan;for everything needed to take place in the exact sequence as Stated in the Holy Bible through the Torah/Old Testament Prophecies & The Injil/New Testament Gospel of Jesus the Christ. For Only through Christ is the Mystery of God Revealed..... PART 15 to Follow.


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